A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

Hands Part 1

Chapter 12: Hands
Bon-Bon thought that the party James threw was too crazy for her. So, she left the party to drink her favorite drink. She snuck down to the basement, sneaking into James lab. She then opened the frige to find a jug with the words, "Do Not Drink! DANGEROUS!!!" Bon-bon thought that James was just keeping the drink to himself. She smirked, holding a shot glass, and took her last drink of the day. 'Mmm, here I go into unconsiousness again.' she thought. She then placed the jug back in the fridge, then tumbling over into the bed.

The last thing she remembered was that the drink tasted like blueberries. Then, she slipped into unconsiousness.
The Next Day...

Bon-Bon felt different than before, like she was in some type of pain. 'What happened? Oh yeah. The party... I was there... I got DRUNK!' Realization hit her that she got drunk, and whenever she got drunk, she did stupid things. "Why was I talked into doing that party with her.

It had been a week since James landed in Equestria. The only thing that was different in her life was the odd creature that Lyra had talked about since she was a little filly. She started to rub her head, feeling her hand touch her head and rub it.

Something was off.

'Let's see. Head, check. Tail, check. Frontal hooves...um.' She opened her eyes to see that she wasn't normal. She still had fur all over her body, and she still have hooves, but now her body had changed. Her body had gone from pony, to...what was it. "Oh man, James is going to so kill me." Bon-Bon said.

Speak of the devil, he came throught the lab door in a slight daze. "Mornin' Bon-Bon." he mumbled. He then suddenly stopped and turned slowly toward her. She smiled a shy-ish smile, as if to say 'Oops'. James grabbed a glass filled with water, and started to drink... only to spit it out in surprise. "WHAT?" he exclaimed. "Hi James, yeah... there's a funny story with this." she said.

Five Minutes , and One Shirt Later...
"What?" James said again. James got Bon-Bon a shirt, nervous about being around a anthro pony. James kinda explained what those were on her chest were, then asked her to explain how this happened. From what James could tell, Bon-Bon was drinking three glasses a day...for three days. "It's true. I thought it was just some tasty drink that you were keeping from all of us. I guess I was wrong." She was upset, she looked like a freak with the odd body.

"Did you not read the label? Did I not tell you what you shouldn't do?" he said. Bon-Bon started to remember, but James said it anyways. "Don't eat or drink anything from my fridge down in the lab. There could be something that could've turned you into a human perminately." She winced at the thought of being human, when she realized that she didn't know what human females looked like. "Thankfully, the chemical you drank has the effect of lasting for three days." he said with a sigh. Bon-bon was shocked that it would take that long to return back to normal. "Can't you give me a chemical that will reverse the effects?" She said. James just shook his head, then said, "I'm sorry Bon-Bon, the chemical was never ment to be permimate, and since you touched something that wasn't yours...consider this a punishment." He then got up and headed for his lab, exclaiming, "Now excuse me, I need to work on the magnets."

Bon-Bon sat there in shock on the couch in their living room, staring at their TV...only it was turned off. Lyra came up, staring at Bon-Bon. She didn't noticed Lyra, and so she snuck in closer. No response. So Lyra decided to try to get her attention the way she usually did.

"Hi Bon-Bon!"

Bon-bon jumped up a moment, seeing who was talking to her. She soon realized who it was, which scared her. 'The first pony to see me, and it happens to be hand happy Lyra.' Bon-Bon thought.

Ever since James came to Equestria, Lyra became the face as "The Unicorn Who was Right About Humans". James started writing information on humans (minus some of the secrets that James didn't want to tell). Bon-Bon also knew James as "The Weird Creature that Lived in the Upside-Down House". But soon, she started to warm up to the unusual Scientist. He didn't usually keep most of his experiments, and he was a really great cook. What surprised her was when James announced to his roommates that he was a omnivore. He then added the "I don't eat any intelligent creature" quote, saying that "It would be like eating a human, and honestly I don't eat humans. Bleh!"

Twilight did visit him, due to the fact that he was a unusual creature from another dimension... quite possibly, a Alternate Equestria, or a Alternate Earth as he would call it. He told his story about Earth to his friends, and some of his strange ideas that were pretty weird to both ponies and humans. Of course just his roommates and his family knew about his strange experiment ideas. Only his friends though knew of his unusual experiments in Equestria.

"So let me get this straight," Lyra said, pacing the floor. "James, who was working on some weird formula, kept it in his fridge in the lab?" Bon- bon nodded. "And you drank this concoction... three time a day?" she said. Bon-bon nodded again. "And now he's punishing you for drinking it, by letting the concoction in your body wear off in your body?" Bon-bon was nodding, while kinda upset.

Lyra then got on Bon-bon's legs, getting into Bon-bon's face. "Where can I get some?" she said, excitedly. Lyra's expression went from upset, to excited, causing Bon-bon to be confused for a moment, before she said, "Are you crazy?" Bon-bon exclaimed. Lyra looked her body, then back at Bon-bon. "What do you think?"

It took a few minutes and some convincing with Bon Bon, but finally Lyra convinced Bon Bon to help her break into the lab.

"I don't know how you talked me into this, but you somehow did." Bon-bon said. Bon-bon looked at her hands, not knowing how to use them. "You're supposed to use your fingers to press the numbers in the keypad." Lyra said. She looked at the keypad, then wondered how to use her hand like that. "I'll tell you what buttons to press, you're just press them with one finger." Bon-bon didn't know how, but she felt compelled to press a button with the pointer. (However, she didn't know what it was called,) So Lyra started calling out numbers, as Bon-bon started pressing buttons that matched up with the numbers that she wanted.

Soon, it pulled up a finger scanner. Lyra instantly knew what to do by just breathing on the scanner. Soon, a thumb print appeared, causing the device to scan James' fingerprint. Soon, the door opened, revealing the lab. "Jackpot!" Lyra exclaimed quietly. Bon-bon didn't know wheather to be impressed, or surprised by her friend's stratigic planing. Lyra quickly ran over to the fridge, and opened it, only to find a note where the jug was.

Suddenly, Lyra flew upward, dangling by a special trap system. "Nice try Lyra. But I actually have a better gift than what Bon-Bon's been drinking." James said. He then stepped out of the shadows, carrying the jug. "I'm just afraid that you'll have to be patient." he said, "I do however thank you for teaching Bon-Bon on one of the many uses of using the hand." Lyra, who was hanging upside down, said, "But why, why won't you let me drink it?" "Because, you have to drink it as many times as Bon-Bon, maybe more if you want it to last a week."

"Plus, there's a few side effects that may effect you. The only reason that it hasn't effected Bon-Bon is because she doesn't have dormant magic. Only magic that is related to a Earth pony." he said. Lyra became sad, and started to pout. Bon-bon, not knowing what else to do, started to pat Lyra on the head. "It's not fair." Lyra said. "Lyra," Lyra looked at her best friend, "I don't know why you're getting upset. I don't think it's fair that I'm stuck in this form for three days."

"But, If I'm going to be stuck in this unfairness, I wouldn't have it with any other pony than with you. My weird best friend." she said. Lyra started to cry tears of joy, and smiled at her friend. Soon, they hugged. "Uh Bon-Bon, Two things. One, why is your chest so soft? And two, can you get me down?"