//------------------------------// // Premonition // Story: Premonition // by EndlessKnight980 //------------------------------// Kindle walk around village. The building seem bent out of shape. Like a giant had lean on them. The were bent up in a like old trees trunks. he walk down the stone path. Everyone was looking at him. He look down. There was blood on the ground. He cocked his head to the side. then look down. am i bleeding? He look up. There was smoke pouring from a building a head. He had the feeling that he needed to get there. He try to run to in but his hooves were stuck in the mud. It seem to wrap around them. He look back to the burning Building. It was engulf in flames. He felt the ground sucking him down. His head was soon cover. he awake. He was breathing hard. He look around. Just another dream. To be Correct. It was the same dream he had been having for as long as he could been curse. But then again he didn’t know how long that was. He had stop counting his days in this god forsake room. There were dresses all around him. A few desks and another bed. Kindle stood up. He look in a mirror. His brown mane was a long mess. It drag on the ground. He floated his bag over. Pulling out a comb. He look at the comb. Then the mirror. Then throw it away. Why bother. Who going to see it anyway. He been in the room for so many years. Celestia had put him there after his last attempt on her live. he smell something foe. He pick up his dirty green leg and smell. He hope the Princess would grace him with a bar of soap. He could hardly seen his blue hair. But she only sent her guards to bring food and water. Nothing more. he heard his stomach growl. He sigh. It would hours before anything would be serve. Kindle walk to the door. Sat down and lead his back on the iron door. It was cold. he smile at his room. They were using it for storage before they trap him in it. The things in here were very old. Then again he was very old. He close his eyes and remember how he had gotten stuck in this mess. He was once a royal mage. Under the common of Celestia herself. She had order the banishment of her sister Princes Luna. But that was an order he couldn’t follow. He believe in her ways. He fought back giving Luna time to escape. Celestia court marshal after refusing to follow order. A short time after the moon Princess was Banishment. He made plans to over throw Celestia and return Luna to her rightful place. "I had soon found others who believe in his cause." He started to talk to himself. "They attack the castle. He lead the charge. With a single flip of her wing. She defeated them all. Feeling that I needed to learn a lessen. The Princess had the graces to curse me. I would never age. Never die and never know the feel of another pony ever again." he sigh. I miss being able to feel. He thought as he knee into the dresser hard. A few years later she had return. Offering a deal. he smile remembering it. In exchange for his help in finding the spirit of chaos. She would release him. Foulest Celestia. She never knew. I went along with her deal. I soon found the spirit causing trouble in a small village. I reported him back to Celestia. But little did she know. I had told Discord about her. The Battle was great. Or so I was told. I didn’t stay to watch. I had other plans. I needed to get to the Canterlot royal library. I needed to find a spell to return Luna. I only had time to learn one spell before Celestia return. I remember turning to put a book back. Celestia was standing in the doorway. Looking like she had been through a rose bush. She was cover in small cuts all over and her fur and mane was all a mess. he smile as he remember how mad she look. He had almost thought she was a changelings. The only thing I could do was run. Not knowing at the time I was running to my own prison. She chase me throughout the castle. I soon found myself in the lower quarters. I ran into this room and hid. he open his eyes. Remembering Celestia. Standing in the doorway. “KINDLE WOOD. FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE CROWN. I HERE BY IMPRISON YOU HERE IN A ROOM OF YOUR CHOOSING.” She had Yell in the royal canterlot voice. After that she slam the iron door and seal the whole room. I knew it was the whole room. He remember once trying to tunnel out. He found a magic barrier blocking him. Kindle heard hooves steps. “Ah, time for my meal. At lest she feeds me.” he said standing up. He wonder what they made for him today. More bread and water. He smile at the thought of a simple hamburger or PB&J. He waited for the door to open and his food to push pass the barrier. he went through the step they take. First the hooves step would stop. They did. Second. The sound of the locks. Unlocking. They click as they unlock. As always. Third the doorknob would turn. He watch as the doorknob turn. Last. The hinges would wine as they door open. The door rusty hinges wine as the door open. Like clock work he thought. Then he saw something he never thought he see. Either he was in shock or disbelieve. Celestia was standing in the doorway. But however he felt he didn’t show it. “Hello Kindle Wood. We need to talk.” she said. “I should feel honor to have the Princess grace me with her present.” he said walking over to a chair. He sat down and cross his arms. He was not please. He never like seeing her. “So what can I do for you today? Another deal for my freedom.” he mock her. She narrow her eyes. She was not amused. he didn’t care. The madder she got. The better time he was having. “Well I guess you don’t want to leave.” she said. he lead back in the chair balancing on two legs. “Right. You going to let me out. Knowing that as long as Luna is Banish. I’ll keep trying to destroy you.” he said looking up. Paying her no mind. She seem to be getting angry. She was use to pony’s showing her respect. he know this and was loving it. “I have a deal for you.” she said. he lead his chair forward and raise a