What if?

by dark_wolf06

Chapter 2

As Twilight heard the heavy door being shut and locked, she peaked out from her dark hiding place. Breathing a sigh of relief she slowly walked out, sitting on the now ruined alter she cast a small purple light over the gloom from her horn and tried to remember exactly what happened after the wedding. As she was remembering she heard a small noise, sounding almost like a whisper; which could only be one pony.

“Fluttershy, where are you?” asked Twilight quietly. She scanned the ceiling looking for the yellow pony, finally finding her in a similar cocoon as the one Twilight woke up in; as she slowly levitated the cocoon down, splitting it open with her hooves Fluttershy slowly stood.

“Hi Twilight,” said Fluttershy.

Not saying a word Twilight threw her hooves around the yellow pegasus hugging her close; it was during this hug Twilight noticed how thin and ragged she was.

“Fluttershy how long were you in that thing?” she asked looking into her eyes.

Fluttershy stared at the ground before answering, “I don’t remember much after wishing Shinning Armor and the Princess goodbye.”

Twilight nodded slowly as she moved closer to the trembling yellow pony. “Everything’s going to be okay now Fluttershy, don’t worry,” answered Twilight as they stood in the gloom.

In another part of the now ruined castle Queen Chrysalis sat in Celestia’s throne feasting on the ruined remains of an oddly purple pony. Now that she had the power of the sun and all of Canterlot, she needed the extra power of living pony flesh to feed her new body. As she smiled seeing a pair of her changelings enter the room with another meal on the cart she dropped the remains of the corpse on the pile in front of her throne. "Come my children and feed your queen”, she spoke sweetly. Nodding the two changelings wheeled the cart closed, bumping it over more of the metal cable that ran behind Chrysalis’s throne towards the roof. As she settled in for another feeding she flapped her longer wings tucking them back behind her, “I wonder how my prisoner is doing?” she thought shrugging.

Twilight and Fluttershy walked around in silence looking for anyway out of the chamber without jumping through the stained glass to their deaths, Fluttershy was too tired and drained to even glide. As they walked Twilight slowly began to feel some of her strength return, but not much of it. Suddenly Fluttershy fell forward into some of the dark material covering the floor,

“Fluttershy are you okay?” asked Twilight running over.

Nodding and standing back up Fluttershy noticed what she had caught her hoof on. “Look Twilight it’s a door in the floor” she said, they both looked at each other laughing lightly thinking of Pinkie and her ways of rhyming anything.

As Twilight moved closer for them to see, she saw that the door lead down a winding staircase. “Come on, Fluttershy, this might be our only way out,” Twilight said as she headed down the stairs.

Running to catch up, Fluttershy kept really close to Twilight whining softly as they walked. “It’s dark and damp, Twilight,” whispered Fluttershy.

After walking for what seemed like forever Twilight noticed a small staircase leading up to another door with light leaking out from under the jam, walking over Twilight slowly pressed on the door peaking around the door. What she saw made her heart race; looking back, she smiled at Fluttershy. “Food!”