My Little Mistborn

by Magiwarriorx

Chapter 3

"This is..... beautiful." said Vin. She and Twilight stood just outside the Canterlot palace, in the gardens. This was nothing like the gardens of nobles that she was used to. There was no ash, the ground was green with grass, and there were.... "Flowers." whispered Vin. They looked similar to the one in Kelsier's picture, but far more beautiful. Strange, wonderful little plants, these flowers. "Yes, the Canterlot gardens are quite pretty." said Twilight. Vin hardly noticed her speak. "The Final Empire is nothing like this. It's a land of mist and ash. The sky is always red, the sun a gigantic angry eye. What few plants there are are a sickly brown. But this place... just beautiful."

'Thanks to Sazed, home looks like this now.' Vin thought to herself. She and Twilight were on the road to Ponyville, and Twilight said they were almost there. Soon a small town came into view, visible without tin. Several ponies happily went about their business. As Vin and Twilight approached, a hush fell over the street as all eyes turned towards Vin. She disliked being the center of attention, but there wasn't she could do about that now. Eventually, Twilight entered what appeared to be a tree with a door in the side. When Vin opened the door, she saw that the tree was a library. "Spike! I'm home!" called Twilight. "Oh, hey Twilight. I was just putting up these books." came a reply from what looked like a talking stack of books with legs. The stack then moved itself over to a half empty shelf on the wall and quickly put all the books in their proper places. After it was done, Vin saw that it was actually a small, purple and green reptilian creature. "Anyway, I-" it said, seeing Vin. "Spike, this is Vin. She's a human from a place called the Final Empire. She somehow managed to teleport herself to the middle of the Grand Galloping Gala last night, and now we are trying to figure out how she got here."

"N-nice to me-meet you, V-Vin!" stuttered Spike. Vin smiled at this. "Hello, Spike." she said, subtly Soothing his fear and uncertainty. Spike visibly relaxed. Twilight picked up on this. "The allomantic effects of brass, I assume?" Spike looked confused. "The what?" Vin extinguished her brass. "Allomantic effect. I am what's known as a Mistborn. I swallow metals, and then 'burn' them, granting me certain powers based on the metal. For instance, tin enhances my senses, and brass can dampen the emotions of those near me. I used brass just now to dampen your fear of me." Spike clearly was disturbed by the fact that Vin had been toying with his emotions, but only said "O-okay" before running off to a different part of the library. Twilight sighed and began levitating books off the shelf, searching through them for information on humans. "Hmm... humans... humans... humans..." After a couple of minutes, she said "No, nothing on humans here. Oh well. Purhapse the Princesses will find something. In the mean time, let me show you around Ponyville!"

"Pinkie Pie, answer the door!" said Twilight. She and Vin were standing outside Sugarcube Corner. "Oh, hey Twilight! It's so good to see- IT'S YOU!!!" she screamed when she saw Vin. "QUICK!!! You need some cake, NOW!!!" She dragged Vin in with such surprising strength, Vin had to burn bronze just to make sure Pinkie wasn't a Thug. "Wait right here!" said Pinkie, dashing off to the back and reappearing a second latter with a cake on her back. "Here! Have some!" she said, handing Vin a slice. Vin hesitantly accepted it, wondering why this horse would give her cake so freely. 'Posion?' she wondered, but, flaring pewter, took a bite. It was delicious, and Vin could not detect any poison in it. "Well? What do you think?" asked Pinkie. "It's good." Vin felt something bite the back of her leg. Flaring her pewter again, she spun around to find a small, green, toothless lizard holding her leg in it's mouth. "Gummy! You know it's not polite to bite strangers! Now say your sorry!" The lizard released Vin's leg, looked up and yawned. "Oh dear! Thanks for stopping by Twilight, but it's naptime for Gummy! See you later!" Pinkie said, bouncing off. "Well, she's a little.... something..." Vin said. Twilight laughed. "That's Pinkie for you. Now come on, lets go see Rarity!"