Eyebrow. “What do you take me for Celestia? A Fool? Your deal is just a way of trying to get me to change. But hear this. I will destroy you. Nothing you could say would change my mine.” he said closing his eyes and turning the chair around. “Will you change your mind for me?” Kindle froze. He remember that voice. But it couldn’t be. He turn around. Luna was standing next to Celestia. he quickly jump out of the chair falling over it. He fell on to the floor. He stood up. Stepping on his mane. He quickly Pull out. He then bow and put a hove across his chest. “Princess Luna. You have return.” she look at him in shock. He was a raggedly looking pony. “Arise. Kindle wood.” She said raising a hove. he stood. He could hardly believe Princess Luna was here. “You have serve your time Kindle. However. Your vow to destroy my sister. This conscious me. How can we free you if your bent on destroying her?” she told him. he look to Celestia. He hated her so. She was everything he hated in the world. Given the chance he would kill her here and now. “I would do anything for you Princess Luna. You need only order it.” he said holding his head up high. “Very well. Then I order you.” she pause. Making shore she had his full attention. “To Give up on you vow. To Never harm my sister. Is that understood?” he froze. He had always thought of nothing but revenge. He didn’t know if he could do it. It wasn’t like he was a guard anymore. But he would do anything for Princess Luna. “My lady. I can promise not to harm any pony. But your sister is another matter. I can not forgive her.” he told her. He turn and floated up his comb and place it in his bag. He floated his bag on his back. “However.” he turn around facing them. “I could be willing to let my vendetta go if Princess Celestia would be willing to do a few thing for me.” he said with a smile. Luna look to Celestia. They look back to him. “What do you want me to do?” she ask. Kindle Smile. “Give me the ability to feel again.” he said slamming his head through a desk. It shatter into pieces. They jump as the wood flew into the air. He smile. He had a lot of time to work out. Everyday for five hours. “So do we have a deal?” They look at each others. Then Celestia horn glow. She walk into the room. “Deal.” she said hitting him with a of red light. Kindle laugh like a crazy pony. He grab his head. "It hurts. It hurts. I hadn’t felt a thing in so long.” he said in joy. “Alright. So what is it you need?” he said looking to Celestia. she stood there wondering if she had just made a mistake. “There has been trouble in ponyville. Thing happening with no reason. Pony going missing.” she told him. “That it. Why not just have some of your guard invest agent.” he said hitting his knee into the bed post. He jump in pain. Still laughing. “I have. But they vanish.” she told him. “Vanish?” he ask as he kick the bedpost again. This time with a different leg. Causing himself more pain. “How did they Vanish?” he ask. “The only thing we know is that they enter the ever free forests. Then never came out.” She said as he use magic to wrap his hair up in a ball. He held it there. “Alright. I’ll do it. But first I need five things before going.” Celestia look at him. “What?” she ask as Luna enter the room. “First I need a hair cut.” he said “Done.” she said. “Second. I need a bath.” “Done.” “Third. I would like to have dinner with Princess Luna.” “Done.” Celestia said. Luna giving her a look of disapproval. Celestia mouth the word. Please. She nodded and rolled her eyes. “Forth. I need a new outfit. This one kind of old and ratty.” he said putting a piece of his coat off. “Done. And you final request?” she ask. “This.” he walk over to Luna and kiss her on the lips. Luna stood there in shock. Celestia was surprise. Luna quickly back away and slap him across the face. “I wanted to do that for years. Now let get going. I got a job to do.” he smile. Celestia and Luna looking upset at him. --------------------(hours Later)------------------------------ “Ah that it nice and short.” Kindle said as to pony’s cut his blue mane. He look over different picture of mane. He had pick a short spike mane. It would rest just below his ears. At the same time pony’s wash him. They had finish washing him 10 minute ago. He was only enjoying the feeling of the brushes. Another group of pony’s came out with a clothing rack. he look at them. “By the Moon. Is that what pony’s are wearing now a days. It ghastly. I’ll will have to put something more suitable together myself.” he wave for a Pony with a mirror. he stood up and walk over to the clothing rack. He found a red shirt. He put a brown suit top over that. An black bow tie. He the look at all the hats. He found a black hat. “What this call?” he ask one of the pony by the rack. “It an Eight-point cap sir. also know as a Gatsby cap or Newsboy cap.” “I like it.” he said placing it on his head. He pick out a set of brown hove covers. A green earth pony in a black suit walk into the room. “The princess is waiting for you in the east wing sir.” “Very well. I’ll be there in a moment.” he said finding a silver pocket watch in on of the other suits. He quickly pocketing it. Along with a gold one and another silver one as he look through the other suit. He then saw a red hat with black tattles. He grab it and place it in his old bag. The other pony’s look at him. “She told me to take what I need.” he said heading of to the east wing. he walk into the room. There was a large table. It had silver wear and silver platters. There were candles lit already. Kindle took a set and waited. He put the Pocket watches. He fit a Silver on his suit pocket. He put the other in his bag. Luna enter the room with a pair of guards. They had spears. he stood up to greet her. But the guards block him. He smile. Knowing it was because of the kiss. “Good evening Princess Luna.” he bow. She stuck he nose in the air at him. She took her set. he sat down. “How are you tonight?” he