Ice Heart enters Ponyville.

by C4ptainSeven

Part 2. Making friends

I wake up again, this time with a small headache. Was there music playing? It feels like a drum is being played in my head. I rub the back of my head on the pillow, thinking it would help. It didn’t. I still found it a little uneasy to open my eyes, so I did it slowly. A pink mare was playing a large drum. I cleared my throat. “Who are-” I was interrupted. “I’m Pinkie Pie!” She said with a beam.

“Can you please stop playing that? I woke up with a headache because of that.” I said calmly as I could, still sleepy.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Pinkie smiled nervously. “I was just excited to see you awake again. Twilight told me that you were starting to be awake every day from now on.”

“Yeah, that sounds right.” I looked at her cutie mark. “Party balloons? I guess your special talent is throwing parties?”

“How did you know!? Well, is there anything I can get you?” Pinkie said, smiling. Somehow I felt the need to ask for something, but I didn't say because I didn't know what I wanted.

“I want a friend. Can you do that for me?” I said, hoping to see exactly how big her smile could get. I greatly underestimated her happiness. Her smile went from ear to ear in a grin that made me smile. “I’ll be your friend!” She said with great joy.

“Glad to hear it. I’m Ice Heart, if Twilight failed to say that.” I said, reminding myself that she might not know my name.

“Twilight told me. When has she failed? Besides, it says your name on the clip-board here!” She said, holding up the clip-board. I could see my name, my Cutie mark, gender, race, but age was blank.

“Pinkie… How old am I? It doesn't say here.” I said, pointing a hoof at the spot where it should say my age.

“I don’t know. We were all hoping you could tell us that. But if you don’t know, then we’ll assume you’re around twenty-one years old by your looks.” I felt a little shocked. I haven’t seen my reflection, so I couldn’t have known. But was I really that young? Checking my cutie mark, I wondered about why that windigo was there.

“Thank you Pinkie. But next time, can you be a little quieter?”

“Sure. Maybe you can come to…” After that the sound of her voice blurred away, going in and out with sound. I’m guessing she had been there for a long time, because she woke me up around morning, and it was already night time. She was still there, but so was Twilight. I looked up at her, about to say hello, but everything stopped again. I fell into a deep sleep. I could tell that I was now in a dream. My surroundings didn't make sense. Out of one window I could see the moon. Out of another I could see the clouds. Out one more I could see the sun. Out the last window, I could see other ponies, playing outside. It took me a while, but I noticed I was walking. This was clearly a dream. I also noticed all the windows were closed.

What would happen if I opened a window? Would I wake up then? Or just enter a new part of the dream? “Only one way to find out...” I thought as I opened the window that showed the moon. Looking outside, I see a town. By my guess is its Ponyville, seeing as it’s the only town I know of. But something was off about it. I get out through the window and start looking around. The town was empty, no, not empty, but asleep. I look up to see the sky. The stars and moon were breathtaking to say the least. It feels right to see the night more than the day. It’s cooler, more calm, and the sky… I lost myself in it for what seemed like an hour.

“Hello.” I hear a mare’s voice from behind and turn to see who it is, another friend, perhaps?
“Hi.” I say, not paying attention to how they look. “Who are you?” I ask.

“Do you mean you don’t know who I am? I am Princess Luna.” She said with a confused voice.

“Luna… means the moon. The moon only shows during night time. The Princess of the night?” I look up at the moon. “So, the night is here because of you?” I smile, bow, and close my eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for your gift.”

“Do you not know? I am the Princess of the night, but you don’t seem to actually understand. What is your name?” The mare seems a little different from the others. I can’t put my hoof on it though.

“My name is Ice Heart. I’m new around here.” I say, gesturing to the town around me.

“I don’t think you are. How much of Ponyville have you seen? This is your dream, after all.” It makes sense that I would only know three places, them being the icy plane, the entrance to Ponyville, and my hospital room. Well, along with just outside because I've seen through the window.

“Are you saying I've been here before? If that’s so, why doesn't anypony recognize me? Or why don’t I remember anything?” I have to admit, my memories were crisp because of them being the only ones I have. Luna started to turn around, whispering something. I couldn't hear her.

“When you are able, go see Twilight Sparkle at the library. She can inform you as of to what’s been going on around Ponyville.” With that, she flew away. As she got higher, she faded away. I start to look around the town and notice there’s more than what I've seen, or remember seeing.

“Just great! I’m lost in my own dream! The first time I slept, I was asleep for three months! Now what, four months, five? I don’t want to do that again!” I grunt and stomp a hoof to the ground. “Maybe all I need to know IS in the library. But I don’t even know where… wait a minute… this is MY dream, I haven’t been around here before. Maybe I can find it if I look hard enough.” I start searching for the library. It didn't take long; it was just a few blocks away from the hospital window. It looks like large tree with a candle sign in from of it. I peer inside to take a closer look. “Yeah, looks like the place.” I start to feel dizzy. I haven’t eaten yet. I should wake up.

I head back to the library and the dizziness starts to go away. Once at the bedside, I notice the other windows are gone. Not only that, but a small slip of paper on the bed reading “Welcome to Ponyville, Ice Heart.”