A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

Hands Part 2: Life With Hands Part 1.

A Scientist in the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria
Hands Part 2: Life With Hands
"How to Live a Life Like a Human...Kinda"

Bon-bon woke up, feeling the same as before. Stange. She sat up, realizing what was strange... she was still in a human-like form. Or as James said, "An anthro form." 'I don't know what I did to go through this, but I'm sorry.' She thought. At first she stopped, hoping that it would be all a dream and she would be in normal pony form.

Nothng happened.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. "Can I come in?" James said. Bon-bon forgot to close the door, in which she made a note on that, then added, "Only if you aren't going to turn me into a cow for your milk." James just chuckled at this, then said, "If I needed milk, I would go to the store. That's why milk is at a store, so everypony doesn't need to own a cow."

Bon-bon thought of what James said, then chuckled because it was true. James sat down next to Bon-bon, as she tried to figure out how things would ever go back to normal. "Why would you wish for such things?" "Huh?" Bon-bon said. James smiled, then said, "I know that look," he said, wagging a finger at her. "It's the 'How do I do normal anymore, when my life has been so far... weird?' look. That's the same look my sister had, when I gave her experimental chemicals to drink, and she- herself -actually tried some of my experimental products, not knowing the outcome. That's kinda why I like her." he said.

Bon-bon's ears perked up, hearing that James had a sister. "You had a sister?" she asked. James looked at her, then said, "Have. I'm hoping to find a way to get home... back to Earth." He paused for a moment, staring off into the distance. He then snapped out of it, returning his attention back to Bon-bon. "But that's besides the point. The point is that you shouldn't be afraid of being weird. In my opinion, whatever prepares you for unpredictability... well, be prepared." he said.

"Now I came up here not only to check on you, but to also show you what I was working on for Lyra." he said, getting up from the bed. "Come on. You've got to see this, it's so cool." He then quickly ran down the stairs, only for Bon-bon to hear what sounded like a body falling down the stairs. There was a sort-of silence that hung in the air. "I'm ok." he finally said.

She shook her head, then got up, only to fall over. She then pulled herself up, and started to try walking. She soon got the hang of it, putting one foot in front of the other. She soon finally was able to walk normally, then left the room.

Bon-bon soon came down the stairs, as she walked into the living room, seeing Lyra wearing a odd gauntlets on her hoofs. "What are those things?" Bon-bon said. Lyra held up a hoof, then suddenly, the gauntlet on her left hoof opened up and out came a mechanical hand with five fingers on it. "Check it out. Hands!" she said, with excitement. "I can finally teach you how to use them." Lyra said. Bon-bon looked at James, who just smirked at her expression.
Octavia and Vinyl got up, greeting the day without a explosion. There was a crash, however that seemed questionable to them. So, they got up and headed downstairs. They soon heard a wild commotion going on. "Is this is how you do it?" Lyra said. Both mares were nervous at what was going on, they were afraid that Lyra was about to blow them up. They quickly ran down, only to find the strangest sight they ever saw. One that would place them into shock.

Sitting at a table was Lyra with a strange gauntlet attached to her hoof, which had a mechanical hand on top. She was holding James hand, who was on the other side of the table. Both looked like that they were pushing on each other's hands, trying to... do something. Both mares looked at each other, then back at the three of them. (AN:Apparently, they don't know arm-wrestling)

They suddenly noticed the strange looking pony, which they almost instantly knew who it was. It was Bon-bon, who was looking over the strange event that was taking place. Soon, James' hand was pinned down by the mechanical gauntlet that Lyra wielded. "Darn it, looks like you won Lyra." he said. He then turned toward Bon-bon and said, "You want a go Bon-Bon?" Bon-bon looked over what James was pointing at what James was talking about, then said, "Sure, I'll give it a try." she said.

James got up as Bon-bon sat down. James then noticed the two musical mares. "Morning girls. Want some breakfast?" he said, as both girls behind him started their arm-wrestling. Both mares knew that this week wasn't going to be normal, not at all.
After all that happened, they all went back to work, except for two. They were already at work, helping Bon-bon get used to her new form. As they started teaching her how to sit, and some of the strange things that were somewhat normal to humans, Twilight entered the house. "James, weren't you going to give me the notes on 'Wormhole Theories and the Multiverse'?" she said. She then stopped looking at the strangest thing, Bon-bon who didn't look fully human, just partilally human.

5 minutes later, after an explanation...
"...and that's how all of that happened." James said. Twilight was listening to everything that James was saying, wondering if she was going crazy or not. Her brain said that it wasn't her or the brain going crazy, but the human was going to drive her crazy. "So, she drank something without your permission, and now she isn't normal?" she said. James nodded. "See, I told you that she would understand." he said, to Bon-bon.

Twilight was confused, wondering why he didn't just create a cure. "Oh, by the way Twilight, I'm testing a strange device that will enable anyone's expressions to be exaggerated. I'm testing out the... "Rage Helmet"? I don't remember why I called it that, I was drunk and ended up doing drunk science again." Twilight facehoofed, shaking her head. She wondered why she ended up with the weirdest and craziest creature ever.

"Anyways, I'll test it out later," he said, placing the device on a manikin crash test dummy's head, "For now, we're teaching Bon-Bon how to use her hands. Hopefully, she'll be able to actually use them for useful things." James said. Twilight looked at Bon-bon, then back at James "Can I help?" she asked. James shrugged, as if this was normal, adding "Sure" to the shrug.