ask. Luna look away. She didn’t want to be there. he smile. He knew what was going on. He had only ask for dinner with her. He had said nothing about talking. “So Princess. How did your banishment go?” he ask. Trying to get her to say something. “How dare you.” she was angry. He smile. He know that work. “I’m sorry. But I did manage to get to talk.” he said. “You have to be one of the most horrible pony’s I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.” she stood up and head for the door. “You met me one before. Or have you forgotten.” he said. she stop and look confuse. “What?” she said. “Yes. The day you try to over throw you dear sister. I was the one who delay her long enough for you to escape.” he told her. She turn around. “That still doesn’t excuse you.” She was still mad. he sigh. “I’m sorry for everything.” She look at him with an odd look. “Your sorry?” she said. He nodded yes. “If I offended you in anyway. I’m sorry. I just haven’t had any pony to talk to in the last few years.” he said with a looking down and fighting back tears. “Well. Maybe I was a little hares. But you didn’t make this any easier.” she said sitting back down. “I promise to be more of a gentle colt. I was just enjoying the being able to feel again.” he said with a wink. Thinking about the kiss. “Yes Well. I was told you were a mage.” she said as Pony brought the food out. “Yes I train under one of master Zend Student. She was an odd Unicorn. But funny. She know how to tell a good joke. I remember this one time. She shrank all the guards armor down by two sizes. They all look funny as they work that day.” he continue on for another hour. Luna just sat there and space out. “So what do you think?” he ask. she look up not listen. “I’m sorry. I was enjoying this food. What did you say?” she said. “I ask you. What you think about castle live verses country?” But before she going to answer Celestia walk in. Kindle mood went south. So far south that there were polar bears. “Kindle. It time for you to leave.” She said to Luna enjoyment. “Alright. So how am I getting to this Ponyville?” he ask as he stood up. He floated his bags on. “You’ll be traveling by train.” she said. he raise an eyebrow. “Train? What that?” he ask. Celestia smile. “I’m a-wear that you been gone for some time now. So I prepare you a companion for you.” she wave to the door. A orange Pegasus with a green mane enter the room. “Kindle. This is Fireball. She will be your guide.” He look over the Pegasus. She was pretty for a Pegasus. She had a green and blue fireball on her flank. he could tell she wasn’t happy about something. He guess it was about being his guide. “Fireball. This is Kindle. He the one we talk about.” she walk up to him. She look him over. he felt uneasy as she did. She nodded to Celestia. “Alright. let go.” Celestia said. he had the feeling he was not going to like this. “Princess Luna. Always a pleasure. Celestia. Bit me.” he said walk out the room and follow Fireball. ---------------------------------(short time later)--------------------------------------- “So. Fireball What did you do to get stuck colt sitting me?” he ask as they boarded the Train. She stay silence. He follow her to there car. She sat down and look out the window. he sat down across from her. The train started to move. “So. If I understand this right. Your going to tell me about the new things in the world.” he said trying to get her to talk. She didn’t move. She just stair out the window. She didn’t talk the whole trip. As they left the train they we’re greeted by a Purple Alicorn. “Hello. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia told me you were coming.” she said putting her hove out. “Good. Let get going.” he said walking past her. Smacking her hove. she was a little confuse. He was very rude she thought. “Come now. I don’t have all day. I like to solve this thing and get going.” he said calling to her. She shot him a look of dislike. She walk over and lead him to the edge of the forest. “Here you are.” she told them. he walk to the edge of the forest. “My friend Zecora live in there. But no one seen her for weeks now.” she said. he put a hove up to stop Twilight from talking. He needed time to think. He smell the air and look at the plants. “What time did the Guards enter the forest?” he ask. “It was just after the sun went down.” she said. he look over a fireball. She look irradiated. he look up at the sun. It would be down in an hour. “Fireball. We need to gather supplies. Let go.” she rolled her eyes and sigh. “Do she ever say anything?” Twilight ask. “Not as long as I’ve know her.” he said heading back into PonyVille. ----------------(Hour later)------------- An half hour later he had gather his supplies. They walk out of the camp Equipment shop. “FIREBALL!” Kindle raise a eyebrow as a pink earth Pony ran up. “PINKY PIE!” Fireball yell. his mouth fell open. Not only did fireball talk but her voice was like an angel. The two pony’s huge and jump around. They started talking about how long it been. “O how this?” Pinky ask looking over to Kindle. He smile at them. Waiting to hear what she was going to say about him. “This is Kindle wood. He here to find the missing guards.” she told her. “If you what. You can stay here with you friend. I’ll get back to work.” Kindle told her. She rase her eyebrow. “Don’t worry. Twilight can look after me.” he said looking to her. “Look after?” she ask confuse. “Yes the Princess Celestia doesn’t truths me. But who can blame her.” he said with a smile. Twilight raise and eyebrow at him. “Fine. I’ll look after him.” Fireball walk over to twilight and whisper in her ear. he had the feeling she was warning her about him. There was no need. He had Promise the true Princess not to do anything. Twilight seem to be on her guard as they walk back to the forest. he smile and decided to put her at ease. “You should know. I’m not planing anything. Celestia just being careful. I try to kill her once and