A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

Roommates Pt. 2

Chapter 9: Roommates Pt. 2
Several days after the crazy experiment, and the drive to Canterlot, James walked into town to get some groceries for his house. Walking though the market, James looked around, seeing all the amazing foods. Charlie, meanwhile was busy looking through the crowds of ponies, taking mental notes of them. "Spotted anyone, Charlie?", James asked. Charlie grunted, meaning no.

James decided that he needed two more roommates for his house. He thought he could find the right friends in the market, where he could mix and mingle. Also, he needed to get some groceries for his house.

Suddenly, James slipped on a banana peel, ramming into two ponies. Getting up, he noticed how strange-looking both ponies looked.

One looked like a rocker, of sorts with her blue electric hair, and her sunglasses. The other looked refined and classy wearing a bowtie and had neat hair. Both ponies were surprised by the odd person, not knowing what to do. *Ahem!* They turned around to see Carrot Top standing over them, mad. James wondered why, until he saw the damage. "Heh, heh... Oops. Hey Carrot Top, how's it going?", James said. She gave James a deadpan look. He started rubbing the back of his neck, then said, "Look, I'm a little short on bits. Maybe you can bring it over to my house, and I can-", she held out a hoof, with a look that meant business. "Yea, I thought not.", he said.

He dug through his pocket, only to find 15 bits left. "Will this work?", he said, holding out his hands. She shook her head, then whistled for the police. That's when something unexpected happened, as both rocker and classy ponies added 10 extra bits. "Will this pay for the gentleman's damage?" "If that isn't enough, here some more." Carrot Top was surprised by this. She had no idea what to do. James was surprised as well, but didn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Alright, what's going on?" a officer pony said. James then said, "Nothing officer. Just paying for the damages I accidentally caused to Miss Carrot Top's cart." He then turns to Carrot Top, and adds, "Right, Carrot Top?". She snaps out of it, then says, "Right! Uh...Thanks for doing that." "It was the right thing to do. What was I supposed to do, a hit and run? I think not." James said. He then walks off, heading home with his groceries. The two follow him.

James snaps his fingers, remembering something then turns around, only to face the same ponies that helped him before. "Thanks for the help... Um? I'm sorry I didn't catch your names?" James asked. "My name is Octavia, and this is-" "DJ-PON3, but when I'm not at the club everyone calls me Vinyl Scratch." Vinyl said. James nodded, putting them under friends in his mind, then asked, "You two look troubled. Is there a problem?". Both looked at each other, then Octavia said, "We got kicked out of our old home, and we can't find a place to stay." "You think you can help us?" Vinyl said. James thinks for a moment. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Girls, I think we can come to a brilliant solution." he said. Five minutes later, Octavia and Vinyl were riding in his car home.

Lyra and Bon-bon were making Chocolate Chip Cookies, when James came in. Then, it was followed by Octavia and Vinyl coming in. "This is my house, and where you'll be staying." James said. Octavia and Vinyl looked around the house, surprised by the odd inventions. They soon came across, Lyra and Bon-bon. "Hey you crazy dudettes, I was wondering what happened to you two." Vinyl said. Lyra smiled, then said, "Well, I was working on a combustion engine for a horseless carriage when it exploded." "So, you're moving in here aren't you?" Bon-bon said.

He then walked them upstairs, showing them to their room. They saw two beds, and several things that wasn't theirs. "Oops, sorry for the mess.", he said. He pressed a button, causing robots to quickly clean up the mess. Then, he re-showed the room. They were surprised at what just happened. "I'll leave you to unpack." James said.

Five Minutes Later...
Octavia had her Cello out, tuning it to play right. Vinyl was testing out her turntable, seeing if the turning and handling was good. They soon heard somepony or somebody tuning their guitar.

They looked through the door to see James playing with one of his inventions. It was a violin that had a long neck, and was held like one, except it wasn't just any guitar.
He soon started singing a odd song:

The very day I purchased it,
I christened my guitar
as my monophonic symphony,
six string orchestra

In my room I'd practice late,
they'd leave me alone.
My mother said, "You're nothing yet,
to make the folks write home."

And so I'd dream a bass will join me,
and fill the bottom in.
And maybe now some lead guitar
so it would not sound so thin.
I need some drums to set the beat
and help me keep in time.
And way back in the distance,
a horn would sound so fine.

*Ghostly band floated around him, playing the song. They were surprised, but continued to listen to his tune.*

And we'd all play together,
like fine musicians should,
And it would sound like music,
and the music would sound good.
But in real life I'm stuck with
that same old formula,
in my monophonic symphony,
six string...

*He plays a few notes, before missing the last one*
"Dang it."

I've been taking guitar lessons,
but my teacher just took leave.
It was something about a break down,
or needing a reprieve.

But I know I found my future,
so I will persevere
and hold onto my dream of
making music to their ears.

And so I dream a bass will join me,
and fill the bottom in.
And maybe now some lead guitar
so it would not sound so thin.
I need some drums to set the beat
and help me keep in time.
And way back in the distance,
some horns would sound so fine.

*Soon, James is on stage singing with a band*

And we'd all play together
like fine musicians should,
And it would sound like music,
and the music would sound good.
But in real life I'm stuck with
that same old formula,
in my monophonic symphony,
six string...

*He repeats the same last part*
"Dang it."

He finishes his song well, making it sound like he was a amateur practicing in his room. James smiled at the four spying ponies, who in turn ran back into their rooms.
James just chuckled, then gets up, heading back to the lab. He then pulls off the helmet, placing it on the table. "The Holo-Helmet needs a few adjustments, but it worked fine." James said. He then placed the guitar on the table, then turned toward his dog. "You should've seen it Charlie. The look on their faces was classic." he said with a smile.