The Chaos Factor

by Mr Jelly

The slightly awkward day afterwards

“Apple Seed, can you go check on Rain Whisper?”

Rain Whisper opened her eyes, immediately she felt a pain in her head, followed by her back and stomach. Above her was a red stallion, looking off in another direction.

Despite the pain, Rain Whisper moved away from him quickly, backing into the corner wall at the edge of the bed.

“You’re awake.” Cyburst said, “You’re breathing quickened, by about twelve BPM.”

“I... What do you want?” Rain asked in a panicked voice, starting to cry from the pain.

“Hmm?” Cyburst looked over, seeing her frightened state, “Oh, crap. Look, I’m sorry. Here.”

Cyburst stepped closer to Rain Whisper, earning a swift kick to the chest.

“D-Don’t hurt me...” She whimpered.

“Ow, look! I don’t even have Silverbolt.” He said as he rubbed his chest, then he raised his hooves.

Rain Whisper tucked her legs close to her chest and stayed in the corner, eyeing the stallion like he was trying to trick her.

“I said I was sorry.” Cyburst said, his horn started to glow, “Just stay still.”

“Why?!” Rain shouted. “What are you doing?!”

“Healing you.” He said, a red aura surrounding Rain Whisper.

Glass shattered in the doorway. Apple Seed stood there with a look of shock on her face, her red mane seemed to shimmer in the sunlight from an overhead window. Along with a light cream colored coat, they seemed to contrast perfectly with each other.

“Cy, What are you doing to her?!”

“Trying to heal her with my magic,” He said, “But she won’t stay still!”

“Honey,” Apple Seed said, turning to Rain Whisper. “stay still, Cyber Burst is a good Stallion, you can trust him.”


“Umm, I kinda did scar her for life about an hour before.” He said.

“Not. Helping.” Apple Seed growled through her teeth at Cyburst.

Cyburst crossed his front legs.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Just trust him for a minute.” Apple Seed said.

Rain Whisper sighed and held back for a few more seconds, before letting the aura embrace her.

“Okay, this may hurt.” Cyburst, “A lot.”

At first, Rain Whisper felt nothing. A slight sting as her cuts and bruises faded and closed. Then, it felt like a train hit her at a hundred miles an hour. She felt a snap here and a crack there. It felt like hours, but the pain finally stopped.

“I...” She stammered, frozen in place. “Help...”

“Sorry about that.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck, “I broke a few of your ribs earlier and had to reset them before healing them.”

“Yeah... I noticed...” Rain said softly.

Cyburst pulled Rain Whisper for a hug.

“I’m so, so sorry.” Cyburst said, “It’s just...”

Rain whimpered from the pressure on her chest, but tried to hug him. Then, she felt tears on her shoulder.

“Why are you crying?” Rain asked. “I should be the one crying.”

“I really couldn’t even start to explain why.” Cyburst said, “Just too many things all at once.”

“Um... Cy, I’m gonna need you to step out for a second, I might have to double check some... things of hers... that... uh... y’know...” Apple Seed said.

“Oh, of course.” Cyburst said, pulling off and walking out the door, “You’ll know where I’ll be.”

“Wait, what?!” Rain asked.

“Don’t worry, I’m a nurse in Canterlot.” Apple Seed said.


“This might be important, Rain.”

“Stop talking to me like I’m a kid!” Rain Whisper said, crossing her front legs. “You’re no older than me.”

“I’m twenty-two.”

“I’m nineteen.” Rain said, “Almost twenty.”

“Well then, until then, I’m going to treat you by the age you act.” Apple Seed said, rolling her eyes. “So for now I’m going to treat you like a kid.”

Apple Seed came outside a few minutes later, sitting down next to Applejack and Quiet Ocarina.

“How is she?” Quiet Ocarina asked, “Is she gonna be okay?”

“She’ll be fine. Everything is fine.” Apple Seed said, “Cyburst did a great job with his healing spell.” She said, looking over at the red stallion in the distance.

Cyburst was laying down on the hill, ‘watching’ the sunset.

“Ya’ know, Ocarina, the stallion’s a little older than me.” Applejack said.

“Really?!” Ocarina said in shock, “How’d he age so well?”

“Nopony knows.” Applejack said, “Look at the family photos on the mantlepiece.”

Ocarina went back inside to check above the fireplace, one of the many places the Apple Family kept photos. She started to look at some of the older ones, ones with Granny Smith and Big Mac. After about three or four pictures, Granny Smith and Big Mac stopped showing up.