"Rarity, this is Vin. She is a human from a place call the Final Empire. While we work out how she can get back home, I'm showing her around Ponyville." said Twilight. "Pleasure to meet you, Vin!" said Rarity, taking the fact that an human was standing on her doorstep better than most. "Likewise." Vin said. "Oh dear," said Rarity, "Simple black trousers and shirt? Sadly, I doubt I have anything that would fit your kind. I might be able to make something, but- Opalescence! Get down from there!" said Rarity, noticing her cat on top of Carousel Boutique, clinging on for dear life. "Oh, allow me." Vin said. Burning iron, she pulled herself to the top of the building. "HIIISSSSS!!!" growled Opal, glaring at Vin. She picked the cat up, it's claws bouncing harmlessly of Vin's pewter protected skin. And so, dropping a coin, she lowered herself to the ground, giving Opal back to Rarity, who stood with mouth agape. "You just flew... and picked up Opal..." Twilight quickly explained allomancy to Rarity, who was still in shock. "Yes, thank you ever so much! Now I have to tend to Opal. Make sure she didn't catch a cold in the wind up there. Ta-ta now!" said Rarity, heading back inside.

'It's so... peaceful here.' thought Vin. She an Twilight were on the road to Sweet Apple Acres. Strange, feathered creatures Twilight called birds chirped in the nearby apple orchard. "Watch out!" screamed Applejack, as a run-away cart nearly hit Vin and Twilight. 'Or maybe not' Vin thought. Realizing the cart could hurt someone, she burned iron, tugging on both the metal door latch of the nearby barn and the nails in the cart. The momentum of the cart fought her pull for a few seconds before the cart came to a stop, the rolled back up the hill and came to a stop next to Vin. "Thanks, Twi! Yer magic really comes in handy, don't it?" asked a orange pony with three apples for a cutie mark. "Actually, that wasn't me Applejack." Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Then who..." she began, then saw Vin. "Applejack, this is Vin. She's a human. She was the one who stopped your cart, with allomancy." After explaining allomancy yet again, Applejack turned to Vin. "Well, thanks for yer help, but I got apples to buck. Unless yer fancy metal magic could help?" Vin smiled, an idea popping into her head.

A few minutes later, Vin stood in the apple orchard. "I would suggest backing up" she told Twilight and Applejack, as she pulled out her coin purse. Throwing a handful of coins into the air, she burned steel. The coins shot away from her, expertly slicing all the apples off a nearby tree. "Wow. That was fast." said Applejack, while Vin retrieved her coins with iron. And so Vin helped with the harvesting, using her coins and steel, while Twilight helped with her magic. After an hour or two, Vin heard a bell ringing. "Soup's on!" said Applejack, running off towards house. Vin's stomach growled. Aside from Pinkie's cake, she hadn't had anything to eat today. So, burning pewter, she ran after Applejack. When she reached the house, she was greeted with a mouthwatering smell wafting from the kitchen. As good as it smelled, the food was far better. Apple pie, apple fritters, apple sauce, apple... well, you get the idea. After lunch, Vin thanked the Apple family for their hospitality, but that she and Twilight had to leave.

"Rainbow Dash! Wake up!" Twilight yelled up at the cloud-home of the cyan pegasus. She got no response. "Vin, could you get me up there?" she asked, gesturing to the clouds. "Sure." Dropping a coin, she grabbed Twilight and burned steel, shooting straight up. Eventually, their upward climb slowed to a stop, with Vin and Twilight hovering in front of the door of Rainbow's house. "RAINBOW DASH!!!! WAKE UP!!!!" Twilight screamed. There was a thump, and a few minutes later a very sleepy Rainbow Dash poked her head outside. "Ugh. What do you want, Twi...?" asked a very sleepy looking Rainbow Dash, her voice trailing off as she realized the unicorn was hovering in front of her door with Vin. "Come down here, there is someone I want you to meet!" Twilight said, as Vin began easing them back to the ground. "Hey, you're that human from the Gala, aren't you? Sorry for yelling at you." said Dash when she reached the ground. "It's alright." said Vin, smiling faintly. "Hey, how did you do that? Fly to my door, I mean."