she didn’t like it.” Twilight jaw drop open. he cocked an eyebrow. “You try to do what?” she said in shock. “It was a long time ago. She never really forgiven me. But then again I never forgiven her for banishing Princess Luna.” he said. she look at him in disbelief. “Why are you telling me this?” she ask. “I can only guess that Fireball just told you to keep your guard up.” he said. “No she didn’t. She told me were to fine her.” Kindle face hove. He laugh as a red bump appear. “Ok. Time for work.” he said before Twilight could ask any questions. he pull out candles and set them on the trail to the forest. He then pull out a oil lamp. “Wait here. I’m going it.” he told twilight as he lit the lamp. “Hold it. I’m not letting you go in there along.” she told him. he had a feeling he couldn’t change her mind. “Fine. Just stay closes.” he told her. They walk down the trail. Lighting candles every 5 minutes. he pull out his pocket watch. “Alright. Let take a break.” he said pulling out a small brown paper bag and sat down. He floated two sandwiches out. He pass one to Twilight. She took it and look over it. “Don’t worry. If I harm Celestia student she kill me.” Twilight look at him in disbelieve. “How did you know that?” She ask as he took a bit of his PB&J. “I see things. It part of my curse.” Twilight look confuse. “You see things? Like what?” she ask. “Well for starter. You would have argue with me for hours about going in here alone.” Twilight was amaze at him. But she thought about. He was right. “Another thing. When I first met you. I knew it would take to long for you to explain everything.” he said. “But how did you know I was Celestia student?”she ask. he smile. “I’ve been in that castle since you first time you enter those hollow grounds. The guards would talk as the pass me my meals.” he told her. Twilight was about to ask him why he was being held. But a loud snap. she jump. he put his sandwich back in the paper bag. “Hello. I’m here to help.” He said standing. It was quiet. “I’m here to bring you back to Ponyvi...Look out.” Kindle jump on Twilight pushing her to the ground. “Just stay down.” he grip his teeth in pain. she Felt something wet run down on her. It drip on her face. she push on Kindle. “Don’t they not done. Just don’t move.” He said gripping his teeth. she was worry. someone or something was attacking him. A few minute later he stop moving. “I think we go him.” some pony said. Twilight try to stay calm. Her heart was beating fast. A load howl fill the air. “Did you hear that. The wolves are coming. We need to get out of here.” another pony said. “What about the bags?” the first said. “Leave them. The wolves won’t touch them. Come on let go.” the second said. A minute later Twilight push him off. He has arrow riddling his body. It took her a second to take it all in. She bent down to him and pick is head up. “O no. what do I do?” she said looking around.he open his eyes and scream. Twilight jump. “AAAAAAAA.” “O My. Don’t move I’ll get help.” she said standing up. “STOP!” he cry out. She did. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she ask looking down at him. “Pull the arrows out.” he told her. she slowly wrapping a purple glow of magic around the arrows. “Just put them all at once. trust me. i know what I'm doing.” he told her. She close her eyes and pull them. “AAAAAAAA.” he yell in pain. “I’m sorry.” she said. The arrow drop to the ground. she bent down to him. Blood pool around him. “It fine. I’ll be fine. I just need to rest. But not here. We need to find some place to hide.” She nodded. Twilight look around. There was a large thorn bushes around a tree. She floated him up and put him on the other side. “My bag. Bring it here.” he said. she did as he said. She knew he didn’t have long. She wanted to make his last moment peaceful. She ran over and pick his bag up. She put them on her back then pause. There was a pair of yellow eyes looking at her. It was a wolf. She step backwards she know if she could get to the thorn bushes she have time to get away. The wolf bark. She turn and ran. She didn’t have far to go but the wolf was fast. It jump in front of her. It growl as she step back. “Get Down Twilight Sparkles.” a Spear hit the ground next to the wolf. The wolf turn and ran. she turn to she her friend Zecora. “Zecora. I’m so glad you show up.”she said. she ran up and wrap he leg around Twilight neck. She pull her to the ground. “Be still Twilight. There are more. We need to move.” she told her. “We need to get Kindle.” she said. “Your friend will not making it. Come now.” She said. Twilight follow her. A few minute later. They reach a wall of branches. Zecora lifted a branch. Twilight walk in. she guided her through the cave. She walk around a large rock and saw a small fire. Zecora throw wood onto it. The room lit up. It look like she had move her things from her house to the cave. “Are you Alright Twilight Sparkle.” Zecora ask. “Ya. I’m fine. Zecora. What going on?” she ask looking around. “The pony’s in the forest are dangerous. They are bandit.” she said. “As I Suspected.” Zecora grab her spear and aim at the way they came. Kindle walk in with holes in his cloth. Twilight only had enough time to yell. “Zecora. He a friend.” he sat down next to the fire. “How are you still alive?” Twilight ask in disbelief. “Yes. I to would like to know that.” Zecora said. he crack his neck to the left and right. “Well. I guess I can’t keep it a secret anymore. I’m immortal.” Both girls look at each other. then back to him. “immortal?” Twilight said confuse. “Yes. Immortal. That why I’m here and not dead on the ground were you left me.” he pull his bag off Twilight. “I just wish you left me my sandwich. I love BP&J.” pull out his paper bag. He then pull out a very old looking rag and pass it to Twilight. “Here. You’re a mess?” he said. She look at the rag. he nodded down. she look down at herself. She was cover in blood. She started to panic. “Calm down