Lunae et Nox

by not plu


So they tell me you’re better now. Is it true? Are you going to leave? Ooh, can we talk now? If we can talk I can finally have a friend here! Oh, then I wouldn’t want you to leave.
Yes. No. No.
I found your diary.
No. No. Hot, blinding rage, a flash of... pain. For both of us. No. Denial is my shield, though it’s made of wood and burning from my pure anger. The heat is unbearable. I thought I wasn’t able to have emotions any more, yet I know what this feels like.
Um, yeah, sorry. I didn’t really look through it really, just flipped through, and you say the word ‘light’ twenty-two times. Kinda often for someone who hates it, don’t you think?
How could she have known my thoughts, my feelings if she didn’t read it?
You talk in your sleep, Luna.
And she reads minds. But she doesn’t, no, she can’t know who I am, even I don’t know, not any more.
Well, as long as we’re coming clean...
Deus meus.
... So I heard you were making progress and stuff so I told Cracky ‘cause I was excited, and turns out nobody really knows you’re here, I don’t know why, but I had to tell Cracky all about you, but he was dumb and told Lulu, and she’s kinda a loudmouth, I mean, it’s not like she can really control it, but, yeah, and I hope you’re not top secret or anything... ha. Ha?
I want...
I need...
I don’t know anymore. I can’t know any more. I don’t have the ability to. I feel increasingly strange.
Oh, and this fancy doctor dude all the way from wherever-it-is came to check us all out and he put us all on new meds, which is probably why you’re making progress, I mean, we all are.
She’s explanatory today. Lucky for me.
Luna? Luna?
I asked you a question.
It wasn’t a yes or no question, silly.
Can you only say no?
You sure?
Anything other than yes and no?
Like what?
Ugh, Luna.
She doesn’t mean it. Her tone is still playful and feather-like. It shouldn’t be, not here, not in this place.
She’s here! We’ve been talking.
You’ve been talking, Scarlett.
Luna I have... Scarlett would you mind doing me a favor and going to the common room? I know a certain someone who I think is there currently...
Maybe, you’ll have to go and see, though.
Yay! Of course. Bye Luna!
Luna, I have something to explain to you.
I don’t want it.
We get a lot of young children here, children who haven’t done well in foster homes or the type who can’t find a school for them. The trouble is, they tend to not be very stable, and shut themselves off from the world, much like you do. We find it beneficial to both parties if we pair a child with an older patient.
We’d like you to be in the program.
No? Luna I really think you-
Luna, listen to me. If you do this, it would mean great things for you, even possibly getting out of here sooner. And I have faith that you can handle it. You’re a very special girl, Luna.
No. I am not special. My blood is special. The darkness that pulses beneath my veins is special. The way I was born makes me who I am. I can’t say it’s fair. I, Luna, special? No. Draw my blood from me and you can notice my soul taken with it. Leave me here empty, and I am ordinary. No. Not special. No one cherishes the night for its uniqueness. It’s rediculous. How can you tell me, I’m special, how? It’s not me. It’s the clouded past and future of my blood. I am simply the present. Easily forgettable, another spare to cast aside. Yet I am the chink in the armor, the plan that went awry. Should I be proud of that? Am I special because of it? Even more ordinary.