"Okay, let's do that again! I just know I can beat you this time!" said Dash. Vin sighed. After explaining allomancy to Dash, the pegasus had wanted to see exactly how fast a Mistborn was. She had challenged Vin to a series of races; Dash had won the flying race, since Vin wasn't actually "flying" when she burned steel. However, on the ground, Vin was far faster. "Okay, on 3. 1....2....3!" said Twilight, and Vin and Dash tore off. Vin took the lead, Dash trying desperately to keep up. Then Dash flew past Vin, using her wings. "Hey, no fair!" said Vin, then a smell wafted to her tin-enhanced nose from the opposite direction. Smoke. Fire in Ponyville.

When Vin arrived, the house was engulfed in flames. The fire department was trying to put it out, but to no avail. At first, she only stood watching. Then she noticed a faint cry, undetectable without tin, from the upper portion of the house. Someone was still in there. 'Oh boy' she thought, running up to the doorway. Turning off her tin, she busted the door down with a pewter fueled kick. Heat rolled outwards. 'It's like an oven in there!' she thought. Running inside, she looked for a stairway to the top floor. She eventually found it, but it had been destroyed by the blaze. Burning iron, she noticed a strong blue line pointing to the pipes in the wall at the top of the stairs. She pulled on it, taking her to the landing above. "Hello?" she called out, searching for the pony. The blaze was intense, and if she didn't get out soon, she wouldn't be getting out at all. "HELLO!?!?!" she yelled. This time she heard a faint squeak. Running into the room it came from, she found a small foal hiding in the closet. Picking it up, she turned to leave the way she came, only to have a beam collapse from the ceiling, blocking the exit. 'Now what?' she thought, looking around. Then an idea hit her. Turning her back to an exterior wall of the house, she burned steel, finding more pipes. Pushing on them, she burned duralumin and pewter. The force of her push sent her rocketing through the fire-weakened wall of the house, pewter protecting her, the filly still in her arms. When she landed, a mare screamed, running up to Vin. She handed her the filly, assuming it was filly's mother. Vin then turned around just in time to see the house collapse.

"Wow, that was so cool! The way you broke your way out of the house just in time! It was so awesome!" said Dash. Vin smiled. They had learned that the house had been abandoned, and the filly had been in there because her friends had dared her to. "Anyway, I got weather to maintain. See you around Vin!" said Dash, who flew off towards a mass of black clouds in the distance. "Okay, so now let's go visit Fluttershy!" said Twilight, who skipped off. Vin followed.

After a while, they stood at the doorway of a woodland cottage. "Now, Fluttershy is a little... timid. If she sees and unfamiliar face at her door, she won't open up for anything. So could you maybe... hide?" Twilight asked. Vin nodded, dropping a coin and burning steel, causing her to hover above the doorway. "Fluttershy!" called Twilight, knocking. A yellow pegasus, presumably Fluttershy, answered the door. "Oh. Hello, Twilight. What's that?" asked Fluttershy, looking at the gold boxing Vin was using as an anchor. Vin stopped burning steel, dropping to the ground on top of the boxing. Vin heard a squeak, then the sound of a door slamming and several locks clicking home. "What part of "timid" did you miss?" asked Twilight. "I was afraid she would move the coin, messing up my steel push." replied Vin. After several minutes of trying (and failing) to coax Fluttershy out, Vin used her allomancy to unlock the door. Fluttershy squeaked again from somewhere in the living room. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you." said Vin, Soothing away Fluttershy's fear and anxiety, Rioting her confidence and curiosity. After a while, Fluttershy poked her head out from around the couch, then started slowly approaching Vin. "Hello there Fluttershy. My name is Vin, and I am a human from the Final Empire." "H-h-hello, V-V-Vin." replied the shy, pink maned pegasus. As they talked, Vin slowly turned her zinc and brass down to a low burn, eventually turning them off entirely. "Swallowing metals can't be healthy." said Fluttershy as they began talking about allomancy. "Anyway, I was just about to go to Zecora's house. Mr. Birdy broke his wing, and I want to see if Zecora has any potion that could help. Do you want to come with me and see if she knows how you can get back home?" Twilight smiled. "Of course! Zecora will be sure to know! Come on Vin, let's go!" said the purple unicorn.