Falling into Madness fixed (Cancelled)

by starfur8866

That homicidal person I was talking about earlier, fixed

I woke up and walked out of my room and in to the other ninja’s room before screaming loudly “Hey! Come on, wake up! It's time for training!” Cole woke up with a start before calming down and saying "What, oh. Hi Starfur.” I rolled my eyes “Morning, come on! Time for training.” Jay woke up and said “I’m up, I'm up!" he start chuckling "Starfur, I can’t take you seriously in that outfit.” I walked up to Jay and grabbed him by his throat before shouting in a voice far deeper than usual “Now do you take me seriously!” Zane woke up before shouting “STARFUR! Stop! You’re choking him!” I snort, before replying in a voice dripping with sarcasm “Really? I didn’t think so, thank you Captain Obvious.” Zane walks up to me and slaps me across the face, disorientated, I shake my head before my eyes widen and shock and I drop Jay to the floor. The second he hits the ground he breathes in sharply and starts groping for air, I wince in pain before continuing “What just ow, happened? Great, I’ve got a wicked headache now.” Jay managed to sputter some words between desperate breaths “I think when I," He paused for a second to catch his breath "insulted you your evil side, Bleedingbone, tried to kill me.” I try unsuccessfully to not face palm at this before once more wincing as the splitting migraine returned. “Sorry Jay, you know I can’t control it.” Jay nodded before saying “I know, we all do” I cast my gaze around the room before something strikes me “Why isn’t Kai up?” Zane blinks and his eyes grow a little distant before he replies "I do not know.” I walk up to Kai’s bed and poke him; Kai bolts upright screeching "SPIDER! SPIDER! KILL IT! IT'S EVIL!" Me and the others try and fail to suppress laughter, before, still smirking, I lay a comforting hand on his shoulder “Kai, it’s just me, Starfur.” Kai blushes heavily before nervously speaking up, eyes on the floor "Oh it’s just you... How much of that did you see?”
"Long enough to know you hate spiders." I say curtly before brightening up "Meet you guys on the training course!” I sprinted outside to the upper deck and do a flip and embed both of my shurikens into the wall. I land on my feet and the world blurs into the familiar pale blue shade as my ninja costume appears. I walk to the wall and yank the shurikens out before lobbing them at the wall near the door, the ninjas walk in and one whizzes right over Zane's head. The floor boards suddenly became the most interesting thing in the world. I wanted to rush over to check on him but that dark part of my mind kept my eyes locked on the floor.
"It’s fine, you didn’t hit me.” he replies, I give an uneasy sigh before saying “Oh good, NINJAGO” The air around me glimmered dimly in my familiar shade of blue.
"Pfft, bloody show off." mutters Cole, the rest of the ninjas leap into action “NINJAGO” Zane accidently bumps into me and knocks me backwards for a second nothing happens besides me bouncing around like a top before suddenly the whole world goes black.
When I woke up a purple blob was in front of me and so was a light blue one and a black one. In some part of my mind I realized something was wrong, I was on the ground, in a crater no less. I heard the light blue smudge say “What the hell are you and are you ok?” Things were starting to solidify as my vision cleared, when suddenly Twilight says “I don’t think she's okay, we need to get her to the hospital!” Wait, Twilight? As in the Twilight? All things considered this isn't the weirdest thing that ever happened to me, but it’s pretty close. I give a pathetic attempt to get up before crashing straight back down and land on my stomach, giving me a perfect view of my hooves... I had hooves. I'm still not impressed. They were, however, coated in my scarlet orange blood. As a matter of fact I was bleeding all over. I manage to drunkenly stutter out "I’m perfectly fine, I’ve been through worse, but this isn't helping my headache” The unfamiliar black pony spoke up, sounding a little impressed “How much worse?”
“I’ve lost the left side of my face and had my left arm, oh wait, left fore-leg torn off. I actually died once, wait, more than once. I could probably write a book just listing my injuries.” The black pony laughed "You weren't kidding.” I finally inspect the brighter cobalt pony, my eyes pass over his cutie mark when I suddenly realized something.
“Huh, it’s Church, Tex, and Twilight.” Wait a second...