Twilight Sparkles. I will help you.” Zecora said walking her away. Kindle look down at his cloths. There were holes all over. He quickly cast the repair spell. He smile. He was now missing it. The feeling nothing curse. But then again it was good to feel again. Even the pain. Water drip on his head. He pull his red hat out. he had left other one behind. “What with the fez and bow tie?” Twilight ask as she return. “What. They cool. Bow ties are cool.” he said snapping it. “And the fez?” she ask. “Yes they cool to. i wear a fez. now. fezzes are cool.” he said. Twilight smack it off his head. It landed in the fire. “Come on really?” he said. “It doesn’t look good on you.” she kiss him on the cheek. he was a little confuse. “What was that for?” he ask. “Saving my life.” she smile and dry herself off with the rag. “So immortal. Tell me. Why are you here?” Zecora ask taking a seat across from him. Her spear ready. “It Kindle. And I was sent here to find the missing pony’s. The high and mighty. Princess Celestia made me a deal. I solve her problem she set me free.” Kindle pull an old book out of his bag. Twilight look over his shoulder an saw drawings. “Your really good.” she said. he close the book. “So. I can only assume that the Bandits have taken over you home.” he ask Zecora nodded. “Right. Tomorrow you show me were they at and I’ll take care of it.” he said. “No. There is more there then just the bandits. They have monster of great power.” she said. he raise his eyebrow. “Tell me what you know.” he said. ------------------------------(the next day)------------------------------ Kindle move slowly. There was a bandits guarding a house. They were watching for any movement. he watch as they move around. He roll into a bush. He watch as two Earth Pony’s switch with other guards. After the other left. They started to talk. “I can’t believe we got to guard duty for messing up last night.” one said. “You know Raw Steel. You don’t mess up. If you do. Punishment. Just be glad it only guard duty.” the other said. “Ya. But I was going to go get my rock's off. These Mares are almost broken.” the first said with a yawn. “You know the boss said they not to be touch yet. Only after tonight. If the plan works we’ll all be set for life.” the second said. Kindle jump from the bush and kick both Pony’s in the head. Knocking them out. He quickly pull them aside. He tie them up and gag there mouth. A few minute later he had them tie to a tree a mile away for they camp. He slap water on them. They awake in shock. “Alright let start. He what going to happen. First. Your going to tell me were all the pony’s are your holding. Second. Your going to tell me what your boss is planing. Third. I’m going to live only if you tell me what I want to know. Am I clear?” They both look at each other. Then nodded. he remove the gag from one of them. “Go shove as poll up you’re as...” he put the rag back in his mouth and smack him. “Right. Let see about you.” he turn to the other. He pull the rag out. “I’ll talk. They being held in cages by the river.” he said the other shooting him an evil look. “good. Now what your boss plan?” he said. “I don’t know. i was only told us to gather pony’s.” he told him. “Alright. But if your only gathering live Pony’s then." He pause. "Why did you shoot me last night?” The pony eyes grew large. “But you should be dead. How are you alive?” he said in a panic. “Why did you shoot me if you need alive pony’s?” he said again. “The boss told us to kill any pony’s now. we has what we needed.” he look scare. he knew he was telling the truth. He put the gag back in his mouth. “Alright. I’ll be back later. O one last thing.” he kick both of them in the head. “That for shooting me.” he said walking away. ----------------(River)------------------ Kindle found the river. They had it guarded. He could see the cages. Some had pony’s others had monster of different kinds. Some he knew. Like the Ursa's, Hydra's, Timber wolves, and Cockatrice's. They had blind folded the Cockatrice's. That was the only good thing. he look at all the monsters. There were ether chains down or around they necks. He counted the number of trap pony’s. Four cages and 27 pony’s. They had Spilt between Colts and Mares. Two cages of mares and two of colts. he sat in the bushes and try to think of a plan. There were to many guards. He be swarm in less then a sec. Even trying to knock out one by one wouldn’t work. It would take to long and there were to many. he be seen. The only thing he could think of Was to take out the main boss and free the pony’s. not in that order but he needed to get them out first. He had Twilight and zecora waiting in the winds. If anything happen to him. They needed to get help. ----------------(Underwater in the river)------------------ he work his way down the river. Not being able to die was having it benefits. One being. That even tho he had swallow large amounts of water. He still didn’t drown. He was however in a large amount of pain. He empty his bag and place two heavy rocks in them. They weigh him down just enough to touch the bottom. he look up. He could see the cages. He didn’t like his plan. Mainly because it invaded an even larger amount of pain. Not to add. He was going to invade Twilight in it. She had suffer enough. seeing as she cover in his blood the night before. But now he needed her help. he drop his bag and floated up. He quickly ran to the first cage. He huge the bars and close his eyes. With a bright flash of light the cage and pony’s landed in front of the Zecora hidden cave. Twilight and Zecora look at him. “Twilight come here. I got 3 more and I need your help.” she ran over. he took her by the hove and teleported back. The bandit all ran to them. “Quickly.” he yell. Twilight jump onto a cage of pony’s and teleported it. he ran between two cages. He bit the bar of one cage and wrap his tail around the other. 