PonyHammer 40,000: Magic of War | Winter Strike

by Dragon Heart

Shock and Awe

After fighting their way through swarms of Hogs, Grule and his forces had finally defeated Borbutz. The massive Hog laid motionless on the ground as the Discord Lord and his Khorne Minotaurs approached his body. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Gunships flew in and started bombarding the streets.

Grule looked around in shock. "What?! Where is that artillery coming from?!" Borbutz, who was feigning death, got back up to his hooves and looked around, too.

"Looks like da Equestrial Guardz come ta kick yer can!" said Borbutz.

"Fool!" said Grule, "We'll both die on this misbegotten ball of ice! You'll make a lovely mound of snow! Unless we charge their lines before they tighten their noose!"

"Waddya mean, charge der line?" Borbutz asked as he waddled away. "Tell ya what. Youz go yer way, I go mine and we'll see who comez out da udder side."

"What? Borbutz, where in the Warp are you going? Borbutz!" Grule growled in frustration. "Damn him! I'll charge the lines alone, then, and kill him when I next see his bloodshot eyes." Grule galloped with the Khorne Minotaurs towards the lines, wailing his battle cries of anger. "AAAAARRRRGGGHHH! KILL THEM ALL!!"