(CANCELLED) Discorded POV: Multiverse edition

by WaLC11holio

Chapter 1: Quit Staring!

Hello. My name is Weegee Alunther Weegee, and I have had to deal with ponies screaming at me my whole life. I don't get it. All I've done is turn other beings into clones of myself. Nothing too creepy. Heck, I've even shown my generous side about 20-or-so years ago to a little filly who made me laugh. I have gifted her with a stare of her own, but did she thank me? Nooooooo, she had to run away before I could explain her ability to her. Something tells me that she managed to gain control of her stare by herself, as I have heard that somepony had stared down a dragon a couple of years ago. But I digress, I have bigger problems to deal with. Discord is going to try to take over the multiverse, my universe included. He's split us up into teams of between-three-and-ten to gather artifacts of power that can stop him. I have ended up on a team of six: Me, an annoying orange guy (suitably named Orange), some idiot who's into metal (His name is Butt-Head), a guy who does way too many drugs (Towelie), a green weirdo whose speech patterns and mannerisms make absolutely no sense (he calls himself Fawful), and Tails Doll, one of my best friends. We sort of empathize each other, both of us being unnecessarily feared. So he decided to try on his Nightmare Night costume a bit early, that's no reason to shout "demon" at him! Heck, when he tried to apologize to Tails for giving him nightmares, Tails just punted him away. The poor guy, he's just an innocent robot who wants to be loved, and me and the rest of his friends are there to show him that he is.

Anyway, we are supposed to find these things called the pure hearts. So, he put us in a maze, split us up, and rendered all wings and horns involved either removed or useless. Now I'm alone, my only companion being the black-and-white walls of the Castle Bleck maze. I walked through the depths and darkness, alone and with caution. I had to find my friend. Oh, and those other guys, too.

I had to keep diligent. Eyes on the prize that you don't know where is, Weegee, I thought. I went on my way through the crazed maze, thinking about what I would do to Discord when I got out of here. I was tired of being forced to trudge like this. All alone, no magic, no flight. At least that bastard Discord was considerate enough to let me keep my wings and horn. For that, his death will be slightly less slow and dreadful. If I decide to kill him, of course. A being like that could become an invaluable Weegee Clone. I went along, devilishly considering my options when I saw an eye with a blue pupil and a red sclera. I walked up to the eye. It looked very similar to my cutie mark. Eerily similar. I examined the eye to see it blink. The eye was soon joined by a mirror image of it and a twisted red mouth. "Sad, isn't it?" the face said. To this I just had to ask:
"That they all stare at you so..."
I looked around to find more, unidentical eyes. That crazy face wasn't kidding.
"So what?"
"Look closely into them"
I looked at the eyes to find them looking empty; soulless.
"So they look soulless. What the buck is your point?"
"They are evil mirror eyes, made by Discord to stare into your soul and show it back at you."
"What? But they look so--"
"Soulless?" the face interrupted, going into a depressed expression, "...Then that is the truth."
"But...that....can't.....be......" I said. I don't know how this weird face is so convincing, but after all of those accusations made by other ponies, what he said cut deep.
"Oh, but it is, I'm afraid. And they'll keep on staring, mocking you with what you could never find in your heart to tell yourself."
"NO! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" I shouted, I was starting to snap, and something tells me that the eyes wanted that. "STOP IT!!!" I screamed, but they wouldn't stop. They were staring into my soul, or, at least my lack of one...

Sometimes the things you dread the most are the things that are shown to you too late for you to get over them. Life is so full of bad things, that when you find them, you can never find yourself able to completely recover. Resources are limited, crime happens, there are fights over opinions. The world is cruel and unforgiving, and will not hesitate to show it. What to do? Ignorance is bliss, and my eyes have been opened to the cruelty of the world. Yes... Ignorance is bliss....... If I force the cruelty to leave, then I'll be free............. I need help, and I need me to pick myself up from this horror story......................... I need no one else, they're all out to get me................................................. To stare at me............................................................. WeLl I cAn SaVe EvErYoNe By MySeLf............................................................................................ YeS, jUsT mE............................................................................................................................. iF oNlY iT wErE tHaT eAsY.................................................................................................................................................. iF oNlY i CoUlD gEt ThEm To...

"QuIt StArInG aT mE!!!!!!!!!" I commanded at the top of my voice. It seemed to scare off the eyes. Thank goodness.

But it seems that my jubilation was premature. The ground started shaking. The outlines of one of the black-and-white walls dissapeared and the wall itself followed suit. When the dust cleared, I saw none other than Fawful, that goofy madman's smile still on his face.
"Oh, thank the goodnesses. It is the reunitingness with the Weegee." he said, his crazed pattern of speech still indecipherable.
"Why" I said. I know what you're up to, Fawful, but my soul is for my eyes alone. "Did you need something to stare at?"
"What? Your accusingnesses makes less sensings than the pythagorean ketchup. Have you the brain worms?"

Oh, so that's how you wanna play it, huh? You want to harm ME? Well, you'll see what kind of defence I have.
"Pleasedonthurtme!" I shouted in a single-word sentence as I flinched.
"I will never quite have the understandening of you, shall I, Weegee-of-the-cowardice-of-a-jar-of-mayonnaise?" Fawful said confused. My defence worked.
"Take my money, just don't hurt me!"

The world is wonderful, but only if you avoid all suspicious things. It took me a while to finally trust Fawful, but you can never be too careful. You only live once after all, and doing stupid stuff cuts that life short. Friends don't help you; they only make things worse. They only give you more to worry about. You only live once my "friends", you only live once.