3 arrow hit his back. he Scream letting go. He grab onto the cages again and with a bright flash teleported both of them. ------------------------------------(Later)----------------------------------------- Kindle awake in a small room. It was bright pink. Fireball look down at him. She step back. he sat up. He was in pain. He wish Celestia hadn't remove that curse until after he solve her problem. But now that the pony’s were rescue. He could leave canterlot and Celestia behind. “Hello Fireball. How did I do?” He said as she walk up. She smile. Then punch in hard in the face. “Next time don’t endanger a Princess.” she yell. he grab his nose as blood pour out. He was confuse. Celestia and Luna were in Canterlot. He got out of the bed. Pinky Pie walk in and saw his nose. “O no. What happen?” she said pull a rag out of thin air. She push it on his nose. “I just got what I dissevered.” he smile. “Well if that the case.” Pinky twisted his nose. he cry out in pain. After his nose stop bleeding and they stop beating on him. he walk outside. There was a large group of Pony’s. They cheer. “Aa. What all this?” he ask confuse. “It a party for all you hard work.” Twilight walk next to him. “I don’t dissevered this.” he said looking down. “Come now. You save everyone. You’re a hero.” she said. “NO I’M NOT!” he said running off. They all watch him run away. Fireball flew after. It was still her job to look after him. he found a farm with apple trees. He stop running and sat down under a tree. He didn’t like party and he was far from being a hero. He had done things. Things he never forgive himself. he let out a sigh. “So this is were you ran off to.” he look up at Fireball. She was in the tree. “What do you want? I’ve done what Celestia wanted. Go back and tell her.” he told her. “Why would I do that? She a bitch.” she said. it was odd to hear her sweet voice say a bad word. “I get it.” he smile. “Get What?” she ask. “Celestia told you to get me on her side. So your acting like you don’t like her.” he told her. “No. She remove me from the guard. Then put me in jail after I stole from the royal vault.” she said. he roll his eyes. “Come down here and we’ll see.” Fireball land next to him. she was a little confuse. he grab her and lock lips with her. She step back and hit him. “What was that?” she ask ready to hit him again. “I need to make physical. contact.” He said standing back up. “What?” she was confuse. “I can read a person. But only when they at a high emotional state. In other words. I just look back into your past.” Fireball Blush. “Ya. Sorry about that. Didn’t know it was your First. But on a happier note. Your telling the truth. Now I just need to knew what Celestia was thinking.” he put his hove on his chin. “Hey. Your not getting of that easy.” she said. he look up. She was holding a large stick. he close his eyes and put his hooves up. He waited for the impending pain. But had the feeling she wouldn’t. so he put his hooves down. “CRACK” he grab the top of his head. “OW! THAT REALLY HURT!” he yell jumping around in pain. A large red lump growing out of his head. Blood started to run down the side of his head. “Are you trying to kill me?” he said. she smile. “I couldn’t and you knew it.” she laugh. “So Celestia told you.” he ask. “Nope.” she said. he was confuse. “Then Twilight or zecora told you?” Thinking they may have talk when he was pass out. “Nope.” she said again. He was really confuse now. “Then who?” he ask. “You not as smart as you let on. Think about it.” she said making a kisses face. “So. You know about me now?” he said trying to understand how the kiss gave her knowledge about him. “Now your getting it. That kiss work both ways.” she said. he was really confuse now. Normal he could read pony’s without touching them. But he couldn’t read her. So he try touching her. The kiss was just for the fun of it. But not knowing that she would see his life. “Hey let go.” she said breaking his train of thought. “Were?” he ask. “To your party. You’re a hero. Weather you like it or not.” she said with a wink. he smile. “Your not going to change my mind. I’m not a hero. But I can play the part.” he follow her back to town. The party was in full swing. Twilight ran up to them. “What happen to you?” she ask looking at his head. “I blame karma.” he told her. “Come on. I’ll give this hero thing a try.” he put a fake smile on. -------------------------(short time later)-------------------------------- The Party was going good. Kindle enjoy some apple snake. Watching every pony. Pinky Pie was running around and having fun. Fireball was flirting with so colts. Twilight was talking to a white Unicorn. There was a little dragon stuffing his face with cake. he smile. He had miss this. Just being able to be around other pony’s. “Hey Kindle. You want to bob for apples.” he jump as Pinky Pie appear over his right shoulder. “Ya. That sound fun.” he said. He walking over to a barrel full of water and apples. Pinky dunk her head in the water and pull an apple out. “See easy.” she said with the apple in her mouth. he smile and dunk his head in. He try to grab two apples at once. But fail. He quickly grab one and pull his head out. "got one." he said. Scream fill the air. he saw timber wolves running around. A loud roar fill the air. Two large Ursa’s ram through two houses. he quickly drop the apple and ran at the Ursa’s. He jump in front of them. He ready himself. He started to cast a ice spell. Hopping to freeze the Ursa’s. but before he could. Arrow flew pass him. He turn to see the bandits running at him. They held knifes and bows. They charge at him. He dodge the first two bandits as they swung at him. He quickly kick them in the head. Using them to lead forward at the other. He landed between them. They circle him. he waited for them to attack. One scream ready to attack. He fell to the ground. Fireball had knock the bandit out. She quickly took out another and another and to his surprise two more. he was feeling left out. So he quickly took on a few more as they