//------------------------------// // Chapter 23: Darth Blind Rage Attack // Story: The Tail Of Endless Night // by EndlessKnight980 //------------------------------// Endless look around. There were pony’s everywhere. They were looking at him. he Smile. He was on top of the main tent. “Can anyone get me out of the cage and out of these chain. They are so not my color.” he look around. His heart skip a beat. He though he say his father and mother walking pass. But he knew that wasn’t possible. he watch as a Red unicorn walk up that he new well. “Endless Night. How long it been? What trouble have you gotten yourself into?” Red Will said laughing. he smile and laugh a little. “Just making one dragon very angry. It won’t be to long before they come. So if you can let me out of the thing.” He said as the other pony’s started to worry. Red Will unlock the door and all the lock one at a time. As he walk out of the cage he felt a pulling on his tail. The lock on his tail was still there. A load roar fill the air. he quickly cast the lock picking spell. The lock went snap as Darth came into view. “WHERE ARE YOU. I’LL MAKE YOU PAY THIS TIME. I WON’T JUST SCAR YOU THIS TIME.” he scream. Red Will look over to Endless. “You really made him mad.” “Go. Get everyone out of here. I’ll handle him.” he said almost falling. “You can even stand. What are you going to do?” he said catching him. he stood up. “Don’t worry I have a plan.” He said smiling as he took off. Red Will headed out to help every pony. he flew to Darth. Darth body was doing something weird. “So it you I face in my darkness hour. I guess he show his true color now.” Darth said. he flap his wings but was having difficultly. “Darth I Won’t Let you hurt anyone.” he said bluffing. Darth laugh. “How do you plan to stop me from doing that. You can hardly fly. So I ask you again how are you going to stop me?” He wonder that himself. He had no plan. The only spell he could cast would basic. Darth swag at him. he quickly drop. Just moving out of the way of his claw. he dodge as Darth swag at him. He wonder as he dodge why Darth was not breathing fire at him. Endless quickly back away. “What the matter. Can’t hit me. Why not try some fire.” he was trying to get him more angry. “You thing wrong of me. I simple wish to case a little chaos.” He said in a calm voice. he though this odd. Then Darth Horns change and his teeth as well. One horn was a deer and the other goat. One of his teeth shot up into his mouth. His scale started to change as well. he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Darth was transforming in front of him. Cloud were forming around him. A bright light and a loud bang. A gust knock him back. Endless blink twice and rub his eyes. “Darth what are you?” he said cocking his head sideway. “Darth that a funny name. But I need to think of a new one.” he said looking up. He was smaller and look odd. “What in the name of all of Equestria happen to you?” he said still looking at his new body. “Well let start back 11 years ago. After thinking I destroy you. Your father curse me. All these years I’ve been trying to get him to undo it.” Endless was confuse. “I don’t understand my father been, Been, Been Dead for years.” he said struggling to say dead. “You really are dumb boy. Your father not dead. He was the one who rescue your mother and let you escape.” Endless floated still thinking about everything that happen. His Father and mother alive. “I’ll leave you to think about that for some time. When your ready to finish our battle I’ll be attacking the Princesses and then the royal city.” “Wait what?!?!” Endless cry. “Well there a nice side effect of this curse. I know almost everything about everyone. So I’m going to take the Princesses down and attack the royal city. Not even Master Zend will be able to stop me. But first there the dragon overload I have to deal with. So ta ta bye bye.” he said waving and disappearing as Endless dove at him. he flew down to the ground. “Endless are you ok?” Red Will ask running up. “I’m not shore. But we need to get to canterlot. He going for the Princesses.” He said land and falling to his knees. “Don’t worry son. If they still have the shield spell up. He won’t be able to get in.” he look up. His father and mother were standing behind Red Will. he rub his eyes. “Son I know you have a lot of quest....” he cut her short and huge both of them with tear in his eyes. “I miss you both very much. I never gave up hope. I study everything I could about dragons and pray to find anything that wound tell me you were alive.” he said. “Son I know this is hard but I’m having trouble breathing.” White said his black face turning blue. “Sorry. I miss you both so much.” He said letting them go. “I hate to break up this family moment. But we’re in hostel dragon territory and I’m think they be mad that we just destroy there main mine.” Red Will said popping his head between them. “Yes we need to get going. There shield spell won’t hold forever.” White said. Red Will help Endless walk. He was to tier to move. After an hour of walking they met up with other. He saw Clay Stone and other that were taken. They continue to walk but at this pace it would take a week if not longer. Most of the pony’s were tier. They been working 18 hours a day. he met up with Gray pony commander. “Endless Night are you ok?” he ask. “Ya but we need to Get back to canterlot. The dragon Darth going to attack the Princesses.” he said as Red Will set down. “The shield spell will hold but not forever. There no time to waste. Red Will can you do it?” The Commander ask. “Well I maybe able to make it. But if not. I’ll get close.” “Well that no good. If you don’t make it you’ll be to tier to continue on.” They look down and started to think. “ There my be a way. But we need Endless to get his straight back first.” White said looking at Endless. “If three unicorn concentric on one spot they can teleport there no matter how far.” he said. “But it could take days before he could be ready.” the Commander said. “No I have a plan. But you won’t like it. But I can't think of any other way.” Endless Said. “What you talking about Endless?” Red Will ask. “ I use it when I was a young colt. not knowing what it was. Later I found out that it was a energy draining spell.” he told them. “That spell forbidden.” Red Will said. “Yes. But we have no chose.” he said walking up to a large oak. “ I’m Sorry tree. But if I don’t do this. I’ll lost someone I care about.” he put his horn on the tree and drew energy from the tree. It leaf start falling off. The bark grew darken and peld away. The wood turn gray and then the tree turn to dust. A Bright light in gulp around him. It felt different then when he was younger. Endless aim the spot were the tree was a clear light hit the ground and a little leaf grow of a stream of light. “Ok Let go.” he said. “Ok were a spot in town that hasn’t change in 11 years.” White said looking to Red Will and Endless. “The school.” Endless said quickly. “I Know the front of the building.” Red Will said. “Ok let all put our horns together and forces on the place.” white told them. Endless and Red Will did as they we’re told. “Now Endless. Me and red, will be out of energy after this. So it up to you if he there.” he told him “ok let go.” Endless said. There was a bright light and they floated into the air. They started to spin and then in a bright light and they were gone. “I’m so proud of them.” Endless Love said with tears in her eye’s. she fell to her knees.