Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope

by Michael_Ravencroft

Second Sign: Part 5

Canterlot Days: Tension

Applejack could barely sleep that night. Her mind kept replaying that fight she had with Rainbow Dash over and over again. As angry and annoyed as she'd been at her absence over the last couple of years, Applejack never lost it like that, never went off the handle in such a fashion, especially when she accused Rainbow of cheating on her which was something out of left field. Of course Applejack knew that Rainbow Dash idolized Spitfire, and she knew that the two had become close friends since Rainbow became a Wonderbolt, although there was that little paranoid part of her that thought that, she never believed it. But…for some reason, when they were arguing, Applejack had to call Rainbow Dash on it. Problem was, Dash's reactions made her think that maybe she was right…

No! She'd never cheat on meh! Rainbow wouldn't do somethin' like that to me, especially not to Clay! Ah…Ah can't think that way…

But she never denied it…

S-so, she, she was taken by surprise! Ah'd act the same way if Rainbow said somethin' like that…!

But you don't know for sure…even now you can't be sure…you may have driven her into the hooves of another mare, maybe even into something else more, elicit, perverse…

SHUT UP! Ah – Rainbow would never do that! Ah love her, Ah trust her with meh life!

Applejack tossed and turned, her paranoia on the rise, giving a voice to the fears and doubts within her heart.

Can you really? A love born in the heat of battle can fizzle out with time…

W-what are ya sayin'!?

Rainbow was afraid, ashamed about having feelings for another mare, her friend. But you freed her from those binding chains, and now that Rainbow has reveled in her lust for you she wants more…

Ah…that's not…she…

Spitfire is the perfect match for her. She's fierce, strong, an elite athlete…but she also has something else, Spitfire is a pegasus, not bound to the earth below your hooves. Rainbow can be with one who can match her in the skies, her natural home…face it…you were nothing but a toy to her…playing make believe with a best friend turned marefriend and an adopted earth pony child! Now Rainbow Dash is tired of this fantasy and is ready to move on to a real fling, with a real mare…!

"NO!" Applejack screamed.

The earth pony mare shot up in her bed, tears cascading from her eyes as she panted hard. Applejack's body was covered in sweat, her eyes wide with fear and sorrow. It was about that time that the door to Applejack's room was flung wide open, with Twilight standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Applejack are you alri –!?" Twilight stopped, now seeing the state her friend was in. The unicorn mare quickly rushed to Applejack's side, sitting on the edge of her bed, and grabbing the southern pony's shoulders. "Applejack, what happened!? Applejack!?"

Applejack didn't respond for a few seconds, her green eyes staring off into space, pupils the size of pinpricks. Twilight shook the earth pony harder, trying to bring her back and fearing for her mental state. After a minute and a half Applejack blinked. Her body, which was tensed up, was slowly relaxing.

"Twi," said Applejack, her voice sounding distant.

"I'm here Applejack, what's wrong, please tell me!?"


Applejack couldn't finish her sentence; she only moved forward and embraced Twilight in a fierce hug. Twilight herself was taken by surprise, but managed to return the hug, doing what she could to comfort Applejack. Upon her back, Twilight could feel Applejack's tears dripping onto her. The studious mare had to admit, she was scared. Twilight had never seen Applejack in such a state.

Twilight then heard something behind her; she slowly turned her head and saw Bright Blade standing where she was not a moment ago. Bright Blade didn't move, his eyes told Twilight that he was analyzing the situation. He then mouthed the words "You okay" to Twilight, to which she responded "I'm fine." Bright Blade nodded his head and used his telekinesis to quietly close the door.

It took a few minutes before Applejack had calmed down enough for Twilight to ask what had upset her so much. Reluctantly, Applejack recounted the events that occurred after they departed from Canterlot Tower, the fight with Rainbow Dash, AJ's baseless accusation about her marefriend cheating on her, and even the dialogue with her inner-self. Twilight just sat there, absorbing the information, rubbing Applejack's back in a comforting fashion. After a couple minutes of silence, Twilight finally broke the silence.

"Applejack…you know Rainbow Dash would never do that to you, or to Clay, she's the Element of Loyalty, how many times has she proven that to us over the years," said Twilight.

"Ah know that Twi…Ah know that and still…Ah can't stop thinkin' that it might be true…" said Applejack, her voice trembling.

"Applejack…" Twilight didn't know how to comfort her, not exactly. Her friend was hurting, saddened. "You need to talk to Rainbow Dash about this, you can't let it fester too long or it'll only get worse down the road…"

"If she wants to be with another mare then fine!"

"Applejack, you don't mean that," exclaimed Twilight.

"Of course Ah do! Why not, if she wants to grab flank from another mare then it's only fair Ah get to do the same!" Applejack stared at Twilight intently, anger and desperation in her eyes.

"Applejack don't you even think about it! You have no evidence to the contrary that Rainbow Dash is doing something like that – I mean, for pony's sake Applejack you –!"

