Rewriting the stories


Not worth it (?)

I avoided every contact with Fluttershy that same day, and the next ones too.

Even a blind guy could see that things couldn't go further, it wasn't possible. It wasn't worth a try either. But yet I tried, and look where it brought me.

It wasn't worth it.

I knew I should have heard my brain and not my heart. One can process things coldly, accurately; the other, however, follows a hunch, some kind of hope. And now I was paying the price.

It's not that I was mad or anything, not at her at least, but at myself. If I had shut up from the beginning... or if I was like her.

She called me by my OC's name (we both are very similar anyway, except from our parents), and I thought that the only way to share feelings, would be to be a pony like her. The problem was: how?

No, it wasn't worth either, I already have a life in my world, it's hard to let go something you are very accustomed to. If I'm not willing to let go my life just for her, it must be that I don't really care. But I DID care, a lot. Who said that you have to leave everything just for love? But then it wouldn't be "unconditional love", how it must be.

It was a lost cause, no matter how did I look into it, I was just getting even more entangled in the problem. It was hopeless. I didn't know love could be that hard, that painful.

It's not worth it... is it?

One night, just like any other, I was at my bed, trying to get some sleep. My mouth was dry so I headed to the bathroom for a sip of water. But it wasn't until I got to my bedroom's door until I heard something from the other side.

Dismissing my thirst unimportant, I paid closer attention, and I realized that the girls were talking between each other, far away from my door. Curious as I was, I rested my ear on my side of the door, trying to understand something they were talking about. I could only hear some muffled talk, but it was clear enough to understand.

"I don't get it," Rainbow said "I thought that it would turn out differently."

"C'mon, after what she jus' told us, how could things be any different?" Applejack said.

"Well yeah, but I was expecting he'd take it better." Rainbow said.

"Let me put it this way Rainbow," Twilight started. "If someone you love tells you they don't feel the same way, how would you feel?"

"I'd feel sad, but that wouldn't make me ignore the guy."

"But the difference is that you don't see that guy everyday, but he on the other hoof does see her," Rarity said. "It is better to not have contact for a while, but how can he do that if we are all living here?"

"Please don't tell me it has something to do with me." I thought, imagining where this talk was going to.

"Why did you do it? Why did you tell him that? Because I can't figure it out on my own." Rainbow asked.

There was a silence. Maybe all the 6 of them were awake, strangely enough Pinkie hasn't talked at all.

"I... thought it was for the best." Fluttershy finally said.

I was sure that this talk was actually related to me, but I hated to jump on conclusions, even if things could be so bluntly obvious. I decided to hear more:

"How could you have thought that?" Rainbow asked.

"If ya' think it thru' Rainbow, it's not that strange," Applejack explained. "He did say that somethin' between them would be wrong, with him bein' a human, and she a pony."

"Yup, I have everything to do here."

"But he also said that despite how wrong it could be, he was willing to take the risk, right?" Rainbow protested.

"That's true, but can you see somepony like him and Fluttershy together? Even I can't see that!" Pinkie said.

"Oh come on Pinkie, Gilda once tried to hit on me, so it's nothing from the other world liking another species." Rainbow pointed.

"She actually did?"

"Ugh, think more practical, will ya' Rainbow?" Applejack said "It's not normal ta' like somepony completely different from you, specially when the species are."

"I know that, but why is it so wrong?" Rainbow asked.

"It's not wrong per se, it's frowned upon." Twilight said.

"And what about Spike? We know how he feels about Rarity."

"But he's just a baby, he'll come to his senses in time," Rarity assured. "Every little kid does."

"Besides, why are you insisting on this topic Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"Well... I was kinda happy at the fact that somepo- er, somebody likes Fluttershy." she answered, a little sad.

"Happy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. I mean, you're always lonely, and I thought that you could use a coltfriend sometime. But nopony ever paid you attention besides us. I'm sorry I'm pushing the topic further, but I don't think you actually meant what you said, right?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy wasn't responding, was she thinking what she was going to say?

"I know you since we were fillies Fluttershy, and I believe you didn't tell him the truth." Rainbow insisted.

"You're right. I didn't." she said.


"WHAT?!" all but Fluttershy and Rainbow exclaimed.

"The thing is... I do feel the same way about him." she assured.

"But why did you do it?" Rarity asked.

"As if I had a choice!" Fluttershy protested "Didn't you hear me when I told what he said? I can't do that! Besides we all don't belong to this world, we belong to Equestria. If I did reply to his feelings, what would happen once we go back?"

"She's right, we have our lifes there, he has his' here. It's not possible." Twilight said.

"But what about now? You could be with him for the time we have left here." Rainbow insisted.

"Ya' still don't git it do ya'," Applejack jumped. "Ya' can't force two ponies to be together."

"I'm not forcing it! I'm just...!"

"It's okay Rainbow. This is a lost cause anyway," Fluttershy said. "At least I'll spare him the moment of bidding me goodbye, knowing we will not come back." she finished sadly.

There was nothing else to be said.


They jumped out scared at the sudden noise, and looked where it came from. Right at me, speechless like me. The door wasn't closed, it was ajar, so when I pushed my head closer to it, it unexpectedly opened and I fell to the floor.

Fluttershy seemed like collapsing, and in a surge, she ran for the front door.

"Fluttershy wait!" we all shouted.

But it was too late, she opened the door, and escaped into the night.

We searched from the porch of the house, Rainbow was scoping the nearby forest.

"Any sight of her?" Twilight asked a few minutes later.

"None. I can't find her in the dark," Rainbow returned. "I need light, we'll have to enter to find her."

"Okay, I'll go with you Rainbow," Twilight said. "AJ, can you take Pinkie and Rarity and search on the other side of the forest?"

"Sure thing sugarcube."

"Thank goodness it's not the Everfree," Rarity muttered while moving out. "I'd despise to enter there again."

"Twilight, let me go with you." I said.

"No, someone has to stay here in case Fluttershy returns." the unicorn replied.

"Oh right. So will you two be okay?"

"Of course, it's not like there are strange creatures in the dark right?" she joked.

"Um, yea, I guess not..." I said, faking ease.

"Okay, we'll be right back. C'mon Rainbow!"

The pegasus then followed Twilight into the dark. and I just stood there in the porch, worried. There was no moon, and the stars didn't give enough light.

It would be the perfect time for a peculiar tall someone to appear just like nothing.