attack. “Well now. Who do we have here.” Kindle turn. A bandit in a headlock. He quickly slam him on top of his head. Knocking him out. “So you’re the one my men told me about.” a large group of bandits move. Reveling a Pony in a hood robe. “You must be Raw Steel.” he said ready to attack. “That right. You must be the unicorn that stole my property.” Raw stop. The bandit made a large circle around them. “Remember. No one touches him but me. If any other pony try to get in stop them. If any pony fails. Well you all know what happens.” Raw said flipping the hood off. Kindle jaw drop. He was thought Raw Steel was a colt. But she was really a mare. She was a sky blue unicorn with a black and orange mane. “You’re a mare?” he said in shock. “Surprise?” he nodded yes. He quickly shook his head. Then said. “But that still doesn’t change the facts. Those pony’s are not your property.” She smile. “You don’t seem to understand. Everything had a price. Even pony’s.” she laugh. he cast a fire spell and shoot a blast of fire at her. She jump into the air spinning. It hit the end of her robe. But Dodging the blast all the same. “I see. Your skill at magic. I guess I can’t play around with you.” she said taking the flaming robe off. The robe hit the ground. She sent a large amount of stone daggers at him. He ran around. The daggers hitting the ground behind him. He quickly jump into the air over her head. He look down and cast an ice spell. She quickly cast a fire spell at the same time. The fireball hit the ice shade. they hit together casing an exploding. Sending him sky were. he land on the ground with a thud. His underside hurt. He stood up and look around. The houses in ponyville were on fire. He look down and saw blood pouring from his stomach. he was bleeding. Every pony was looking at him. he didn't care. he needed to put out the firers. “HOW DARE YOU!” he turn and saw Raw Steel. Her mane was burn off. She look funny without it. he pull an ice shard out of his stomach. He throw it aside. “We’re done here.” he said turning away from her. “WHAT!” she scream. “Take you little gang and leave. I got a fire to put out.” he said preparing to cast a large water spell. He felt his hooves sink into the ground. “We’re done. WHEN I SAY SO!” she scream. he kick his hooves loose and turn to face her. “You can’t win.” he told her. “You’re a fool. Your hurt far more then me.” she said pointing at the blood pouring from his stomach. he put his hove under the blood. “I’ve had worst.” he said throwing his hove. Splashing the blood across the ground. she roar in anger. She sent a large wave of fire at him. he stood still. The wave of flame wash over him. He smile as the shield spell drop. He started walking forward. He cast an ice spell again. This time on her hooves. She quickly broke it. “That trick not going to work.” she said. She sent more stone dagger at him. But this time he didn’t Dodge them. They stuck into him. He grip his teeth and continue to walk to her. He sent a large bolt of lightning at her. She jump and dodge it by inches. “What was that!” she yell. Sending more stone dagger into him. he smile. “An old spell. i learn from my master. ” he was almost to her. She look scare. She trip. Falling on her flank. “What in Celestia are you?” she ask looking up at him. he frond at the sound of her name. “I’m the one unicorn you should never make mad.” he cast the lightning spell again. This time hitting her point blank. Her body jerk into the air. Her limbs flaying. She hit the ground. Twitching. The group of bandits look scare. He look at them. “Boo.” he said. They ran. Heading for the ever free forest. he look down. There were stone daggers sticking out. He pull them out. Once they were remove. He turn to she the town still on fire. He was a little surprise to see the Ursa’s and Timber Wolves leaving the town. A Yellow Pegasus with a pink mane was chasing them out of town. The clouds over head roar. Rain started to pour down. The fires were soon went out. “KINDLE!” he look up to see Fireball flying down at him. She punch him on the head. “Ow. What was that for?” he ask. Grabbing his head. She laugh as she landed. “Being a hero.” she said. he smile. Twilight came running up to them. “Kindle are you alright?” he look down as the blood wash away. “Ya. I’m fine. A bit cut up. But fine.” he said washing his cuts in the rain. Raw Steel moan. Twilight and Fireball jump. he started to walk away. “You may want to tie her up. She good at magic as well. So find a way to block that.” he said walking away. “Were are you heading.” Fireball ask. “I’m done. I’ve finish my work. I’m going to do whatever I like.” he teleported away. ---------------------( A few Weeks Later)------------ Fireball was fill with joy. Celestia had pay up on her end. Returning fireball to her former statues and posts. She wasn’t going to try to steal again. Seeing that Celestia was hadn’t recover all the bits she stole. She had a nice little nest egg stash away. If Celestia knew she would take it back. But seeing as she couldn’t. She knew she was safe. As it was. she was now waiting for her reliefs. Then it was off to recovering her gold. A few minute later. She switch out with another Pegasus guard. She walk down to the garden. She needed to get the gold back to her place. She remember taking it that night. She was on Guard duty for the vault. Money had been tight and it was just sitting in there. She fill large Seattle bags. If the other guard hadn’t seen me trying to sneak off. i would have both bags. i manage to make it to the garden. By that time the other Guards were looking for me. Knowing i couldn’t get away. i bury one of the bags in the maze. she smile. Knowing that no pony would ever look under the dirt. She walk through the maze. Finding the spot. She look for the large rock she set over top. She found it by the bush. She look around and saw no pony. She move the rock and began to dig. The ground was soft. she though this was