Hell's Angel

by Resurgent Wanderer

Epilogue: It's Only Just Starting

Pacing in the specialized Pelican, Scootaloo was caught between the want to put her armour on to feel Spartan again, or to head into town and feel pony again. It was a hard thing to do, noting your faults and where you could and couldn't fit in, and decisions were never easy. Now she had eight hours left and she still couldn't come to a decision.

"Funny, wasn' it? We were both so worried abou' hurtin' the other we just stood there..."

Nodding absently Scootaloo continued her pacing. Even thought it had been a month ago, it felt like it had only be hours since opening her eyes to find that neither Faolan nor herself had chosen the fireteam or Equestria. Scootaloo did the only logical thing at that point and ask for a month to mull it over with Faolan.

It didn't help that she was certain Celestia was hiding something from her.

"So, Applebloom became an inventor, you were sayin', an' yer friend Sweetie Belle is a singer?"

Again Scootaloo nodded absently.

"Come on lass, calm yourself. Wha's the problem?"

*Clang Clang*

Noting someone was knocking on the hatch Scootaloo raced to the door, hoping to find Rainbow Dash there. Instead she saw Luna, and Faolan immediately grabbed Scootaloo who was already tensing up.

"What do you want?" the orange furred mare growled.

"To apologize-"

Resisting the urge to spit Faolan just levelled a flat stare.
"Yeah? It's been a month, why show up now?"

Weighing her options, Luna decided the truth would be best.
"My sister and I have been attacked twice since that first time. Oddly enough Celestia sees fit to ignore it. She says that it is the temporary worries of a grieving pony, but I know better."

"So what, you want me to help you go stop something trying to hurt you?"

Luna shook her head.
"I want you and your....coltfriend to go to the Gryphon lands as member of the UNSC and settle this-"

"An' why the UNSC, eh? Wha' makes you think you can order us aroun'?"

"-and find your mother. Only you can do this."

Scootaloo slowly digested the words before realizing what Luna was trying to get at.
"Celestia said Rainbow was in Zebrica..."

Sighing Luna just nodded.
"I know, but the truth is, after I announced you dead, Rainbow Dash disappeared."


"Then we received reports that any pony that got too close to the Gryphon lands was beaten and left on the roads."

"An' wha' does tha' have tae do wi' us?" Faolan snapped.

"Well...Celestia wished to hide this from you, worried about your reactions, but I've seen what lying and secrets do," Luna explained in a hushed tone, "But when we got attacked the first time, we got a message stating 'Loyal to no one but me.' as well as this."
Opening a small box that she'd stashed under a wing, Luna revealed none other than the necklace bearing the Element of Loyalty.

Scootaloo's eyes nearly popped from her head.

"No fucking way...."

"Ah'm goin' tae say tha's no' good..."

Nodding Luna continued.
"Rainbow feels that my sister and I don't do enough to protect ourselves and deal with our own issues. I'm going to be changing my policy personally, but in the latest attack civilians got hurt. I'm not asking you to help me Scootaloo, I'm asking you to save your mother before she becomes what Nightmare Moon wanted me to be, what she wanted Discord to be."

Eyeing the Element, then the armoury rack, Scootaloo attached her wing guards and slid the Elements over her head to sit below her old choker with the UNSC Fireteam Raven badge.
"Faolan, no MJOLNIR, but I feel its time to go give the Gryphons a call. Oh, and looks like you finally get to meet my mom!"