Twilight couldn't finish her sentence, as she was cut off by Applejack, who saw fit to silence the lavender mare by kissing her. Twilight's eyes flew open; she couldn't believe what was happening, what Applejack was doing! Applejack pressed forward, deepening the kiss, leaning further in, forcing Twilight backwards. The orange earth pony's eyes were closed the entire time, while Twilight, too stunned to react, eyes wide as saucers, just fell on her back. After what felt like forever, Applejack broke the kiss. Twilight gasped, breathing heavily as she looked up at her friend, who was now looming over her. When Applejack's eyes opened again, Twilight could still see the anger and desperation in them, but there was something else, and she dare not say it aloud or in her mind for fear that she may be, even remotely, right.

"Don't act like you didn't like it, sugarcube," said Applejack with an emotionless tone.

That tore it. Twilight cocked back her left hoof and brought it across Applejack's muzzle. Normally unicorns were physically weaker, compared to earth ponies, but, in this instance, Twilight mustered up enough anger and strength to bring down the Royal Palace with one strike of her hoof. A feat that was just demonstrated, as Applejack was sent flying, slamming against the headboard of the bed. She slowly got up, the back of her head and face throbbing in pain.

"Damn it! Why you –!"

Applejack shot Twilight a glare filled with rage, but just as quickly as it appeared, the expression vanished, being replaced with one of utter shock and disgust at her actions. The earth pony mare was clearly trembling now, shaking from the state Twilight was in.

"Oh Celestia and Luna…w-w-what have Ah done!? Twilight A-Ah'm so sorry, Ah swear Ah didn't mean to do that! Ah don't know what Ah was thinkin' – Ah wasn't thinking! Twilight please forgive meh, Ah –!"


Applejack went silent. Twilight wasn't even looking at AJ when she spoke, she only cradled her left hoof, stroking it soothingly, wincing at the pain. Twilight felt like she had just struck a brick wall, and from the pain radiating from her hoof and foreleg, she might as well have.

Fresh tears were now streaming from Applejack's eyes; she couldn't believe what she had just done. To Twilight, her best friend, somepony who had been there for her time and again, and she had just forced herself onto her. What was really killing her was the silence. Twilight still didn't make eye contact with her, barely so much as glanced over in her direction, Applejack couldn't blame her. She just betrayed Twilight's trust, Bright Blade's trust – Oh horse feathers, if he finds out!

"I…I understand that you're not yourself AJ, and I know that you're upset…"

"Twilight Ah –!"

"Applejack…I'm…I'm not mad. Surprised, shocked, upset, but not mad. I should be furious with you, but I can't…You're acting like this out of confusion and misplaced jealousy…"

Applejack lied down on her stomach, lowering her head, and burying her face into her hooves. "Please forgive meh…please, please forgive meh…"

"I do."

AJ slowly opened her eyes; Twilight was now looking right at her. The unicorn's amethyst eyes conveying exactly that, forgiveness, something that Applejack felt unworthy of even now, but was all the same happy to see it. Twilight rose up and gently stepped onto the floor, being mindful of her throbbing left hoof.

"Let's forget this ever happened, okay?"

Applejack simply nodded.

"I'll come and check on you in the morning, goodnight Applejack."

With that said Twilight, with a slight limp in her step, walked out of the room, carefully closing the door as she exited. Applejack managed to get herself back under the covers, entering into a fetal position. The farm pony still couldn't believe what she had done, as much as she wanted to dwell on this, Applejack's eye lids felt heavy and she soon found herself drifting off to sleep effortlessly. Obviously drained, emotionally anyway, from the events that had just transpired.

Thankfully for Twilight, Bright Blade didn't notice her limp, or if he did he didn't say anything. When he asked what was wrong with Applejack, Twilight only gave him the basic rundown, not mentioning what Applejack had done to her earlier.

"Looks like we'll have to have a talk with Rainbow," said Bright Blade.


"Twilight are you okay, you look pale?"

"I'm fine really, don't be such a worrywart," said Twilight with a chuckle.

After that Twilight got back into bed, facing away from Bright Blade, and pretended to sleep. An hour had passed and Twilight still couldn't sleep, she spent that time staring up at the ceiling. The unicorn mare often did that when she was trying to figure something late at night. She sometimes found her answers in the ceiling, though it was usually silent; it never failed to provide her with a solution to a problem. Tonight, however, the ceiling didn't seem to have an answer to her current dilemma. Absurd though it was, she was getting a little angry that her home couldn't give her any advice on the situation at hoof.

Thanks a lot, she thought.

***Wonderbolt Lodge, same time***

Rainbow Dash had spent most of her time training; it was her way of dealing with a situation. If she was moving she didn't have to think, her body did the thinking for her, just flying about, letting muscle memory take her away from her troubles, clearing her mind of everything. However, no matter how many barrel rolls she did, no matter the number of aerial tricks she performed, Rainbow Dash still felt a stinging sensation within her heart.

