More Cupcakes...

by Las Moore

More Cupcakes...

T’was yet another fine day in PonyVille, The Fillies playing, and the Pegasus’ Flying, everyone had another great day. A New Pony had moved to PonyVille, by the name of Nightsky. Nightsky was looking for a fresh new life in ponyville.

“Ah, I bought nice house, got a job at a bakery, I already like it here.” Nightsky says to himself.

“Well, time for work.” He says as he walks into the bakery, with only Pinkie Pie inside.

“Oh Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, your boss, well sorta your boss, but anyways…HI!” She says to the new pony.

“Uh, Nice to meet you, too, Pinkie Pie.” He replies

“The Cakes sold the place to me, they used to run it. Say….” She says.

“Umm, What Pinkie Pie? He replies.

“Oh Nothing, I just want to show you something SUPER cool in the basement, but I don’t think you’ll want to…..” She replies.

“Well, Not Now, We need to wait for customers to come in.” He replies.

“Oh Please, Nightsky, PLEASE!” Pinkie Begs.

“I suppose so, Pinkie.” He replies

“OKAY!” Pinkie Shouts and brings him into the dark, deep, and mysterious basement of the bakery.

“So what did you want to show m-.” Nightsky is knocked out before he can finish his sentence. Hours later he wakes up, his eyes weak.

“You awake, Nightsky? Gooood, Now we can talk!” Pinkie Pie says with excitement.

“What…What the heck are you doing, Pinkie?” Nightsky says with shock.

“Oh Nothing, I just HAD to more you to the top of my list because I liked you SO much!” She replies.

“ Wha…what List?” He replies.

“THE LIST! Oh where I just keep a list of people to invite over to bake with me. Friday we will bake, but until then, let’s talk.” She replies.

“Pinkie! Come on! Let me out! Is this some cruel joke!?!?” Nightsky yelled.

“Oh no silly, I cannot do that, then you would tell everypony, and I can’t have that.” Pinkie replied.

“PLEASE! I won’t tell a single-soul! Just Please! Let me go!” Nightsky pleaded.

“A no is a no can’t trust anypony, Nope.” Pinkie replied.

“You’re a loony! A psycho! A crazy! You seemed nice at first just let me go!” Nightsky Begged some more.

“What did I say? No.” Pinkie Replied again, ignoring the pony’s pleads. “Anyways, I need to get you in your new room, it’ll be much more comfortable. You get it for your week’s stay here at the Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinkie Says excitedly.

“Wait…wha-“ Nightsky says before he is cut off and knocked unconscious by Pinkie Pie’s Mallet.

Nightsky wakes up in a small, gruesome room, tied down a rather, comfy, soft bed. With a very comfy pillow behind him.

“Like it?” Pinkie says as she enters the room. “I made it all myself, it’s a bit dark, I’ll turn on the light.” She says, flipping a switch revealing the disturbing room. Gilda’s Skull as a lamp, The bed is made of multiple bones of pinkie’s past victims, with Gilda’s feathers custom made into a pillow. “ This entire room is custom made, by moi. You like?” Pinkie says to Nightsky.

“I’m..I’m speechless.” Nightsky replies.

“Yay! You like it! Never made that big of an impression on a friend.” Pinkie replies.

“No no, not at all. Your not my friend, I thought you were, but you aren’t! Your going to kill me!” He replies.

”That’s a shame, But you’ll always be my friend.” Pinkie replies.

“Kill Me now if your going to do it!” Pleads Nightsky.

“But our baking session isn’t for awhile, so you’ll have to wait, SORRRRR-RY!” Pinkie Replies. Pinkie then left the room, leaving the depressed Nightsky behind. Nightsky slept alone for the days, staring at the room when he was awake, until the day came. Pinkie Returned to the room while Nightsky was snoozing, carrying his body to her “surgery” table. She got him in place and strapped him down, and finally, injected him with adrenaline, waking him up. He breathed heavily and looked around the room
before he could speak.

“Wow, Wha…What happened?” He asks.

“I moved you to my bakery, duh.” Pinkie replies. Nightsky looks around some more, seeing the cruel writing on the wall, spelling “Life is a Party”.

“What is this cruel place, Unlatch me.” Nightsky pleads.

“Okay!” Pinkie Replies, unstrapping him from the wall.

“Your…your letting me go?” Nightsky asks.

“Nah, I’m doing this!” Pinkie Replies, Pulling out multiple stakes and a hammer, quickly nailing his hoofs to the wall.
“You asked for it, I was nice to the first time! HUH! WASN’T I! WAS I NOT! HAHAHAHA!” She yells crazily, while Nightsky screams in pain.

“Sorry bout that, now back to business.” Pinkie says as she grabs scalpel off the table, cutting into Nightsky’s stomach.

