Another Sad Fairytale

by The Companion Pony

Another Sad Fairytale

Just Another Sad Fairytale

“You were my first Love… and I will love you until the end of forever”.

Rays of light were shining through the window, hitting the little mint-green Pony with the Lyre on the Flank, in the eyes. Another day was knocking on the window. It was a different day. It was the day when SHE left, the one she believed and trusted in, the one she wanted to be with until the end of forever, the one that changed even the darkest and coldest nights into the brightest and warmest of days. Emotionless, she opened up her eyes, looked at the empty space in the bed, where SHE used to sleep right next to her. Lyra missed the warm embrace she was greeted with by her every morning. She missed the warmth of her body. She missed the sound of her voice. She missed HER.
She moved one hoof on the empty sheet and slowly stroking it, imagined SHE would still be asleep and at her side, a tiny smile on her face.

“If I could just see you one last time…” she started to think. “I know… You would want me to forget you, to live a happy life without you, to not care about what happened in the past. No more sorrow, just endless happiness is what you would have probably wished me. But… tell me just one thing… How am I supposed to do that without you? Just live along in this Slice-of-Life? Start a new life, in a new town or do nothing and wait until you hopefully come back from heaven? Is it that what you want me to do?”

The imaginary image of HER was slowly turning to her, one hoof moved to Lyra`s cheek, a smile on HER face, wiping away a tear that rolled down Lyra’s cheek, looking straight into Lyra’s amethyst eyes and softly speaking to her:
“Hush now, don’t you cry. I’m just right here, right by your side. No Reason to be sad. Whatever it is, I’m sure you will find a way, my lil’ silly Lyra. I will always love you and if you miss me, just look deep into your heart. I’ll be right there, as long as you wish me to be.”

SHE leaned forward to hug Lyra; Lyra opened up her hooves, smiled brightly and ready to welcome her back home with tears in her eyes. Everything right now felt so real. It was unlike a dream, it seemed real. But just when Lyra tried to wrap her hooves around her neck, tried to press HER body against hers, the reality turned out to be nothing more than a dream and just like a dream the imagination of HERS vanished into clear air, leaving Lyra alone in her bed, still having this brightly smile on her face and more tears running down her cheeks, embracing just herself with her hooves.
“I love you, my sweet lil’ BonBon.”

Several seconds passed in silence. Suddenly, raindrops tapped on the window. The brightest of days was also just a imagination of hers. In fact, it was the rainiest of days. It was like even the clouds up in the sky felt Lyra’s sorrow. Just some days ago, the world was just perfect. Everything was just alright and life was heaven on earth. Then, two weeks ago on a similar rainy day, they had an argument about something Lyra couldn’t remember anymore. Bonbon ran out of the house while Lyra stayed inside. She thought Bonbon just needed some time for herself. How wrong she was. She waited and waited. No thought was wasted on something else then Bonbon. After 3 days of waiting, Lyra went out to look for Bonbon but still Bonbon was missing. Then, one week ago, some nurse came over to Lyras house and told her that Bonbon was delivered into the hospital. She immediately rushed to the mentioned hospital. Her thoughts consisted just of thousands of questions, questions like “What’s happened?” “Where has she been all the time?”

The whole week has been sunny but, not on this day. The rain took her vision, as it intensified. It felt like she should never arrive at the hospital, that something very sad is about happen. When she reached the entrance of the hospital, a doctor was already there and led her to this white sterile room, telling her that she has been found under some rocks after a landslide. She was lying in a snow white bed, kept alive by numerous medical instruments. Lyra wanted to go in there, but the doctor held her off, standing between her and the door.
“Before you go in there… There is nothing more we can do… She got massive internal bleedings that we just can’t stop.”
Lyra just looked disillusioned into the eyes of the doctor.
“W-What is that supposed to mean?” water dropped down from her mint-green hair onto the cold white floor.
“It means that she may have just some more minutes in this world… I’m sorry.” The doctor opened up the door and stepped away from it.

Slowly, Lyra walked into the sterile white room. A chair was placed right beside her bed. She sat down and watched the beige colored pony lying asleep in her bed. With one hoof, she stroked her Pink-purple mane.
“It was all my fault… Everything… I didn’t want it to end like this. You are my life. You are my soul… I’m so sorry… I-I just…” She thought for a bit, words stuck in her throat.

Then she leaned to Bonbons face and gave her a kiss on the forehead. A tear rolled down from her eyes to her chin, dropping onto Bonbon’s face.

“It…wasn’t…your…fault…” a weak voice replied softly.
Lyra was surprised. She turned her head down and looked directly into the sea green eyes of her beloved friend. Moments of silence passed. Lyra was like petrified.

“No…need to… cry…” Bonbon said, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Please… forgive me for everything bad I have done to you… I was stupid back then… I should have listened to you… I should have been more understanding for you… I should just…-“ Bonbon had gently put a hoof to Lyra’s mouth.
“I forgive you… my love…”

A second tear was dropping down from Lyra’s face onto Bonbon's face, uniting with the tears of Bonbon. Bonbon softly caressed her cheek, wiping away every other tear. She then wrapped her hooves around Lyra’s neck and slowly pulled her head down hers. A kiss followed; the last kiss that those two lovers will ever share together in this life. Seconds passed like days, minutes like years. Lyra carefully pulled back. Bonbon’s eyes were closed; the hooves around Lyra’s neck fell down on the bed like heavy rocks. Lyra let herself fall back in her chair and asked herself:
“Why did it have to happen like this…? Why wasn’t I by her side when it happened…? Damn it, WHY THE HAY HER AND NOT ME… Why…”
“We will see each other… soon.” A familiar weak voice said. “But… can you do… me a favor before… I go?”
“Anything you wish…” Lyra answered, tears formed in her eyes.
“Please… Play this special song for me… the one I liked the most… There’s… a lyre in the corner… I requested one right after… I got here…”
Lyra picked up the lyre with her magic and in a split second a peaceful melody filled the room with noise. Lyra shed just one last tear, a smile on her face. She wasn’t ready to let her go but she knew it was the time to, now. She started to sing, the melody perfectly fit with her voice:

You are standing in front of me now and we both begin to cry,
It was no wonder, It was already predicted for us, this moment of demise
That our ways had to part somewhere in life
We will always love each other, thanks for this wonderful time…