Pieces of a Grey Cloud

by darf

Other Ponies

Derpy likes to make other ponies laugh. When she makes them laugh her chest feels funny and she doesn’t squint at them to remember they’re there, and her headache goes away from squinting too much when other ponies are happy. She tries to tell them jokes and sometimes they laugh and sometimes they just look at her funny and she says a ‘la la la’ song under her breath that no one hears and tries to think of a better joke later.

Derpy thinks about her flute song or her cloud writing or Happy and how they might make other ponies happy, and she wants to show them, but she doesn’t. Other ponies laugh when she’s at work with them or when she brings them mail, but she doesn’t ask them to come laugh with her anywhere else because she’s scared. She flies home and thinks about what she’ll say the next day. She feels good when other ponies are happy.

When she gets home, sometimes she closes her eyes and dreams that she might have somepony who wants to make her happy.