The Tail Of Endless Night

by EndlessKnight980

Chapter 26: Bitter Victory

Endless open his eyes. He was in an odd room. He hear a voice.

“There I think that will help. Please remember it won’t last long.” it was Master Zend. he felt odd.

“Thank you Master Zend.” he try to turn his head to see Luna and Master Zend but couldn’t.

“Luna. what going on I can’t move.” he said. She came into him view.

“Endless I’m afraid you can’t move because your. Your. Your. Your turn to stone.” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Wait what?” He said in shock. Master Zend move a mirror in front of him. The only part of him that wasn’t stone was his face.

“what going to happen to me now?” he ask.

“Well this spell will only last a short time. You’ll need to be put some were safe until the magic were off.” Master Zend told him.

“Well how long will that take.” he said in a panic.

“Don’t worry Endless I’ll watch after you until you come back.” she said still crying lightly.

“Luna don’t cry for me. I’m as happy as I ever been. Your safe and that all that matter.” he said with a smile. He didn’t Want to make her cry.

“Endless I can’t say how long you’ll be like this. It could be any were from Days, week, months or even years. But until then we need to find a spot were nothing can damage you. The other problem is that we need to keep you out of the elements to.” He said as he open the door.

“Did it work?” Celestia ask walking into the room.

“Only his face. As I told you. It was a long shot. I have no idea how long it will last. But it won’t be for long.” he told her.

“Thank you Zend.” She said waving for the other to come in.

“Endless. Hey. So don’t worry. We put Discord in the garden. I think the birds are having fun with him.” star said. he smile as more his friends enter the room.

“Hey guy’s how are thing going? i hug you but I'm a little stiff.” he put a smile on.

“Well Berry and Red will are getting marry.” Gem stone said fluttering her eyes.

“ Well that good. I wish I could go. But I’m all stiff in the joints.” They laugh at yet another bad joke.

“Send them my good wishes. And tell them they can have my house as a Wedding gift.” he said thinking of ways to make everyone happy. he figure that he wouldn't need it anyway.

“Gem Stone, Shining Star. I want you to have my last bag of bits. It on my night stand in my room. It not like I’m going to need it.” he told them.

“Don’t talk like that.” Gem stone said.

“Ya. Endless. You’ll be back on your hooves in no time.” Star said.

“Just take it. It a gift. For all you help.” he told them.

“ Hey Endless. What happen to your scar on you flank?” Star said looking at his flank.

“Wait. What? They Gone. What my cutie mark? is it still blank?” he said wanting to know really badly.

“I’ll Let you see for yourself.” Star said grabbing other mirrors. he could hardly wait as they move mirror around.

“Endless. Me and Celestia have been thinking about were to put you until the chaos magic were off.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“Where? I’ll be happy with were ever you place me. As long as it not next to Discord.” he said smile. Star move the mirror into his view. Endless was filling with joy of seeing his Cutie mark for the first time.

“Well as you know Discord destroy the Gem’s of the Sun and the moon. So me and Celestia are going to move them from now on. Celestia going to move the sun and I’m going to move the moon.” She smile.

“So we are thinking you would be safe on the moon. Celestia going to build a room there to protect you.” Endless thought it over as the last mirror move into position. Endless smile.

“Yes Luna. That wound be fine. So that my cutie mark.” he said as he look at his cutie mark. It was a full moon with star everywhere around it and a heart on the moon.

“Guy’s. I hope I this way only last a few week. Then we’ll all be laugh about it later. But can I have a moment with Luna alone.” he ask see they face smile with tears in they eyes.

“Of cost Endless. Come on every pony. Let give them some time alone.” Celestia said opening the door. he watch as Gem Stone gave Shining Star a pike on his cheek. He smile.

“I knew there was something going on between you two. Good for you.” Endless yell as the door close.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Luna ask pushing her hair back.

“Luna I have to ask you to do something.” he said.

“If it about your father. Were putting him in the chamber with you.” she said.

“No. Luna I need you to know something.” he said with a sad look.

“What is it?” she ask.

“You Know the Memory spell right.” he said with tears in his eyes.

“Yes.” she said.

“Cast it on me. I’m going to remember something you need to see.” he said.

“No. I can’t.” she said.

“Luna it to hard to tell you. I need to show you. So please.” he said.

“Ok” she said with tiers in her eyes. She cast it the spell.

“This was a dream I had a few month ago. I believe it to be a look into the future.” he said.

“Why are you showing me this?” She ask looking up at the cloud.

“Just Watch and you’ll see.” he showing her the dream. She ask about Nightmare Moon. Endless told her to keep watching. When it ended she look at him.

“I though you should know. Just in case I’m not around. I really do hope it just a dream.” he told her.

“Endless. Your starting to turn back.” Luna said with tears in her eyes.

“I know. But I want you to know Luna. I love you. And if it take a 100 years. A 1000 years. A Million years. I will come back and find you. No matter how long it take. I will return.” he said.

“I love you to Endless Night. and i will wait.” she said tears flowing down her faces.

“And I love you. Luna Moon.” she kiss him as he turn back to stone. he had tears in his eyes. Luna had tears in her eyes. She waited there with him. Until he turn to stone completely.

-------------(A FEW WEEK LATER)----------------

A few weeks pass. Celestia build the chamber on the moon. Luna and Celestia took both Endless Night and White Night and teleport them into a chamber.

“You’ll both be safe here.” she said with tears in her eyes. she didn't want to leave him.

“Don’t worry Luna. No Pony but you or me can enter this chamber. he will be safe.” she said as she finish the charm. Luna walk up to Endless and kiss his stone lips. she rub her head on his.

“I’ll visit every night until you return.” she had tears in her Eyes. she walk over to Celestia. they teleported out of the room.. The room went dark and a single tear ran down Endless Night face. Turning to stone. next to his eye.