[Download : A Story]

by paulcanare

[002 - Download]

Huh... I feel...

Weightless... Yeah, that's it weightless. Funny after those crazy 'human' dreams I usually feel wasted, but now... nothing. Nothing but the weightlessness and a mild rumbling.

And some shaking. Yeah I can feel some shaking now.

"...ke..up...wak...up..." and now a weird voice. Oh well sleep now worry later I guess.

Silent Dreamer's POV:

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" My throat hurts. I've been shouting this for what? minutes? I don't care. The fact that He can just lay down like this and sleep through a train ride with a stupid smile on His face like a doofus is reason enough to not care. I mean nopony, and i mean NOPONY could possibly sleep through all the clatter and noise from the carriage next to us.

"Oh come on, we're already in Ponyville. Please wake up." Nothing, no response whatsoever. Apparently somepony can sleep through that.

"You never change, do you? Guess there's no other choice then." Let me just get into position here... Good now just a slight magical push to the left, and...

Download's POV:


"My...h-head...hurts... That's one painful wake-up call. Ugh." As my eyes adjust to wakefulness I see... luggage... All of our luggage to be exact, and I'm buried under all of it. Oh joy.

"Uh, Download. Are you awake now?" Dreamer? Yeah, I should have known She would do this to me. Can't blame her though, I am a heavy sleeper after all.

"Sadly, yeah. Are we there yet?" I yawn out in reply.

"Yes, we're here. Now hurry up, we need to talk things over with the mayor regarding our housing. Remember?"

Brain loading... 18%
Brain loading... 23%

"Uh... No?"

"Yeah, I thought so. Seriously though where would you be without me?" And there's that smug grin on Her face. Just great, once again I have proven how useless I am.

"Harsh words there Dreamer. So mind helping with the luggage?" Just get the keys to the house and sleep, yes sleep is good. But first, to get off from underneath the bags, and out the train.

"Oh how rude, to ask a lady to carry the bags. How insensitive of you." The Canterlot accent? Really? She should act like this more often.

"Ha-ha. Very funny, I meant your magic. Levitate them or something." This girl needs to stop with the drama. It's over rated.

"OK, OK. Here up we go... Happy?" Ah finally, I'm free from those heavy things.

"Yes, now we find the mayor and get the keys." Here's hoping Ponyville is a nice place to live after all.


Well how do I describe Ponyville? It's quaint, small and looks peaceful. It's 4 pm now and ponies could be seen walking around in a leisurely pace. The air smells fresh and the sky is clear. The ponies are also kind, they wave and greet us as we pass with soft smiles on their faces.

Asking for directions and finding the Mayor's office was easy. I mean literary, the building's in the middle of the town, right in the middle. And after some small talk, and a few signatures we got the key to our new home. And we set off to find our new house.

"See I told you Ponyville was safe."

"For now, yes. But that still doesn't change my point."

"Oh sure, 'coz while I'm walking merrily along here some disastrous evil will strike me down or something? Really now, Discord is gone, Chrysalis is too, and life is good here again. What could possibly go wro-"

Cutie Mark Crusaders POV:

~Far above a hill three fillies are arguing.

"Are ya sure this will git us our cutie marks?"

"Positive, I mean Rainbow Dash got hers from speed right?"

"So we ride on your scooter down the hill? That's a little slow isn't it?"

"I guess, but we have to try something right?"



Download's POV:

"LOOK OUT MISTER!!!" Funny that accent sounds likreabursn's. Now where did that come from?


Yep I just had to say that one line... didn't I?~

Silent Dreamer's POV:

"You are such an idiot. You know that. Oh and girls?"

"Oh Gosh, is he going to be all right?"

"He's fine... I think, right Apple bloom?"

"Well, he's still breathing, there's no blood... I think so?"


"What are we going to do!?"

"Calm down Sweetie bell, we'll say it was an accident."

"Do ya really think knocking someone like that could be an accident?"

"Um... Girls?"

"Applejack will be so mad, she'll ground me for uh month."

"And Rarity'll scold me for weeks."

"No they won't. I think. Anyways we need to bring him to Nurse Red heart."

"GIRLS! Do I have your attention now? Good, as I was saying that will not be necessary. Isn't that right Download? You can get up now."

"But Dreamer~. Laying down on this dirt road is too comfy."

"Yes and fooling kids is wrong. Now apologize."

"He was... but we... now he's... Oh my..."

"Wow, did she just faint?"


"We should probably get her someplace safe"

"Yes, but where? We don't know the layout of this town yet."

"Augh. Just levitate the three of them and let's head for the nearest building." Really now I haven't been here 30 minutes and I'm already in a world of trouble.

"Hey lemme go!"

"Hey this is foal-napping you know, you could get in serious trouble."

"Yeah, I know... So what door to pick?"

"Leggo 'o me!"

"That spa is the closest one here, Why not check there?"

"Heh, why not. I could use a massage right about now. Lets go."


"Hello, and welcome to ze Ponyville Spa. What can we~ Uh, oh dear."

"Before you freak out, can you at least show us to the hospital? We have this girl here, and she fainted."

"Uh... oh yes, the hospital is. Well its down the main road and to behind the town library. But they're closed today, so..."

"Of course. Any other bright ideas Download?"

"As a matter of fact I do. Uh miss, how much for the whole body massage?"

"You can't be serious."

"Aloe, call Applejack! They're foal nappers!"

"Yeah, if you could put us down now that would be great."

"You're foal nappers?"

"Yes, and no. You see. We can explain. Right Dreamer?"

"Yes, you see they bumped into him and he~"

"We got it already, it was our fault first. So could you please put us down now?"

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry girls. And I'll just lay Sweetie on the couch here."

"So what do we do now? Sweetie belle's unconscious, and Pinkie's not here to give the new guys a 'Welcome to Ponyville Party'."

"Cool, a welcome Party... Wait a second."


"A Welcome Party!?"

"Download Focus, someone just fainted. Remember?"

"What ya'll never heard 'o Pinkie Pie yet?"

"No, never heard of her. Oh yeah Miss... Aloe? Give the poor fainted girl a full spa session would you?"

"But she iz unconscious. We cannot possibly~"

"Ugh, Wha-what? Where, where am I?"

"Problem solved then. I'll pay you tomorrow. OK, bye." Wow, the first day and I got hit by three fillies, got one of them to faint, technically foal napped them, owe the local spa a full spa session, and apparently a 'Pinkie Pie' is going to throw us a party... This is probably a good time to leave town. Yep, definitely a good time to leave town. Okay, maybe after the party.

"Dreamer do you remember where the mayor said our house was?"

"Um, maybe? Wanna try asking directions again?"

"Where ya'll headed to anyways?"

"Looking for the house we bought, we just couldn't find it and then these fillies bumped into me and... Wait a second, It's just you."

"Download be nice."

"Nah, it was our fault there. We should've been more careful. So what're you lookin for?'"

"Uh, what's the address again Dreamer?"

"Well all it says on the key is 'HOUSE NUMBER: 255'. Any idea where that is?"


"Ah think ah know that place..."