
by Layne Mittens

Chapter 3: PI- Awakened

Princess Infinate sat on her throne in worry. Moments ago her gold necklace had lit up, it gave her a warm warning. Something was wrong.
She was the Princess of Time and Spirt, the only reason that her necklace would light up is because of something needed to be fixed now to save the future or fix the past for the future. It was sweet to be able to to go back in time and to the future, but her powers were very limited, like a law. Sure she could do anything she wanted to, but as an Alicorn, she was a princess and it was her duty to keep time happening the way fate wanted it to. Sometimes she didn't know if something was supposed to happen the way it did, but in her heart she knew what had to be done, even if it was hard to do. That's why Celestia gave her her the necklace, not only did help find what was right, it also helped her when something was terribly wrong with someone's spirit. Spirit was a mere hobby. Time was what she was known for.
Her necklace was warmer then usual, only one thing could lead to that. Fluttershy!
"The spell cannot be broken, I can't let her remember the tragedy." Nor did she want to be reminded of that event. She shook her head. And tried to block it. Then stood up and walked over to her siblings old bedrooms. Then started to rain out of her eyes. Until the warmth, she hadn't thought about them in so long. It had so lonely in her palace. Only Blazing Wings, her squire as you could say, could keep her company. Her squire was about a year older than her younger siblings. "Blazer!" A young stallion came in to the room. He had a silver gray body with a blue and gold layered mane. "Can you hand my communication spells book? I have no clue where it is." He nodded. The Pegasus flew back quicker than before he began. Aqua swirls of magic formed around her horn as she began the teleportation spell.
The whole room went white as it warped out into infinity. A place that was dark where the stars floated around her. Only for a few moments she was there then infinity faded to Canterlot. She arrived on the Palace's balcony. "Infinate what a pleasant surprise." Infinate turned around to see a dark coat with a glossy night mane.
"Luna!" Infinate ran to hug Luna. "I was wondering if I could talk you and Celestia. It's very important." Luna nodded.
"Celestia, you have a visitor." Celestia in the Palace's garden. She looked up and spread her wings. She walked gracefully on the air, placing her hooves gently on the balcony.
"Infinate what do you need?" Infinate sighed.
"The necklace warmed and light, more then usual I believe 'she' found out." Infinate ashamly rubbed her light green fur. "I don't know what I should do."
"Be calm young princess, you may be jumping too conclusions."
"That's one of the reasons why I came to see you."
"Very well it doesn't hurt to see what is going on." Celestia's magic swarmed around her to portray an image of Fluttershy. Infinate's stomach knotted. Seeing her once again, a picture of fluttershy. Not memories of when she was a young fillly. She was just about all grown up. Infinate hadn't seen her since well almost forever, she had pictured what Fluttershy would look like when she was older, but she was more beautiful then she had ever imagined. "Infinate, I need your help." Infinate was confused. "You also have the gift of spirit, we need to look into her mind to see what has happened." Infinate joined the spell. Adding blue magic to Celestia's yellow. Oddly it didn't turn green. Fluttershy mind reading everything, she thought off. It's as if she was speaking right to her. "Those creatures they had red glowing eyes, what in Celestia are they?" "Just keep calm Fluttershy, Twilight will know what to do." "Just a while before I was walking around worrying who my family was and what was my place in life, now I'm being attacked by the eeriest things in the world."
"Wait, so she has been triggered to learning about her past." Then Infinate stopped, "She's being attacked by demons or something. Celestia, Luna we have to do something!"
"Perhaps we don't, it is fate my dear Infinate. Your necklace can prove that to you. Fluttershy and Twilight will know what to do it is all meant to happen "
Celestia put hoof to her mouth. "Young Princess, be calm now if they were in real harm and danger I would have done something moments ago" Infinate let out a slow breath, that felt as is it took tons of pounds of her shoulders. "We have evidence, to maybe look more into what is going on."
"But how?"
"Luna!" Luna looked up, awkwardly sitting in a chair alone. "Luna you can look into her dreams to see what is going on."
"You want me?" Luna looked very surprised and walked over. Luna's indigo magic combined with the aqua and gold magic. Soon they came to an familiar place. The forest that separated the Evil Lord Reaper and Infinate's palace.
Lord Reaper was cornering poor young Fluttershy. She was unaware of Reaper's next move. A dusty, ugly yellow, fuzzy pictured lightening bolt seemed to just about touch her and tear out her soul. "Fluttershy, look out!" Her twin, Lightening Shield pushed her out of the way. He then was shocked and electrified piercing himself right too death. Reaper evily laughed in the way that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand out. "NOOO!!!!" Fluttershy cried.
Then that was all for that moment. "Oh my gosh, that shook me more then I remember seeing it the first time."
"Hush now, Infinate there is one more dream we must go to." Luna told.
This dream was much different then the last one Fluttershy had. Images flickered too fast for her to tell what was going on, but that was probably the point. Then some things did slow down too see a teenage version of Infinate and young little Lightening Shield.
Infinate felt warm also seeing her brother once more, but moment quickly ended as the dream faded back to Canterlot. She then sighed. "So it is true, Futtershy is learning her past. I was afraid this will happen. If things get worse, Reaper could easily break the shield and attack us hurt more of the people I love and ruin even more things and take over the whole magical metropolis."
"Infinate tell me more about the spell you cast on the day you sent away Fluttershy," Celestia asked.
"The spell was supposed to make her forget she had a twin, never let her think of me. That made her lose her cutie mark just in case it somehow caused her a memory. I had to rid her of her horn so she couldn't figure out with magic either. I also had to shield out The Lord from attacking, he wants nothing more then everyone's soul, specifically royalty. His goal was to get Fluttershy's. since she doesn't know about her true self, she isn't an Alicorn at the moment, since she isn't a alicorn he can't attack her which is making him weak. If she does figure out, well it'll be the domino effect."
Luna straightened "Wait doesn't he have a bloody bolt as his signature?" Infinate nodded in suspicion. "That's what those demon-things had for a 'cutie mark' each one if them. He must be controlling them."
"Of course Fluttershy knowing what she knows, he is able to seep through and attack her or some pony else. What do we do?"
"The elements of harmony will help, they always do, they generate a powers no pony could preform alone."
"But that will require Fluttershy and her represneting kindness?" Luna asked
"Yes, my dear sister, but perhaps we could block her from what is going on!"
"I suppose that could work. Bring Fluttershy and her friends over to the Forever Palace. Just make sure Fluttershy doesn't figure out what is happening. We will need all the help we can get." So it was settled. Infinate shown her aqua magic and returned back to the beautiful place of infinity. She felt so at home. After all it was her cutie mark.
She arrived back to her own palace. "Welcome back Princess!" Blazing Wings happily shouted.
"Thank you Blazer, we must prepare we are having some visitors in the near future."
"Sweet, this sounds fun!"
"Not quite, Blazer. Everything needs to go right or we could lead to another war."
"Princess will this involve your sister, Fluttershy?"
Infinate nodded. Changing the subject, "I'm going to step outside for a moment." She was curious about the magic shield. Blazer nodded. And she headed down the steps. Heading outside into the beautiful night sky, she was amazed, it was so peaceful. Her hooves felt a cool liquid beneath her. She looked down to see a pool of red. She then looked forward to see where it came from.
A young filly lay on her door steps covered with red slashes and eyes popped out. The princess backed away, and held a hoof to her mouth to keep her from barfing. 'They had better get here fast' she thought to herself.