Words Left Unsaid

by Sedgewick

Words Left Unsaid

Words Left Unsaid by Zev/Zev's Requiem.
I also want to thank Deejay pon3 for proof reading this and encouraging me to continue on writing. So thank you. Also a big thank you to Some Person and MelodicMadness for their giant walls of criticism. Very much appreciated.


It was a beautiful day out today. The fillies and colts were running amuck, playing and having fun. Adults enjoying their Saturday afternoon. Everypony was having a good time, except for a familiar group of friends. To these friends, it was a very unfortunate day. Especially for one; Rainbow Dash.

“It's hard to believe this really happened...” stated Twilight. Depression hung around the air about them. No pony could think of anything to say at this time, it was just minutes of silence. Rainbow Dash had taken this harshly, and there was very little that anypony could do or say that could of helped lift her spirits. The death of a friend is an agonizing thing to go through indeed.

“It's beginning to get late you, guys. We should probably start heading home.” Rarity suggested, mainly trying to break the sad silence the group had been engulfed in.

“Rarity's right, guys. Ah can see the sun startin' to set now.” replied an orange Earth pony known as Applejack. Twilight and Pinkie looked at each nodding in agreement.

“You guys go ahead, I wanna stay here for a little longer.” Rainbow sighed as she stared blankly down at the ground.

“Well alright Rainbow, just take care of yourself ya hear?” Said Applejack as she laid a hoof on Dash's shoulder. She nodded, still looking down at the ground. Her friends began their trot home before the sun set. She sat there for several moments until she couldn't hear her friends anymore. She glanced up to the gravestone that lay before her, then to the sky, watching the sun slowly makes its way across the rest of the sky. Rainbow took a deep breath before breaking the silence she had sat in for so long.

“So I guess this is how it all ends ...” she began
“It's hard to believe that this is how it really ends though...”. Rainbow looked back at the grave in front of her. Another moment of silence drew by as she gazed at the grave. The smallest of smirks made its way across Rainbow's mouth.

“I remember all the great times we had together. Like at the best young fliers competition. And planning Pinkie's birthday party...those were some good ones.” She glanced back up to the sky. The sun still inching itself closer over the horizon.

“And even if you thought I never liked having you around, or that I got frustrated trying to teach you something, then that's not true. I loved spending time with you.” Rainbow paused for a second. The smirk that was on her face before had quickly turned into a frown as she dropped her head to the ground again.

“I only wish I could of spent more time with you.” her heart sank, a knot forming in her throat as she tried to speak out the next few words. She swallowed the knot down, her eyes beginning to well. She opened her mouth, yet nothing came out. No words were spoken. Just the familiar sound of nothing. Of silence. The sun was just about over the horizon. The night grew darker as Luna's moon had began rising itself into the sky, as did the sun shortly before.

“I'll always treasure those memories...” she took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure to no avail.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy...I'm so sorry...” tears began to stream down Rainbow's face. She did nothing to hide it or cover it up. She simply let the tears stream, soaking the Earth. There was no stopping it. She pounded on the ground with a hoof in sudden anger at herself. She thought she could of done something, anything that could of helped her friend.

“I was the one that should of taken the hit! you didn’t have to give up your life for me...” she choked for a moment before continuing.

“I should never have talked you into doing it...I kept telling you we would be alright in the end...but now look where it got us...” She pounded the ground several more times. She felt so many emotions hit her at once. It was like a wave of guilt, anger, and sadness all at once. It was what she wanted Fluttershy to know, but could never say, that tore at Rainbow the most.

“And there were just so many things I wish I told you...” she gritted her teeth together.
“but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.” Rainbow closed her eyes, though tears still streaming. Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm herself. The moon had finally made its way into the deep blue ocean up above, darkening the world underneath.

“I always loved you, Fluttershy...but I just couldn't tell you...” It felt as if Rainbow's heart was just broken. Pieces left to be picked up or swept away. She dropped her head to her hooves now, crying into her own arms. After several moments of this she managed to bring her head up to try and see the grave that was presumably in front of her still. She moved closer to it with a hoof out in front of her until she could feel the cold stone.

“I wish I told you before this, but now it kills me that I never will be able to.” she sighed and lowered her hoof back to the ground before speaking again.

“or maybe I already have been able to...” Another small smile made its way across Rainbow's face, only be destroyed by another frown and steaming tears. Her head dropped to the ground yet again, the tears falling and soaking the cold Earth below her. She replayed Fluttershy's same song in her head, hoping that it could somewhat make her feel a little better. It had only made things hurt worse.

“I just hope your in a better place now...” She unfolded her wing a bit, revealing a picture frame that she had grabbed with her mouth. It was a picture of Fluttershy and herself together at one of Pinkie's parties. She gently put the picture down, leaning it against the gravestone. Rainbow suddenly felt a hoof on her shoulder. Rainbow jerked her head over her shoulder to see that it was Twilight. Rainbow sat there in silence, staring into Twilight's deep purple eyes.

“C'mon, Rainbow-” But Twilight was quickly interrupted by Rainbow, who had jumped up and embraced her. Twilight stood there in shock for a second before returning the embrace and rubbing Rainbow's back a little. Twilight could hear the muffled sounds of her friend sobbing on her shoulder.

“Shh, It'll be alright, Rainbow Dash...” she reassured as tears of her own began to flow down her cheek. Several minutes had passed before Twilight pushed herself out of the embrace to look at Rainbow Dash.

“C'mon, Rainbow, you can stay the night with Spike and me.” Rainbow Dash couldn't find any words to say. All she could do was nod and go with Twilight, but not before doing one more thing.

“Twilight, do you have a quill on you?” Rainbow asked, looking up at the purple unicorn. Twilight looked at the cyan pegasus for a moment before materializing a quill and a bottle of ink in front of her and handing it to Rainbow. She took the quill in her mouth and dipped it in the ink before writing something on the picture she had placed down earlier. Thanks for always being there Fluttershy, you were always a great a friend.

“Let's go Twilight.” said Rainbow as she dropped the quill by the bottle of ink and trotting towards where Twilight was standing. She nodded in agreement, the two trotting away from the grave.

“I shouldn’t of let us go through the Everfree forest, Twilight. I never should've...”

Twilight looked over at Rainbow. The tears were still streaming down her face, though not as bad as before.

“Don’t beat yourself up Rainbow Dash. You couldn’t of known it was going to happen.” Said Twilight, trying to comfort her friend who sluggishly followed.

“I-I guess your right, Twi...I just wish it was me who saved her from that boulder...” She said, slamming her eyes shut.

“I just didn’t know what was happening. It was all so dark...then the next thing I know it I’m on my back a few feet away...I couldn’t find Fluttershy anywhere...” she choked again, before re-opening her eyes to look over at Twilight. Her eyes were filled with concern and sadness. Rainbow looked back down to the ground.

“I-I can’t believe what happened...She risked her life to save me...” she paused for a second, leaving the two in utter silence. Twilight wasn’t sure what to say at this point. She afraid that she might say something that could make everything just that much worse. Instead she stopped for a second and pulled Rainbow into another embrace. Rainbow just buried her face back into Twilight’s shoulder, sobbing.

Twilight’s mane had been soaked by this point, but she didn’t care. Anything that could help her friend in this time of need. Minutes passed by until Twilight finally broke the embrace to look at Rainbow, smiling at her a bit. The two got back up and began their trot back to the library again. Rainbow glanced over her shoulder, looking in the direction of where her friends grave was.

She whispered, “Thank you Fluttershy...for everything...I’ll never forget you...”