The Everfree Forest.

by TheFancyNarwhal

The Last Peaceful Night

“I’m just surprised Rarity and Elusive agreed to come, I thought they would hate the idea…”

The door to the library opened and in came Rarity and Elusive.

“And why on earth, would I hate the idea Dash? Is it because I am a lady? Unlike some people” She looked over at Rainbow Dash.

“Well...Um...No... That’s not what I meant...”

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“So then, Miss Dash, what did you mean?” Rarity walked over to Rainbow Dash.

“I- I- I” She started, stuttering like Butterscotch and Fluttershy, “I meant you like
things nice and clean right? Well, you’re bound to get dirty on the walk up to the campsite...” She trailed off.

Rarity smiled, “My dear Dashie, just because I am ladylike, does NOT mean that I am incapable of doing ‘earthly’ things. I have gotten my hooves dirty before.”

Rainbow Blitz smirked, “Oh yeah? Like when?”

Rarity giggled “The other day, in the park…” She looked over at Elusive who was blushing.

“Y’all didn’t!?” A.J was shocked. His green eyes widened.

“Come on guys, can we get going?” Pinkie who had remained quite was now getting bored.

“Yeah we want to get there before it gets dark” Dusk had picked up his saddle bag and had begun talking to Spike and Barbra. They would be minding all of their pets and watching over the Cutie Mark Crusaders until later when they would be going to others (Lyra, Bonbon, Aloe, Candy Mane, Octavia and Sunset Bliss) to stay for the week.

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They walked along the streets of Ponyville, Even though it was midday the closer they got to the Everfree Forest the darker it got.

“The Forest works kind of like a storm, The closer you get to the center the worse it gets, but then in the very middle it just…” He hesitated, thinking of the right work to say, “well… As Pinkie and Berry would say: Poof. The storm just stops.” Dusk explained to a very scared looking Fluttershy. She walked right next to Butterscotch, occasionally nuzzling him. They were both scared.

Eventually they came to a large clearing and a small lake.

“Um…Guys…” Butterscotch whispered, “Can we set up camp here for tonight? It’s getting dark”

“But we’ve only been walking for like an hour…” Twilight looked around realizing how dark it was.

“I’s ‘cause the Everfree Forest don’t work the same way as Ponyville…” Applejack sat down on the ground and began rubbing her hooves.

“Ok, Blitz and A.J you two can set up the tents. Berry, go get some firewood, Elusive you and Twilight can go refill the water bottles. I’ll start getting out the food.” Dusk began sorting through his saddlebags for a pan and then he took out some apples and set off to work.

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Within an hour the fire was roaring, the tents were set up next to the lake, they all had something to eat and they were now roasting marshmallows. Rarity and Elusive giggled away, Twilight was reading beside Dusk who didn’t realise he was staring at her, Butterscotch was talking with a little bird he had met. Rainbow Dash was napping in a tree while Blitz, Berry and Pinkie swam in the lake. Fluttershy had gone on a walk, she said she had needed to ‘think about things’

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“Why hello little birdy” Fluttershy sat down on a log, a small bird had landed next to her and she had begun petting it. It nipped at her hoof.

“Ow… It’s ok, I forgive you.” She whispered.

Suddenly the bird began to grow and change. Within seconds it had grown to twice her size. It began to squawk at her. It’s beady red eyes staring at her.

“Umm… Nice bird…?” She was terrified. The creature took a step closer to her.

“BUTTERSCOTCH!!!!” She screamed. She turned and ran as fast as she could the way she had come.

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Back over at the lake Fluttershy's scream could be heard. Butterscotch, hearing his name, sat straight up. He jumped to his feet and ran off as fast as he could in the direction Fluttershy had gone. The others followed behind him. They began yelling her name and searching everywhere for her.

“Fluttershy?! Fluttershy where are you!?” Butterscotch turned around hearing his name for the second time. She burst through a group of bushes. She spotted Butterscotch and ran over to him. Locked in each others arms Fluttershy began sobbing.

“He… He was huge! And- and- Butterscotch! It’s all my fault! I-I- I shouldn’t have gone alone! I’m so sorry” She sobbed

“Fluttershy… It’s not your fault, you had no… idea what would have happened” Silent tears streaming down his face. “It doesn’t matter anymore. You’re safe now. I promise.” She looked up at him, staring into his eyes. She pressed her lips against his. They stayed like this until the others found them. They all walked back to the camp site.

None of them knew that this would be their last night all together. Just the twelve of them.