//------------------------------// // Crowbars and Flamethrowers // Story: Zombie Plan // by Red Letters //------------------------------// Twilight opened her eyes. She was in a large, dark room. The air smelled foul and damp, and the entire structure of the building she was in was made of stone. "R-rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked in a broken voice. No answer. The purple pony stood up, feeling a bit heavier than normal. Maybe that was because she was so tired. She groaned and looked around the place. She was alone. No friends there to help her. There was a window nearby. Instinctively, she went over to it and looked outside. The world was covered in clouds. Wooden and stone structures dotted the landscape while cobblestone streets stretched about in grid formation. There was an enormous factory made out of metal in the distance, but no smoke came from its smokestacks. Only the fog, and the haze that seemed to gently lull reality to sleep, was there. Twilight looked about. What was going on? This wasn't Ponyville. She heard a grunting noise behind her. Twilight turned. Standing there was something that Twilight had never seen before. It was like some sort of tall, bipedal, hairless ape thing. It wore some sort of fabric, but the fabric was ripped and torn. The creature was covered in blood, some of this blood stale, some of it fresh out of the vessel it had come out of. The creature had a blank look in it's eyes as it reached out towards the pony and moaned. Twilight, scared and confused, screamed and braced herself to be caught and hurt by this...thing. Yet the moaning suddenly ceased with a violent crack. Twilight looked up. There was, standing there, holding a crowbar, another hairless ape. This hairless ape wasn't covered in blood, and his eyes did not look blankly into the night. Instead, he seemed civilized...and just as surprised as Twilight was. "Wh-who are you?" Twilight asked. The crowbar-dude didn't say anything. Twilight smiled. "Thanks f-for saving me," she said. The crowbar-dude continued to stay silent. The unicorn looked at the human. He was wearing an orange and dark gray suit, with the orange parts of it glowing. He had a short brown mane for hair and glasses with bright green eyes "My name is Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said, trying to get some sort of words out of the crowbar wielder. "What's your name?" Silent. Twilight rolled her eyes. "This is gonna be fun, isn't it?" She exhaled, then looked back up. "Well, whatever it was, I thank you for saving me. I'll be on my way..." Twilight forced a grin. Silent. Not even a change in the facial features of the tall crowbar wielding ape. Twilight backed away, the turned and walked down the stairs of the structure. Hopefully there were other hairless apes here that could actually, in some way or another, communicate. The streets of the city were empty. At least, as far as Twilight could tell. She had been walking for about thirty minutes now, and not a single person was in the city. Well, except for the creepy silent crowbar dude who was following her. She had been scared, at first, upon stepping on the stone walkways, to hear the tread of feet behind her. When she turned and saw the crowbar guy, who just kind of stood still and stared at her, she didn't feel threatened. But she did feel weirded out. Twilight looked into the sky as a gentle sprinkling of rain began to fall. She groaned and looked behind her. There, standing completely nonchalantly, was Mr. Crowbar. The purple unicorn turned forward and whimpered. "Where am I?" she asked again. Twilight was a brave unicorn. But now she was scared. Through the haze, a silhouette of one of those hairless apes came into view. Twilight walked a bit faster, calling out to it. The creature turned. Covered in blood. Twilight backed up a bit. She didn't scream in fear this time, but she was still terribly afraid. Her flank bumped up against the metallic suit of the crowbar guy. Angrily, she looked up at the socially awkward ape, but then watched as the human ran over and beat the walking dead ape to the ground with his crowbar. The human strutted calmly over to Twilight Sparkle, some blood from the creature on his feet and on his crowbar. Twilight could've sworn that he was smiling on the inside, yet his face was still near expressionless. "Th-thanks again..." Twilight said. The crowbar-dude...okay yeah, you know he's gonna be silent every time in between Twi's dialogue. No surprises there. "I guess I owe you twice," The purple pony said. "I...I'm gonna stick with you from now on." There was shouting in the distance. Twilight turned to see a fierce blast of fiery light coming from one of the buildings. The light died down quickly, and you could hear some shouting. Twilight turned and gestured the crowbar dude to come with her as she galloped towards the building. It wasn't really that Twilight had an exceptional want to see zombies and fire, but, if there were people, there might be some way to get home. The two companions, a pony and an alien-beating zombie-slaying scientist, went through one of the alleys and looked in through the windows into the building. Inside, a man wearing a fire-pony suit...except fitted for the ape-beast...had a flamethrower in his hands, and was proceeding to fry zombies with it. He had a helmet on that had the number '451' on it, a number that seemed to be a motif for his entire outfit, as it appeared on his shoulders and on the tip of the flamethrower. He turned off the flamethrower and aimed it at the two companions. Twilight shouted and stared at the end of the machine, while the crowbar-dude just stood there. The fireman took of his helmet and mask and smiled. "Not zombie people!" he said happily. Twilight instantly smiled. This ape-beast spoke, and spoke English at that! What good luck! The human leapt through the window into the alleyway with his flamethrower in hand. He extended his arm to shake. "Guy Montag, Fireman," he said. Silence. As usual. Guy Montag looked at the scientist, then kind of shrugged and looked over at the pony. Twilight, still a little scared of these ape creatures, peered out from behind the crowbar-dude to look at the flamethrower-dude. What was with it and humans being associated with weapons? "Well then," Guy Montag said. "That's odd." Twilight Sparkle walked forward a bit. "I'm odd? You guys are the odd ones!" Montag stepped back a bit. "Uh..." The purple unicorn stepped forward. She stood about at the level of Guy Montag's waist, so she had to look up when she spoke. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, student of her Royal Princess Celestia at the Academy of Magic, sent to the town of Ponyville in Equestria in order to learn about the Magic of Friendship." "Well then," Montag said. "I was having a nice day with my friends when, all of a sudden, an enormous monster attacked Ponyville. Then there was that earth pony, and the black holes, and...now I'm all alone. Except for this guy. But he doesn't even say anything, so..." "You learn something new every day," Montag said. A few groans were heard in the streets near the alleyway. "We need to leave," Twilight said. Guy Montag nodded, and placed his helmet on his head. "Do you have any idea where we are?" Twilight asked of Montag. "Earth," Montag said. "A younger earth than I'm used to. I was pulled through some sort of black hole, too." Twilight nodded. "We need to find a way back to our homes." She looked at the crowbar-dude, then back at Montag. "We need to get to shelter, and think things out." Guy Montag placed his mask down. Twilight galloped away from the groaning noises of the oncoming zombie horde, with the crowbar-dude following her, just as the undead rounded the corner. Montag lit up his flamethrower as he backed away. Flames erupted in the haze.