My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake

by Master Cheese Cake

Following In His Hooves Steps

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 13: Following in His Hoof Steps

By Master Cheese Cake

The sun started to rise and brighten the sky with orange, the birds awoke and began to chirp, the atmosphere was perfect for a wonderful day. Twilight opened her eyes as the sun’s light entered through her window. She got out of bed and went downstairs to start her daily task by cleaning her saddle pack to take with her to the Pony Express where she expected new books on magic to arrive.

She stepped outside in the snow that had been building up over night and continued to the post office. About midway to her destination she heard a loud scream coming from Cheese Cake’s house. She immediately turned around and ran toward his house. When she arrived to the front door, it was already unlocked. Quickly she rushed to his bedroom, and as she entered the room she found Cheese Cake on the floor in a panic because there was a mare standing on his bed.

Precisely two minutes and thirty nine second earlier...

Cheese Cake was still asleep in his bed and the heat of the sun hitting him in the face made him want to get the rest of his body heated, he rolled to the other side so that his mane could get some of that heat, but he could feel something warm in front of him too. He opened his eyes to meet another set of eyes that were violet. He instantly freaked and screamed for there was an intruder in his bed, he fell out of bed to gain distance, but he then realized who his perpetrator is and what she was doing here. Actually he had no idea what she was doing here.

“Hi Cheese Cake,” The mare greeted, stretching her limbs.

“Sponge? What are you doing here?! Specifically, what are you doing in my bed?!”

“Well you should really make a guest room for ponies like me.”

“I would have, if you told me you were coming down.”

“Oh yeah I thought I forgot to do something.”

“Do mom and dad know you are down here?”

“Uh... about that see I kind of ran away from home.”



“This is bad, you know how worried they might be.”

“Don’t worry I left a letter explaining everything.”

Back in Fillydelphia...

Cheese and Sponge Cake’s were looking for Sponge Cake who mysteriously disappeared since yesterday. They’ve checked everywhere for a sign of where she could have gone, they’ve looked in the kitchen, the bathroom, Cheese Cake’s old room, the shed, the living room, the dining room and then the kitchen again, but nothing.

“Dear I’m getting worried for Sponge.”

“I know honey we’ve checked everywhere.”

“Have we’ve checked her room yet?”

“Huh, now that you mentioned it, no we haven’t.”

They then decided to go upstairs and check Sponge’s room. They find a note on her mirror and her father proceeds to read the note to his wife.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am leaving home for I am bored and I want to see my brother again I miss so him, so I have left to visit him wherever he is. I hope I get to see Camera too in my journey. I will occasionally visit home, but I feel it is time for me to leave the nest and into the skies and into my own nest.

Love your daughter,
Sponge Cake

“Our daughter has seem to grown up faster then we expected honey.”

“Well we knew this day was coming.”

Back in Ponyville...

“Sponge, are you even sure they’ll let you stay here and even travel on your own?”

“Yeah I’m pretty sure of it.”

Then the bedroom door is kicked open by Twilight.

“Cheese Cake are you okay?” Twilight asked. “And who are you?”

“I am Sponge Cake the sister of Cheese Cake and Camera Cake, daughter of Rubik Cake and Pineapple Cake.”

“Oh I thought you were some crazy person ready to attack Cheese Cake.” Twilight joked making Sponge chuckle. “Anyways, I have to go pick up my new books. So, I will leave you two to catch up.”

“No wait I want to come with you. I already know everything there is to know about my brother.”

“Oh okay.”

Sponge took a jacket from Cheese Cake’s closet and set off with Twilight to retrieve her books and to meet the colts and ponies of Ponyville.

“Alright see you two later,” Cheese Cake waved his hoof.

He waited for until he heard the front door shut. Then he jumps from his window down to the front door and lays down in the snow to see if the coast was clear. And it was, so he proceeded to follow Twilight and Sponge under the grass under the snow.

He follows them to the Pony Express where Twilight will acquire her books and when she did they continue to the local outside restaurant for breakfast. He just waited and waited as Sponge began to meet the others as time past. If only he could hear what they were talking about. Then he felt something lean up against his side on the left.

Then he heard a voice that he hadn’t heard since Nightmare Night, “Well, well, well if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle and the pony that stole my show. Now that the Great and Powerful Trixie is back with more magic, let’s see how you match up to me know Twilight Sparkle and pony who stole my show.”

Cheese Cake was now very curious on how his sister stole her show. So, he asked, “How did my sister steal your show exactly?”

“Well, talking snow hill with eyes if you must know she used magic when she’s only a Earth pony. Impressing the crowd, but I guarantee you that she was only using trickery to get that attention. Wait a moment... a talking snow hill with eyes!”

“Take this.”

Then he heard a familiar sound when a unicorn’s horn is about to be used, “No wait.”

But it was too late and he was throttled through the air an into the table of all of his friends and then through the restaurant’s walls.

Five seconds ago...

Sponge was sitting at the table with her new friends and all of them were getting to know each other, then something flies by quickly smashing tipping the table over and left an outline of what it was through the walls of the restaurant.

Twilight looked at the source of the objects direction to see Trixie, “Trixie?”

“Hello Twilight Spar...”

“Are you crazy you could have killed us?!” Rainbow Dash already up in her face.

“Well, how else was I going to get your attention?

“I don’t know how about approach the table next time.”

Twilight and the other confront her as well.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I’m here to redeem myself from last times weakness and I’m also here to get get my revenge on... hey where is she?” Trixie noticing that the mare that stole her show was gone.

Sponge was in the wreckage looking for a brother who was apparently good at smashing through thick wooden pillars and brick walls. She exits through the last wall to find her brother front half under the dirt. She concentrated on his body until he started to glow and then plucked him out of the ground.

“Cheese, are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m okay... maybe a little head damage... and spine damage... actually never mind I just realize that all of my body is damaged.”

“I’ll be right back with a pack of ice.”

“You do that... I’ll be here.”

Then he brought up his head to see if she was gone, then he got up and left.

“Where is who?” Rainbow Dash demanded from Trixie.
“The earth pony that was with you just a moment ago.”

“I’m right here,” Pinkie Pie announced.

“No not you...”

“Applejack?” Twilight guessed.

“NO! She’s about your height, has red mane and tail, light brownish hair, and has violet eyes.”

“Sponge Cake is who you want revenge on?”

“Yes, I want to challenge her to challenge.”

“I like challenges!” Sponge appeared out of nowhere.

“Where did... good meet me at edge of town tomorrow afternoon then will see you are a fake.”

Then a plum of smoke appears before their eyes and Trixie was gone.

She has gotten better.