The rainbow maned mare was resting on her bed. On the nightstand next to her bed was a picture frame. In it was a photo of Applejack, Clay, and herself, all three of them on the farm with smiling happy faces. But when Rainbow Dash looked at that picture, at the face of the mare she loved, she could only see the rage, hurt, and accusing expression of Applejack from earlier that day.

Where does she get off saying that I'm cheating on her!? I've been working my flank off for Clay and her! And she comes and dumps this pile of crap on me!

Rainbow Dash turned away from the picture, scowling and muttering under her breath.

Me and Spitfire, give me a break! Just 'cause I idolized her, doesn't mean I want to do THAT with her! She's a good friend, that's all…! So…why do I feel guilty…?

Because you know you are… Sneaking glances of your Captain while in the showers, just like you did with Applejack.

And it's my fault that Spitfire and Applejack are both physically attractive!? Stallions do it all the time, even when they have marefriends, they still stare at other mares they think are hot!

True, but then again, it's not as if you're married to Applejack, you're still just marefriends. Which means you're free to dump her and trade up to something in yellow with a fiery colored mane…

I don't like Spitfire that way!!

You can't deny it; it's been eating at you, just like everything else about your relationship with AJ! You've allowed Clay to get beaten up and bullied, the cause of which is you, failing as a parent!

Rainbow Dash placed her hooves on her temples and began shaking her head violently, trying to silence the voices within her mind.

You can't even hold on to the mare you've been wanting since you first met, and now she's mad at you, she hates you! You were never meant to be a parent, or a lover, just a lone mare that has the occasional fling.

You're wrong, I love Applejack, and I love Clay, I'd do anything for them! I'm not all those things, I'd marry AJ if Granny Smith –!

Stop lying to yourself; you know well that Granny Smith gave you her consent months ago…

Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide open, her hooves falling to her sides. Dash's mouth tried to form words, but no sound came out to give them life.

You could've proposed to her at any time, but you keep putting it off. You're afraid to commit to her, afraid to be tied to one mare, and let's not forget Clay…

Leave him out of this!!!

Why? It's part of the reason; after all, what's the point in marrying AJ if neither of you can keep the little colt? You have to tell him, it's your duty to tell Clay the truth, but you're even more afraid of losing him, that he'll cast you aside once you've told him that –


You found his relatives!

Rainbow Dash was sobbing now, clenching her teeth so as to not alert her fellow teammates about what was happening. The voice within was right.

Face it, all you've ever been good at is flying, friends well always be friends, but you can't hold onto the things that you most care for…and once you do lose them…you have no idea what to do with your life…achieving a dream is nice, but not as fulfilling if there is no one special to celebrate it with…

Rainbow Dash couldn't say anything, she only grabbed the picture frame on her nightstand and held it close to her as she wept, and silently fell asleep.


"I cannot believe you've been constructing this thing for the past ten years Luna."

"Indeed sister, neither can I. Arion contacted me through the dream world, he instructed me to build this, saying that it is of vital importance that Twilight and the others have it."

"I can't imagine why they would need it," said Celestia, "Why would they ever need to go that far out of Equestria."

Luna sighed, "It is perplexing, but I am sure that as events unfold before us, its true purpose will be made known."

"I don't know if I want such events to unfold. Is peace so much to ask for Luna, is happiness such a foreign concept to our lives?"

Luna trotted up to Celestia and nuzzled the side of her neck comfortingly. The alabaster alicorn mare moved her head down to nuzzle the top of Luna's head, appreciative of Luna's presence. It was then that Celestia stared straight ahead, raising her left hoof and placing it on the clear surface in front of her. She gazed out, surveying the landscape, white and barren, with a blue planetoid shining like a sapphire in the black star filled expanse.

"I'm sorry I ever banished you to this lonely place," said Celestia.

"I forgave you long ago, so please forgive yourself," said Luna.

Celestia looked into Luna's eyes, filled with the very forgiveness she spoke of, and a love for her older sister that only an immortal could know. It was a look that was reflected in the elder sister's eyes as well.

"Luna…there's something I wish to –"

Celestia was cut off by the appearance of a scroll, which flashed into existence before their eyes. At first the solar mare was going to toss it aside to read it later, that is until she noticed the color of the ribbon that used to bind the parchment together, black. Celestia quickly opened the letter and read over its contents, Luna, noticing the growing distress upon her older sister's face, moved in to read the letter as well.

"We need to return, now," said Celestia sternly.

"Agreed," said Luna.

Doubt grows within the minds of two Knights of Harmony, threatening their relationships. Does this have anything to do with the Book of Doom's prophecy!? How will Applejack and Rainbow Dash deal with their inner turmoil!? How will Clay's date with Firefly turn out!? And what are Princess Celestia and Princess Luna building on the moon!? Even fate itself does not know the answers…