a cat named shadow

by Darkwill45

chapter 1

Chapter 1

"What is friendship?" The more I think about it, the more I hate that bloody question. Want to know another question I hate? Well that one would be; "what is normal?" I mean sure you can answer those by giving the dictionary definition, but are you truly answering what they mean? Maybe, maybe not, it depends on who you ask. However, it does not change the fact that what one would consider normal is right, the same goes for friendship. Am I right for thinking that friendship is something that one gains through trust, love, and kindness? As I sit here perched on the rooftop of ... town hall I think they called it. Gazing down upon this town, I realize that this kind of thinking is normal for me. Despite how I shouldn't be thinking at all. If I were to meet another of my species would they think me a freak? Treat me like an outcast? Hate my guts and try to kill and eat me? Or would they not care and welcome me with open arms? Again, that depends on who I meet.

"Growl gurgle growl"

Heh, as per usual my thoughts are interrupted by the grumbling of my stomach. Which reminds me, where is that girl? Yesterday she promised me that she would get some fish and cream today, to make up for that accident to me. as I stand and stretch letting out a rather big yawn, I look this way and that trying to spot shock of, my guess, lightning blond hair over slightly skewed golden yellow eyes. After a couple minutes I give up my search settling down again, only to zone out.

"Hey mister kitty, sorry I’m late."
My ears pick up her voice as I snap out of my reverie, with a shake of my head I look in her direction as she comes in from the... east is it? With a glance at the sun I realize that I zoned out for one maybe two hours. Huh, time flies when your mind blanks out on you. With a meow I get up and rub my body along her front legs in thanks.

What? Wait, you didn't know? I’m a cat, I thought the fish and cream would have been a dead giveaway. Now where was I? Oh yeah.... did I forget to mention that the girl was a pony? Huh, I thought I did. Ya know this would go a lot smoother if you didn't pester me with questions, why? Well because right now the mare and I are currently sitting down gazing out over ponyville while we are having this argument, I’m also chowing down on the fish and milk so would you kindly shut up! Thank you.

"How’s the fish and milk, mister kitty?" the mare asks me to clear some of the silence, I lift my head to let out a confirmative meow.
All the while I pretend to not notice the "I-know-something-you-don't-know" smirk on her face. When I think back on the accident I remember the ponies calling her something, I think it was Derpy at any rate. After finishing the meal I rub my head against her in thanks for it.

"You’re such a nice cat I don't see why nopony want you for a pet.", she says with a sigh.
It’s a shame really, of all the equines in this town she and a few of the others are the only ones who take note my... kind acts. but then again I don't give it much rent in my thoughts, I’ll care about my chosen when the time comes, for now I’m not worried about it. Besides I don't need to look at her face to know that she like me is looking out over this town with disappointment. it’s not the first and it won't be the last either.

After a couple minutes I meow to get her attention, after having gotten it I , with my paws mind you, point to her, the sky around the town and the sun asking if she need to be anywhere at the moment. It takes a couple tries for her to get the message but when she does she says with a gasp,

"that’s right, I’ve got pick up my little muffin from school", I help her pick up the dishes she brought for me to eat from putting them in her... saddlebags I think they're called, which interestingly enough wasn't really that hard.

"Would you like to come with?" Now there is a question that I wasn't expecting, she had asked me this before taking off. For a moment I was given pause, I didn't know this "little muffin" mainly because Derpy didn't really speak of her or him, were they a siblings? Her little one, as I call them? On account of this I almost turned her offer down, however the thought of passing up a chance like this to meet someone new as well as see more of this town from a bird’s eye view made me accept. After all you don't meet someone new every day, ya know?

I wait a few seconds before I finally nod in the affirmative, we don't want to seem too eager now do we? With a smile on her face, derpy moves to open one of her saddlebags. Unsure of what she intends I wait, only to see that she wanted to have me ride in them. With a sigh I shake my head in the negative to that option.

"Then how do you intend to come with?" she asks me, a slight frown on her face at my refusal. I lift a paw to my chin in thought, on one paw I could follow her from the rooftops and/or the ground but I would most likely get distracted by something that tickles my fancy. However, on the other paw I could ride on her back instead. With that in mind I jump onto derpy's back, taking note of where her wings are so I don't get in their way.

"HEY!" she cries out in mild protest, but even as she does I see the smile that dances on her lips and in her eyes. I see that like me she can't help but wonder as to what everyone else's reactions will be. Under her breath I hear her say,

"Dinky’s going to love you." for a second I’m confused then I realize that ‘my little muffin’ was a nickname for the little one. while we settle into position, derpy test flapping her wings to make sure that they wouldn't touch me, I still question what ponies like her are called... pegesi maybe, I’m testing out how deep my claws can sink in without causing her pain.

When I think they're in a good position I ask her,” Meow (is this good)?"

"Huh?" came her response, prompting me to ask again.

"Meow (is this good)?"

"Huh?" Derpy asks me again as she turns her head my way. With a sigh I remember that she can't understand me. In a sense all I need to do was gauge her reactions to my claws in her hide but, I want to a good passenger.

So while digging my claws into her side I once again ask, "Meow (is this good)?"

"Oh, oh yeah, your good." Was her response, even though it took her a moment to get the message.

With that we takeoff from the rooftop of town hall. As we fly toward the school, my eyes shifting this way and that. I take note of all the eyes that follow us in a mix of confusion, shock and awe, it's like they've never seen a cat riding on the back of a pony before. But at the same time they're looking at us with fear and disapproval. It’s not a shock that my ears pick up on the whispers and murmurs of the latest weird antic involving derpy.

"What is she thinking letting that mangy thing ride on her back?"

"I hope they don't get into an accident."

"I can't help but wonder how long that cat can stay on without falling off?"

"I hope they do get in an accident good riddance to worthless thing."

After hearing that one the phrase "after everything you've done for them, eventually they'll turn against you" pops into my head. As I said not a shock. When we arrive unscathed at the school house, much to the dismay of the one who wants me gone, and there is almost no one around. I dismount and take a glance at the sun, checking its position for the time of day... hmm, I think is about 2:59. When I look back at the school my ears hear seem to be hearing a steady ticking.

"Tick (3),"

"Tick (2),"

"Tick (1),"


And there goes the bell. Not even two seconds pass and there is already a gaggle of... colts and fillies, I think the little ones are known as, come streaming out of the doors. For a moment it’s a clashing chaos filled with screams of laughter and joy. Half of the little ones are heading towards the school's playground, while others are dashing off towards parents and elder siblings mouths going about a mile a minute on what they learned in class and what their friends spoke of at lunch. We stand there for a moment or rather derpy stands whilst I sit beside her grooming myself, taking glances at the door every couple of seconds to gauge how mass of little ones dwindles down to almost none.

In that time we don't hear any cries of mommy, or sister in that swarm of sound. I stop my grooming to share glance with Derpy. It’s clear that something is wrong. We march a couple steps toward the doors only to stop and hesitate. With a sigh I rub my tail along her front legs, it’s not much but it's enough to bring some form of comfort and maybe a little hope.