odd. But shook it off as it had rain a few days ago. She found the bag strap and pulled. She wipe off the dirt and throw it on her back. She wanted to get home fast. -------------------------------(Fireball house)--------------------------------------------- Fireball throw the bag on her bed. She was happy. She had gotten away with it. She had her rank and post back. Best of all she had enough gold to last her for a long time. She jump onto he bed. The bag bounce off the beg. “Thump.” she sat up. The sound of gold coins was different. More metal. She crawl to the edge of her bed. She grab the bag and open it. There was rocks. She jump up and grab the bag. “No, no, no. This can’t be. Noooooo.” she flip the bag over. The rock falling to the floor. She throw the bag against the wall. She move the rocks around the floor. She was hopping that there was at lest one coin. But only rocks. She pick one up and throw it in anger. It hit the bag. Fireball hear something odd. She walk over and open the bag again. Inside was a piece of paper pined to the bottom. It was an envelope. She open it. There was a single gold coin, a key and a note. “Thank you for the gold. I leave you this one coin. For your troubles. Seeing how you have return to your duty as a Guard. I seem fit to relieve you of your ill gotten booty. You maybe mad now. But think about this. If Celestia ever found out about the gold and she will. You be right back to your cell. Now I will tell you were to find your gold. But think of this. Do you really want to be a bad pony or a good pony. Raw Steel was also a guard at the castle. She stole from the vault the same as you. I would only hope that you make the right chose. Now. By the time you reading this. The guards will be on there way to recover the stole gold. You can return the one piece or you could use it to buy a ticket. I will leave the gold in a locket at ponyville train station. You can recover it and do as you please. Or. You can turn yourself in and hand this letter to Celestia. I would hope you do the right thing.” The note ended. She look at it and turn the paper over. “P.s. Next time. Don’t hit me in the head.;P” She frond. That jerk. She continue to read on. “P.P.S. Celestia this part of the letter is for you. I would like to say that you need to give her a break. She was having money problems. I know she stole. She serve her time. So please don’t banish her to the moon. Maybe from Canterlot. But that up to you and your sister. Hugs and kisses for Luna. Celestia up yours.” Fireball jump as there was a knock at the door. She put the letter, coin, and key back in the envelope. She Stuff the envelope under her wing. She walk to the door as some pony knock again. She open the door. Celestia walk in with six different guards. “What is this?” she ask as the guards started to turn her place inside out. A Guard brought the bag over to Celestia. “Were the gold?” she ask. “I don’t know what your talking about. I return all of it when you caught me.” she lied. “Wrong. That bag has magic residue from the vault. I know you took more. It was only a matter of time before we find it. If you come clean now. I will only remove you from the guard.” she said. she sat down and thought. All that trouble in ponyville and now she was free but that wouldn’t last. No doubt Celestia would remove her from the guard ether way. But at lest she be free. “Alright. Guards take her to a cell.” Celestia said. Two guard walk next to her. “WAIT!” she said putting a hove up. She reach under her wing and pull the envelope out. “I found this in the bag. It tells were the gold is.” Celestia floated the envelope open and look at the note. She took the key and gold coin out. “Here Fireball.” the gold coin hit the floor next to her. “What this for?” she ask Celestia. “For your troubles in Ponyville. Now get out of Canterlot.” She said walking out. The guards follow her out. ---------------------------------(Ponyville train station)------------------------ Fireball walk off the train. Four guard behind her. Celestia was going to let her go. Only if the gold was there. The guards walk up to the lockers. They pass the key to her. She found the locker and unlock it. She open the door and confetti shot out. The guards look at her. She blow some confetti off. Inside was a large bag. There was a spring swinging left and right on top of it. A little unicorn with a little sigh that said peace. she open the bag. The gold glider. “Alright. We’ll take it from here. Your free to go.” the guard said taking the bag. They return to the train. she gather her bags and walk out of the station. She hear the train blow it whistle and leave. Now what could she do. She wasn’t aloud back in canterlot. She sigh and figure she see if Pinky Pie could help her. “Hello Fireball. I see you did the right thing.” A voice said from behind her. She froze. She knew that voice. “I guess that she show you her true colors. You must be angry with me. But Celestia knew before she made you that deal.” she thought about it. “Your probably need a place to stay. Seeing as you have no place to stay in town.” she look down. “I just started a new business. I could use some pony with you skills.” She turn around. “What do you say? Want to be a Privet eye?” Kindle said wearing his odd ball suit and smiling. she smile. “Alright. But how did you afford it?” she ask. “All that glider. Is not gold.” He smile. -----------------------------(Castle Vault)------------------------------------------------ Back at the castle. The Guards return the gold to the vault. They close the door. The new accountant counted the gold. He pick up the new coins and place them on the table. He counted them. He stack them as he did. A minute later he finish. His nose twitch. He sneeze and kick the underside of the table. The coin fell to the ground . “Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud.” as they hit the ground. The accountant didn’t notices as he wipe his nose.