"Oh my god its Church, Tex, and Twilight!" Church glared at her thoughtfully “Yes, we are, but who are you?” In my moment of momentary coherence I reply “Light blue is Church, black is Tex, and purple is Twilight!” They shoot glances at each other "Oh yeah, she needs to go to the hospital..."
"You're one smart pony, who are you?” Twilight says carefully, I blink for a few seconds before saying "I’m Starfur!” I look at my pelt, it was ginger mixed with scarlet with black and brown stars covering my body. Twilight looks at her closely before suddenly speaking "Are you an Alicorn?” I look at my back then at my forehead I say “Yes, so it would seem. Do you happen to have a mirror by any chance?” Church nods before saying “Sure, if you can walk.” I grunt noisily and get on my hooves, slowly and carefully to avoid falling over. Twilight smiles kindly before cheerily putting in “Rarity’s home is closest!”
“Ok let’s go.” We set out for Rarity’s, me limping slightly behind the others, once they noticed I was no longer just behind them they looked back.
"Do you needs some help?" I winced slightly and gritted my teeth, walking was agony so I swallowed my pride for a second and said "Yeah, thanks." Tex settled beside me and I leaned on her for support, the others slowed down to accommodate. When we finally got to Rarity’s Twilight opens the door and says “Rarity are you home? This is a bit of an emergency!” Rarity walks up and says “Yes I'm here and so is Simmons. May ask what the emerg-” Rarity sees me and her eyes widen to the size of saucer plates, she pulled a couch out of nowhere and trys to fall on it. Before she can collapse Twilight yanks the couch away with her magic and her friend crashes heavily to the floor. Rarity gets back up and dusts herself off and scowls at Twilight before shaking herself away and coming back to reality. Rarity regained her composure and spoke up “Come in please! Twilight, dear, who is your new friend and why is she covered in...orange juice?” Twilight says “This is Starfur and she fell out of the sky.”
"From about 6,000 feet." I added smugly, Rarity starts dusting the floor with her jaw before stammering "Then why isn't she in a hospital?!” Twilight cast a sideways look at me “She says she fine.” When I noticed the looks I was getting I decided to explain “I fell from some kind of portal, I was pushed through by my friend Zane.”
"Some friend..." mutters Church, for a second I just feel incredulity; how could he judge someone that quickly? My eye turns dark crimson and I slam a hoof into his stomach. He rockets into a nearby wall while I venomously spat out "Don't you DARE talk about my friends like that." Rarity just looks shocked for a second before she tries to disguise her surprise by hastily saying "Let’s get you cleaned up Starfur.” I blink my eyes as they return to normal until I calm down enough to follow her. A minute later the blood was off me and my mane was in a ponytail and my tail was braided. Now that they could see the left side of my face, they noticed it was discolored. Yeah, I was telling the truth, I HAVE died before, can't keep a good cat down, right? Simmons says "Who the hell are you and... damn, your face looks like shit.” The others look at him like he had just signed his death warrant before I sarcastically respond “Thanks that sure makes me feel a hell of a lot better.” Simmons stutters a little “Sorry.” I smile “It's cool.” After a short awkward silence Rarity nervously asks "So... are you a princess?” I laugh a little before saying “Nah, I’m just a normal Alicorn." I got a mischievous glint in my eye "An extremely powerful Alicorn, probably more powerful then Discord and Celestia combined.” Church started clapping while Rarity looked indignant "How dare you speak so lowly about Princess Celestia! Prove it!” I grinned a little and spat some blood on the floor
“Oh I'll show you just how powerful I am...” My eye glowed red, I felt a surge of rage overtaking me and for once I just gave in. I stomped out of Rarity’s home, other five ponies in tow. I turned back and grinned before shouting in a voice that would've put Luna's Royal Canterlot voice to shame “HEY CELESTIA YOU SHISNO COME AND FIGHT ME!” Twilight's eyes widened “Oh no...” Everypony that was around me noticed my single red eye and started trotting backward nervously. In a flash of golden light Princess Celestia appeared, her face in a confused frown "Who said that? What does shisno even mean?” I snorted and giggled hysterically “I did, shisno doesn't translate to well but it would be like a skunk's poop's poop.” I giggled, more than a little manically, Princess Celestia looked a bit shocked but also slightly amused when she said “And who would you be to challenge me?” I was starting to get bored of all this talking but nevertheless replied “I’m Starfur of the Ninjago world, the Warrior Cat’s world, and the Magican world!” Princess Celestia smirked a little, I could see the shock and hints of doubt on her face even behind the mask “Oh, okay then, let’s fight!” I hold up a hoof to stop her