“Excellent, Your chest is open, here comes the fun part.” Pinkie says.

“Oh Celestia, Please, Please don’t.” Nightsky begs.

“Tisk, tisk, My rules, not yours.” Pinkie replies.

"Please, Please, Please, Pleeeeeeeeease!" Nightsky begs some more.

"Begging won't get you anywhere, nope nope nope." The sadistic torturer replies. "I must begin harvesting, hehe."

First, it was the intestines, small and large. She grabbed them and played around with them, using his large intestines as a jump rope and the small intestines for flossing her demented and messed-up teeth. Nightsky closes his eyes to block out the horror, giving pinkie an idea.

"What the heck? Closing your eyes? Not Cool, Nightsky." Says Pinkie Pie, getting a 'bright' idea. She pulls a small syringe from her table and stabs it into Nightsky's Left Leg with force, making him Jolt up.

"That should be better, you can see pretty 'ol me also, ehehehe!" She says giggling.

"I forgot, your horn. It needs to go." She says.

"Please, don't. It's apart of me, it symbolizes who i am." He says. But Pinkie Pie starts up a Buzz saw in the middle of his sentence, making it to loud for her to hear him.

"What's that? Anyways, I'll be removing your pointy horn." She says. "Waaaaay to Pointy, it'll get in the way. Plus you can use your magic to escape." She says again.

"Why didn't i think of that before." Nightsky mutters to himself. A Buzz Saw is swung in front of his face, cutting his horn off in a matter of seconds.

"There we go." She says, noticing a tear going down Nightsky's face, and into his stomach. "Awwwww, It's alright. Everything will be better soon enough." The Killer says, now hearing a strange noise from the back.

*Growl* *Growl*

Coming from the back of the room, shaded in darkness, growls little Gummy, starving and hungry.

"Gummy Wummy! I almost forgot about you! Your hungry aren't ya!?!?" The Cannibalistic Killer crazily asks her pet.

"Well i got just the thing, ahehehe....." She smirks, turns around, and looks at Nightsky.

"Time for dinner gummy......." She says walking over to the scared unicorn.

"Please, End it pinkie...." Nightsky says.

"Oh Please, We gotta give our readers SOME Entertainment and Filler! Now stop complaining!" She replies.

"Wha-----What?!?!" He replies

"Ummmmm, Forget that i said that. BACK TO HARVESTING!" The Killer replies. Grabbing pill's off the table.

"I like you, you seem like a nice pony. So I'm doing this ONE favor for you." She says, putting three pills in Nightsky's mouth.

"What are you doing! What are these!" He says.

"Don't you worry, everything is alright, you won't die..........from these." She replies. Nightsky's Eyes start to close, but he tries to keep them open to see what the psycho killer has planned next, but he just can't fight off the sleeping pills, and falls asleep.
*3 Hours Later*

Nightsky Awakens from his 3 hour slumber, slowly opening his eyes.

"Your awake, goooooooooooood." Pinkie Says to the awakening pony. "I don't want our harvest to become a 'STUMP' BWHAHHAHAHA! LOOK!" The Psycho Pony says, pointing to Nightsky's 'Legs'. Nightsky looks below him, only to see bandaged stumps and no legs.

"What did you do!" He yells.

"Well, you can clearly see i removed her legs! Me and Gummy were getting hungry, so i had your left leg, and he had your right. They were roasted to perfection. Yum Yum Yum." She says.

"Can i do anything....." Nightsky says.

"What?" Pinkie replies

"Can I do Anything...." Nightsky says again.

"Can you do what?" Pinkie replies again

"Can i do anything to stay alive, with you. Anything." He says.

"Uhh, well, no one has ever said that." She replies. "Your half dead.........." She says.

"Please....I'll stay with you forever, baking treats for the shop." He says.

"I'll do the best i can, ahehe." She says, walking up the stairs and leaving the room.

*1 Hour Later*

A Loud noise occurs, light shines in the dark cellar, and Pinkie arrives, walking down the stairs into the cellar with a large, blood stained sack.

"I got some parts for ya!" She says, dumping the bag on the ground, revealing light purple legs and intestines. Pinkie grabs a Screw Driver, a right leg, and picks up some screws with her mouth. She hooks up the leg to one of the stumps, and starts drilling it in, giving Nightsky a new leg. She eventually does the same thing with the left leg.

"There we go, now time to fix your stomach." She says, rearranging the intestines. She eventually grabs a stapler and staples his stomach back together.

"I can't thank you enough for doing this. Letting Me live." He says.

"No Worries, now time for a surprise." Pinkie says, revealing a Purple Horn, stitching it onto Nightsky's forehead, and finally releasing him from his torture.

"Thank You............Now let us get to business."