“That’s when the war started.” Applejack said from behind Ocarina, “Ole Granny Smith couldn’t hold ‘er own.”

“What happened to Big Mac.” Ocarina asked.

“He was lost with ‘er” Applejack said, holding back tears, “But look after that. That’s when Cy came.”

Sure enough, Cyburst started to appear in more and more pictures. As the pictures got younger, the Apple Family got older, except for Cyber Burst. His appearance never changed in any of the pictures.

“That’s amazing!” Ocarina said.

“Ah’ know, right?” Applejack said, “He’s the thing that keeps me going. He never complains about the work he has to do. He always thanks me after every meal. He’s never missed a birthday, neither.”

“Wow.” Ocarina could only say in awe.

“Oh, Luna...” Rain Whisper said from behind the two, holding her side, “What are you girls doing?”

“Oh, nothing.” Applejack said, “You should say laying down. Cyburst’s good, but things break easily.”

“I...” Rain swallowed. “I’ll be fine.” She said.

“Suit ‘yerself.” Applejack said, walking back outside.

“Rain, look at these photos.” Ocarina said, beckoning Rain Whisper with a hoof.

“What about them?”

“look at Cy in all these photos.” Ocarina moved out of the way.

Rain Whisper studied the photos for a few seconds, studying Cyburst in all of them. “Why isn’t he changing?”

“Exactly.” Ocarina said, “Rarity said he could do some pretty impossible things, but not aging?”

“He has to age, everypony does.” Rain said, going to look at him outside. “He’s no Alicorn, and even Alicorns don’t live forever.”

“I think he’s something more..” Ocarina squinted at the Stallion.

“Like what?” Rain asked.

“I don’t know.” Ocarina said, “But he doesn’t age, that in itself is amazing.”

“Yeah, it is.” Rain said, getting an idea. “Let’s go talk to him!” She said, running outside for a few seconds, then stopping.

“Oh, you shouldn’t run, your wounds.” Ocarina ran after her.

“Fine.” Rain said, making water come out of a stream and cascade around her hooves, levitating her over to the hill that Cyburst was on.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Cyburst said, looking at the sunset.

“Yeah, I didn’t think somepony like you would appreciate a sunset.” Rain Whisper said.

“It’s one of the only things I still can.” Cyburst said.

“What about Applejack? You like having her around don’t you?” Rain Whisper asked looking over her shoulder to try to find out where Quit Ocarina was.

Cyburst chuckled, “Yeah, I appreciate her too.”

“Do you have something for her?” Rain Whisper asked, seeing the look on his face.

“What? No.” Cyburst looked at Rain Whisper, “As a friend, not... like THAT.”

“Uh-huh, sure.” Rain said, juggling a bit of water in her hooves.

“You know, you have got a strong power there.” Cyburst said, “Use it wisely.”

“What do you mean?” Rain said. “There haven’t been any threats since the war ended.”

“That’s what you think.” Cyburst said, looking back to the sunset.

Rain Whisper got in front of Cyber Burst, staring him in the eye. Cyburst saw her usually light blue eyes were replaced by a purple and a red. “Did you ever meet my father in the war?”

“I can neither confirm or deny that.” Cyburst said, studying her eyes, “Have you gotten that checked out?”

The purple eye had a bright glow, but Rain Whisper blinked, when her eyes opened, the discolored eyes were gone. “What checked out?” she asked.

“That’s creepy...” Cyburst said to himself.

“It’s about time you showed up!” Rain called from over Cyburst’s shoulder.

“Oh, was I interrupting something?” Ocarina giggled.

“No.” Cyburst looked at the blue mare, “How are you feeling?”

“Me? I’m fine.” Ocarina said, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Cyburst looked closely at Ocarina. Ocarina looked into Cyburst blue eyes. She turned away after a few moments, blushing.

“Hmmm.” Cyburst said, raising an eyebrow, “Okay then.”

The sun had set over the far off mountains, darkening the night sky. The moon rose over the group of ponies. It was a crescent at the current time.

“We should head back to the house.” Cyburst said, “Give Luna less things to think about.”

“Alright, I’ll see you guys back at the house.” Rain Whisper said, taking off towards the house.

“I should make sure her wound don’t open back up.” Cyburst said.

“Go get ‘em, tiger.” Ocarina said, tapping Cyburst rump.

“Gah!” Cyburst ran to Rain Whisper.

Ocarina chuckled.

Cyburst looked back up at the moon.

“You’d better not be doing this.” He said.