"Okay let me put on some fighting music.” I turned to Tex, "Hey would you put your theme song on? The instrumental one." She grinned cruelly, if I knew one thing about her it was that she loved a good fight "Okay." The air suddenly filled with the sounds of a guitar, I grin evilly and smile at Tex. Applejack sprinted over before shouting incredulously “Who are y’all be 'cause Ah certainly don’t know y’all.” I say in a deeper voice “I’m Starfur!” With that I gave leapt at Celestia, trying to size her up. She knocks me out of the air with a bolt of lightning before I can even get close. I grin; this was going to be fun. Celestia trots over to smoke-screened area where I crashed, she realizes her mistake a second later. I bring down my hoof onto the back of her head heavily; she staggers and opens her wings to fly away. "Oh no you don't!" I screech, while my eyes slowly turned crimson. I summon a lash of magic and bring it down across her back. The airborne alicorn screams in agony before I bring her smashing into the ground. Not one to give in easily she tries to get to her hooves before I savagely tug on the whip again. It pulled her down to her knees. She growls and suddenly the sunlight around me brightened painfully, a sudden beam of energy from the star slammed me backward. Had it been anything else, they would've surely been killed, as it was I was more than a little disorientated. In my haze the redness in my vision cleared and my bloodlust slowly quieted. Celestia's horn glowed brightly, pushing the smoke that had been conveniently covering my crater. When the last of the mist was gone there was nothing there, I whispered in Celestia's ear, "Boo." She turned about, to late realizing her mistake.
"Ninjago!" The world became a sea of cyan once more, I directed myself toward the princess, knocking her over. She tries to get up just as I put my horn up to her neck. The princess looks at me incredulously before stuttering out, “I-I guess that means you win Starfur.” I snort derisively "That was too easy, next time try not to be such a wimp. By the way, Rarity is that enough proof for you?” Rarity was suddenly very timid as she felt my unsettling orbs gazing at her. “Y-yes dear, I believe th-that's enough.” I backed up, my momentary flash of bravado fading and bow.
“Good. Try beating me back in the Ninjago world and the Warrior's world; no one can beat me there. Literally, I'm immortal in those worlds, kill me and I come back like some kind of weed. A weed with teeth. Sharp teeth.” I chuckle, feeling a bit of nostalgia coming on. “Good times, good times...” Celestia looks at me inquisitively “Um... Alright...” My Fangpyre fangs suddenly jut out; by this point there was a veritable horde of ponies gathered around. Together they reach a unanimous, and not quite false, conclusion.
“She’s a vampony! RUN AWAY!!!” The crowd tried to disperse, I put a little wall up and several of them rammed head-first into the barrier. I laughed as I correct them in their panicked state “I’m a Fangpyre, not a vampony.” A brave soul from the crowd shouts out “What’s a Fangpyre?” I laugh for a little while before I realize I'm alone, I look about in shock. “You're joking, you are joking, right?” Twilight frowns as she replies, “I don’t think they're joking.” I humor them and decide to explain. “Oh a Fangpyre is a type of snake, once bitten they turn you into one of them. I was bitten a long time ago but my body filters almost all toxins. Fangpyre venom is extremely potent so I couldn't reject all of the poison out of my body. So it allows me to transform into one of them at will.” Twilight stares at me with an almost hungry glint in her eye “Okay. Please come by my place so we can talk all about your worlds, I hope they're all that exciting!” I laugh at her adorkable behavior, Tex walks up to me and pats me on the shoulder “Man, you can fight. “ I purr as I respond “Thanks.” A single gray Pegasus walks up, her twin golden eyes staring off blankly into space. "Do you like muffins?" I smile warmly at Ditzy, feeling a lightness in my heart I respond, "Yes, I love muffins."