Teeny Weeny Spikey Wikey

by VanillaBeam

The Accident

The Accident

Spike started seeping the floor, all excited for the party that would take place later today. But even though it was going to be fun, there is going to have to be a lot of work put in to prepare for this party. So Spike was going to have to put some effort into his chores, and sweep a little faster.

"Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hm Hm Hm Hmmm Hm Hm", Spike hummed to himself as he swept the floor to the beat of his own song. He was sweeping in such a groovy motion, that he even began to dance a little bit. Ponies outside could see him dancing, and couldn't help but chuckle. He was really a mediocre dancer.

Then, while Spike was dancing, he closed his eyes, focusing more on dance sweeping, then actual sweeping. He wasn't looking where he was going, and knocked over one of Twilight's pots with his tail. It fell to the floor with a *crash*, which snapped Spike out of his dancing trance.

"Oh no nononononono no" he said after looking at the mess he made. "Oh great, Twilight's gonna be so mad. I-I gotta hide this, now!" Looking all around, he couldn't find a single place to put the broken pieces. Anyplace he would put it, she would find it. Or maybe Owlicious would rat him out. Either way, time was running out.

Then Spike glanced over at another pot, the pot full of shrinking powder. This gave the little dragon an idea.

"Maybe, if I use just a little of this powder, maybe I'll be able to shrink it just enough to hide it under the rug, and no one would be able to feel it if they stepped on it." Spike then looked at himself in the mirror.

"But, you would still have to explain why it's gone in the first place."

"True..... hmmmm........... maybe I'll just say someone borrowed it, then see if I can make a new one."

""Make a new one"? How will you do that?"

"I'll think of something."

"Me, you're a genius."

"Thank you, me."

With his self conversation over, he grabbed the jar, and sprinkled just a bit on the jagged pieces of the once pot. It worked very well. After a few seconds, the pieces shrunk into very tiny crumb-like pieces. "Perfect." said Spike as he brushed the crumbs under the carpet. And he put the jar of powder back where it was.

"Now, to get back to cleaning. No fooling around this time Spike." he said to himself as he continued on sweeping. Spike still felt very terrible for what he did to Twilight's pot. It was very beautiful, and Rarity gave it to her. Oh boy, that made him feel even MORE terrible, knowing it was one of Rarity's fine potteries. But he shouldn't focus on that right now, right now he needs to get to his chores.

As he continued sweeping, he bumped into the table again, this time, knocking over the Shrinking Powder jar. He caught it just before it fell off the table, and put it farther back on the table, so it wouldn't fall off. Little did he know, is that when he caught it, a lot spilled out............... onto him.

"Whoa, that was WAY too close." he said with relief. And then, after he placed the potion back on the table, he started to feel a weird tingling in his belly. He thought it was hunger at first, but then he started really feeling weird, like his muscles were tensing up.

"H-Hey, wh-what's going on?" he asked starting to get scared, then his body did something really weird: it started glowing. It glowed a kind of orange ora, and he noticed something really odd. The room was getting bigger. The broom he was holding was escaping his grip, and he had to let go.

"Why is the library getting bigger?" he thought, but soon it hit him..... hard. "Wait..... no........... I'M SHRINKING!!" he finally said with fright, and he was shrinking fast. He was getting smaller, and smaller, and SMALLER, until finally, he stopped. He looked around at his new, huge surroundings, and saw that he wasn't just small, he was tiny. He was no bigger then a half an inch tall, or so he thought.

"Oh no, this..... this is very, very bad." he thought as he paced around nervously, almost as Twilight would do.