Your Smile

by destinedjagold

Leave Me Alone

Pinkie Pie was hopping around town as she hummed a song to herself. Though it was unusual for her to have her eyes open as she hopped around town. She did so on purpose so she could spot that brown earth pony to start her quest of unsaddening the sad pony with a sad name that probably has a sad life and has no friends and so Pinkie will have to make sure that he will befriend him so at least he could have one friend and that is better than none and he could also start from there to make lots and lots of friends so his life could finally be brighter than what Pinkie is thinking and the narrator needs to stop talking like Pinkie Pie. ...phew...

She hopped by Sugarcube Corner, taking a quick glance through the glass window before hopping awa—she rewinded her tracks and stopped in front of Sugarcube Corner. Sure enough, she found her target purchasing some plain bread. Pinkie sticks her tongue in disgust. Who'd want to eat plain sweetless treats anyway? Oh! He's about to turn!

“Thank you, and have a nice day!” Mr. Cake said as he nodded his thanks.

The brown earth pony stallion took the brown paper bag with his mouth, nodded back with a smile, turned to the exit, and stopped after a cloud of dust was formed just outside the door, with curious ponies staring at it. The dust cloud settled back down, and everything went back to normal. The stallion shook his head and headed towards the door.

The stallion took a step outside, and smiled as the sun gra—


“Gah!” The stallion yelped as he jerked back, throwing his purchase in the air. He then turned his head up, his eyes following his flying bag, but a pink hoof managed to catch it.

The said hoof was...from the same pink pony...who was standing on his back. “Got'cha!” Pinkie said victoriously as the brown stallion turned his head over his shoulder to get a better look. Pinkie then stood on three hooves, seemingly an expert in balancing.

The brown stallion glared. “Could you get off of me, please?”

“Oh! Whoopsie!” Pinkie smiled sheepishly, and bounced off of him, and landed in front of him. She then turned and gave the bag. “Here you go!”

The stallion frowned as he bit the handle, nodded slightly, and started walking away. He was about to sigh in relief until he noticed the pink mare bouncing beside him.

“So I was thinking of showing you around town and let you meet with everypony so you could get to know everypony and you can be friends with them so you will have a friend like me to talk to and so your life won't be full of sadness and—”

Pinkie turned to see the stallion, but he was gone. She stopped and turned back, and saw the stallion entered Ponyville's Horseshoe Hotel. Pinkie smiled as she hopped towards the building. ‘Well, duh! Of course he needed a place to stay! He's new in town and I doubt that he already has a house here, unless of course if he has a relative to stay with, but why would he go to a hotel if he does have relatives staying here in Ponyville?

“Do you have any relatives here in Ponyville?” Pinkie suddenly asked the stallion who just finished signing the paper that was handed by the clerk.

The stallion eyed her annoyingly until the clerk levitated his room's key. He grabbed it with a hoof, nodded his thanks to the bored-looking clerk, and walked towards the stairs, completely ignoring the pink mare, who decided to follow him all the way to his room on the second floor. He stared at the number on his room's door longer than he wanted to. He sighed frustratingly, placed the bag of bread on the floor, and faced the pink mare, who was still smiling as lively as ever. “Why are you following me?”

Pinkie bounced once, startling the stallion a bit. “Because you didn't answer my question yet, silly.”

And here I thought that this is a quiet town...’ The stallion sighed. “And that question is...?”

Pinkie looked shocked and surprise at the same. “Oh my gosh! You forgot?” She then leaned way ahead, while the stallion leaned back, but Pinkie somehow managed reach his forehead with her own as she worriedly eyed the stallion's eyes. “Do you have amnesia or anything? You still remember me greeting you back in the train station? Wait, maybe—”

A brown hoof pulled her away. The stallion wiped a sweat on his forehead and sighed. “I don't have any memory issues,” but he looked away for a moment. ‘Though I do tend to forget things sometimes...’ He stared annoyingly at the worried pink mare in front of him. “And what do I have to do for you to stop following me?”

Pinkie stared at him for a few seconds before speaking. “Are you sure you don't have memory problems.”

“Of course I don't.”


“You're really starting to annoy me...” The stallion inserted the key on the keyhole, twisted it, and opened the door to peace and quiet. Before that however, he needed to go through the pink mare who was suddenly standing inside the room, looking at him worriedly. The stallion blinked in confusion. He turned his head to where the mare was previously standing, but she was no longer there.

“Well, if you're really sure that you don't have memory problems, tell me my name.”

The stallion took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Look, pink pony—”

“Close enough!” Pinkie bounced excitingly.

The stallion grinned. ‘Heh, thought you'd startle me again, huh?

“Why are you smiling?”

“Ugh...” the stallion rubbed his head with a hoof. “Because I remembered that butterfly pony I saw outside...”

Pinkie gasped. “There's a butterfly pony outside!?”

A strong gust of wind made the stallion close his eyes in reflex. Opening them, the pink mare was completely gone. Sighing in the greatest relief, he picked the bag of bread with his mouth, entered his room, pulled the keys, closed the door. Finally, some peace and quiet.

He took his wonderful time staring at his hotel room. It was quiet small, but it was the way he likes it. There's a comfy-looking bed, a pretty table, some chairs, and a window. There's also a tall wardrobe, another door that probably leads to the bathroom, and a bedside table with a flower vase on top. The flower looked withered though, which saddened him a bit.

He puts his bag of bread and his saddlebag on the table, and he was about to jump on the bed when his room was suddenly filled with knocking sounds from the door. He sighed as he opened the door, and on the other side was a frowning pink mare. “I must have missed it...”

The stallion arched an eyebrow. “Missed what?”

“Aha!” Pinkie shouted as she pointed a hoof at the blinking stallion. “So you do have memory problems!”

The stallion shook his head. “Could you please leave me alone?” He didn't wait for an answer. He quickly closed the door shut, and locked it. ‘That was rather rude of me...’ He turned and gasped in surprise after seeing the pink mare right in front of him. “How'd you get in here!?” He looked back at the closed door. There weren't any holes for her to go through.

Pinkie simply shrugged. “Dunno, but maybe you should go and have a doctor to check on you.”

“I don't nee—ah, whatever!” the stallion angrily opened the door wide, took a step to the side, and gestured for Pinkie Pie to leave. “Get out.”

Pinkie blinked, but smiled and hopped out soon after. “Okie-dokie-lokie,” she stopped outside, spun around, and stared at an angry-looking stallion. “But you need to turn that frown up-side-down! Oh! I know! Want me to show you around town?”

“Yes! Whatever! Now leave me alone!” And the door slammed shut, creating an air that blew Pinkie's mane back for a short while. The door then slowly opened slightly, and the brown stallion was poking his eye to look outside. “I'm just making sure you're outside.” And the door closed once again. The door opened again. “Could you leave already?”

Pinkie smiled and hopped towards the stairs. “Okie-dokie-lokie! See ya this afternoon!”

“Yeah, right...” the stallion closed the door and sighed in relief. “Ain't happening.” He walked tiredly towards the bed, climbed up, and let himself be drowned by the comfortable bed. He smiled dreamily as he let out a very satisfied smile. And before he knew it, he fell asleep.