//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Crash Landing At The Wonderbolt Academy // Story: The Prophesy // by LightningBolt0308 //------------------------------// Chapter 4:brash Landing At The Wonderbolt Academy Just 2 days after I turned Discord back to stone I did something incredible. I woke up in my cloud house. Went downstairs, ate breakfast and thought to myself Today is gonna be great! When I was done eating I divided to go flying. I flew up so hight that a house in Ponyville was the size of an ant on the sidewalk. I sat up on a cloud, took in the estonishing view. I could start to feel my heart slowly beat from 50 beats per minute to 200 beats as I thought to myself about what I was about to do. A sonic boom. I stood on my hind legs, closed my eyes, took in a deep breath, and then leaned forward and dove into a sky of white clouds and bright colorful buildings below. I opened my eyes as I felt the rushing wind flow though my mane. I heard the roaring wind zip pass my ears. I opened my wings and started to flap them as fast as I could. I started to see a shield like dome form in front of my hooves. I flapped my wings faster and faster and the shield began to grow and start to make a spike shape right in front of my hooves, the spike starting to become light blue and pure white. I knew that this was the moment that I- "Dang. I was so close." I said after I suddenly stopped in mid air and then I screamed "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" As I was flung off into the sky. I thought it was the end for me. My back was facing towards the ground so I couldn't fly. As I watched the clouds fly farther and farther into the sky, I said to myself in my head I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry that I won't be able to be there to save you, everypony, everyone in the universe and in all other universes. I'm so... So... Sorry... I then closed my eyes when suddenly, something hits my wing. I have no idea what it was but I didn't care cuz it spun me around so I could fly! When I saw the ground it was a stone, airport-like runway and it was about five feet below my face. I pulled up as much as I could. I didn't succeed in flying away and not being injured, but I didn't fail surviving and dying. When I hit the ground everything decided to just go POOF!!!! BLACK EVERYWHERE!!!! [~~~~~~~~~~] When I woke I was in an office, in the corner of the office. "Ow... My head... What happened?.." I said rubbing my head with my hoof and then looking around and seeing a yellow mare with a fire-like mane wearing purple sunglasses stamping her hoof on pieces of paper. "Oh no. I've been coltnapped!" "Oh your awake, and that's really what you say after I save your life?" The mare asked. "Who are you?! And what do you mean!?" I asked with a booming voice. "You really don't recognize me? Imagine me with a Wonderbolt suit on. Oh, and I was the one who through that ball to save your life." The mare stated. "Ummm... Oh. OH! I'm so sorry! You look totally different without you suit on. Thank you for saving me." I apologized realizing that the mare was none other than Spitfire. Captain of the Wonderbolts!! "Ok now that that's settled, who are you?" Spitfire asked me. "I'm Jason Wood, I was brought to Equestria by orders of Princess Celestia so I may train for the most glorious day of my life, I am 12 years old, and I am very honored to meet you ma'am." I said performing a solute. "Did you say, Jason Wood?" Spitfire asked as her sunglasses fell off her face revealing wide eyes. "Is there something about my name you don't like ma'am?" I asked. "You're the 12 year-old alicorn that defeated Discord 2 days ago!" Spitfire stated as her jaw fell down. "Oh no. This is worse than getting coltnapped!!!! I gotta hide from the Paparatsy!!!" I said running to a closet and then getting inside it. "Papara-what?!" Spitfire asked opening the closet door watching me fall out and face plant onto the floor. "Well that's embarrassing." "You know those people who take pictures of celebrities, and don't give them any privacy!" I said as I pulled my face off of the ground and began to panic. "How come I don't have any Paparatsy?!" Spitfire asked with an angry face. "Because you have, no offense, scary looking bodyguards!" I yelled pointing to the two bodyguards at the door. "None taken." The guards said. "I have an idea on how I can escape!" I yelled pointing my hoof in the air and then pointing to the window and running towards it and jumping into the air to crash through the window but stoping in mid air and then opening the window and then flying out of it. (Similar to this...) "What just happened?!" Spitfire asked as she looked out the window. [~~~~~~~~~~] When I finally got to my cloud house I found out that only fashion models have Paparatsy, so I stopped trying to hide and stuff. You know what? I didn't think I would miss my family because of all the fun here, but I was wrong I miss my family. I never told anypony why I never talk about my father, it's because he died. When I was only 5 years old my dad was flying to Afghanistan. He never came back because his plane crashed into the ocean. The plane was found and in the plane was all the skeletons of the people who crashed into the ocean, including my father. I barely remember when my dad was with my family, though I have just little memory of him, I miss him more than anyone else. The biggest memory of my dad that I had was the day before he left. He took me into the city to watch a marching band. He told me "son, when you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?" He said "will you defeat them? Your demons and all the nonbelievers, the plans that they have made. Because one day I'll leave you, a phantom, to lead you in the summer, to join the black parade." I never new what he ment, but I thought about it every day. I even wrote what he said onto a piece of paper. I always thought that when he came back home he would explain what it meant but I never found out because a week after he left my family was told about what happened to him. I literally stayed in my room for 2 whole days crying for the whole time. I think that now I know what it means. I always wished on a star every night ,after my family was told about what happened, that it was a mistake and that he was still alive. But my wish never came true...