My Little Pony: The Lost Episodes Season 2 1/2

by The Pancake Enigmas

EP 4: Discovery

"Twilight," Started Pinkie Pie. "Is there a reason you dragged me into your basement... Again?"

"NO!!" Twilight retorted sarcastically. "I thought we might just have a day in the life."

"With no romance or even talk of sexual behavior?" Asked Pinkie with a raise of her eye brow.

"Pinkie! That's not why I called you down here!!" Shouted Twilight. "We are going to find out what this orb really is! Obviously we are the only ponies who remember the darn thing!"

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. "I'd rather not spend my last few days of my life finding the purpose of some dumb rock."

Rarity felt a disturbance in her character.

Twilight Sparkle was confused. "What do you mean 'last few days'?"

"Applejack is going to kill us all eventually." Stated Pinkie. The basement seemed the same sense they where down there last, when Twilight was testing Pinkie. No changes.

"I'll choose not to comprehend that sentence." Twilight Sparkle was wearing overalls, and pulled the green out of one of her pockets. It still glowed like a glow in the dark air plane, with little glow in the dark army men, and a glow in the dark atomic bomb, ready to nuke glow in the dark Nagasaki.

Cheerilee ran in, forgot what she was going to say, and ran back out.

"Maybe," Suggested Pinkie Pie, "we could do something to activate it."

"Activate it?" Questioned Twilight.

"Last time it was activated by Applejack when she touched it." Pinkie said. "Maybe she has something to do with it."

"You weren't even there!!" Twilight yelled. "How do you know that?!"

"Forget it lets just hit it with something heavy." Pinkie Pie sighed.

"Like Applejacks skull?" Asked Twilight with a laugh.

"Lets just go. We are killing day light." Pinkie demanded.

Twilight Sparkle glared at her friend. "Day light is inanimate and impossible to kill." The two said nothing and headed off to Applejacks house, forgetting their promise to play pattycake with Derpy.


When Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was in a full body cast and the Cutie Mark Crusaders where painting a giant pirate-ninja on the barn (Or was it a ninja-pirate?). Applejack was sitting on Big MacIntosh.

"Applejack!!" shouted Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle.

"Applejack!!" Screamed Applejack back at them.

"Applejack! We need you to touch the object again!" Said Twilight, forgetting that her friend had no memory of what had happened.

"I didn't touch nothin!" Applejack protested. "I've just livin a day in the life with my Rainbow Da-" She paused and looked around. "WHERE IS MY RAINBOW DASH?!?!"

"Why are you in a full body cast?" Asked Pinkie Pie in curiosity.

"I was painting that pirate-ninja! Did I mention I'm an apple bucker?"

"Then if you broke your body painting it, why are the Cutie Mark Crusaders doing it?" Asked Twilight Sparkle.

"I hired them." Applejack stated.

"What about child labor laws?" Asked the purple unicorn.

"GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!" The apple bucker demanded.

"Isn't it Granny Smith's property?"

"Granny Smith is dead get off my property!!"

"OOOOOOOHHH!!!! OLD SPICE BODY SPRAY IS TOO POWERFUL TO STAY OUT OF THIS FANFICTION!!" Shouted the Old Spice guy. "You smell like friendship." He said to Twilight Sparkle.

"You smell like Pow-"

"YEAH I DO!!" A time warp then took him back to Mother Russia. Then, smelling like power, the two ponies left Sweet Apple Acres, knowing the crazy pony could do nothing to help at this point.

Twilight Sparkle groaned. "How are we going to get back to Ponyville without any slaves?!"

King Sombra then felt a disturbance in his character.... He then realized he has no character, and proceeded to mutter to himself about slaves, and crystals, and crystal slaves.

"We can walk..." suggested Pinkie Pie. "Isn't that how us earth ponies get around?"

Twilight's eyes lit up, and she jumped onto her friends back. "Onward my slave! To Hogwarts! AWWWAAAAYYY!!!!!"

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes and slowly started walking towards Ponyville. "Why am I the slave?" Asked the pink pony, trying to ignore the sound of her spine being destroyed. "I have the superior mind, an unfathomable aura, I've won an argument with the universe, my laugh FREAKING KILLS TREES WITH FACES!!!!! I CAN RUN FASTER THEN RAINBOW DASH CAN FLY!!!! I CAN PLAY 60 INSTRUMENTS AT ONCE!!! I'M AMAZING WITH BABIES!!!! I SOLVE MYSTERIES!!!! AND I HAVE ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR FANFICTIONS WRITTEN ABOUT ME IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA!!!!!!"

"You mean that murderous, torture story, Cupcakes?" Asked Twilight as she leaned back, enjoying the ride. "And wasn't that written from Rainbow's perspective?"

"... Just tell me why I'm the slave?"

"Because..." Twilight whispered with a grin. "I.... AM SCIENCE!!!! ONWARD STEED LIKE HORSE!!!!!"

When the two got to Ponyville, they found magic, flying dolphins, and had a terrible adventure in space. Then they returned to Ponyville on their Candle-Hoverboards, which again, happened in space.

"Well that was a terrible adventure in space." Stated Pinkie, as if somehow breaking the fourth wall and reading what I just typed.

"I did." Pinkie replied in an annoying voice.

"I don't have an annoying voice!!" Squealed Pinkie in the voice of Twist. I am the writer and I can write what I want.

"Pinkie Pie, who are you talking to?" Asked Twilight.

"The narrator. He thinks you sound like Napoleon Dynamite." Pinkie answered.

All of a sudden Lilli Blossom ran up, and ate the orb, thereby stopping the argument.

"Lilli Blossom!!" Screamed Twilight Sparkle in shock. "Where did you come from, and why did you just eat that orb?!"

"I thot it waz a wayt watcherz pil, so I ate it. lulz. Jk. I waz just hungry #NikkiManaj!!"

"Lilli..." Started Pinkie Pie as she facehoofed herself. "Your stupidity... It is almost... A talent."

"My stomach just wont listen, it's totes out of control!
It grumbles around, jerks up and down, I like the super bowl.
I ate that green circle, colored like celery, I can't help my stupidity,
but it's what my cutie mark is telling-"

For a moment, her cutie mark actually changed to the word "STUPIDITY", but nopony noticed, because right at that moment she exploded. Not like the cheap mentos explosion, but a big Hollywood $400 dollar movie explosion. Happy Explosion Day, Gorgeous. Look down, now up! It's two tickets to that thing you love. THE GALA!!! Look away, now back at me. Those tickets have turned into me! Fabio.

"Unfortunately." Started Fabio. "Lilli Blossom is dead. And the writers tagged Lilli Blossom in the story. So now me, Fabio, is taking her place."

"So... We lost the orb and Lilli Blossom, Applejack is in a full body cast, and the CMC are probably dead... BUT! We get Fabio!" Pinkie said with a laugh.

"... We lost the orb?" Asked Twilight as her eyes began to tear up.

"Look down. NO! Don't look away from Fabio. Fabio is holding that thing you love. AN ORB!!" Fabio then pulled the green orb from his mouth, and handed Twilight the orb. Twilight was shocked at the sight of the orb, almost completely in tact. Amlost...

"Pinkie..." Twilight whispered. "There is a dent in the orb... Maybe eating the orb, damages it..."