//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Thing Are Never This Easy // Story: The Tail Of Endless Night // by EndlessKnight980 //------------------------------// Endless landed and crawl into the bush. He had spent three day on and off flying. Meeting up with the main forces along the way. The mine main entrance had 12 dragons guarding outside it. He watch as they walk around. There were 3 more sitting above the Mine. He stay and watch until he saw light coming up. He flew back to the main camp. he landed in the middle of the camp. They had cover it with an illusion spell. he walk into the main tent. There were four Earth ponies around the table with a map on it. “Ah your back. What are we up ageist?” said the gray commander pony with green main. “15 large Dragon at the main entrance. They trade the guard every 3 hours like normal. There also about 5 flying around at all time. This must be one of there main mines.” The Light Blue earth pony enter the tent. “Our scout report that there was just explosion on the west side of the mountain.” “Let get our troop ready to move. This may be a change to caught them off guard.” He order. “Hold on it may just be them mining.” Endless said stopping the light blue ponies. “Let me check quickly.” he teleported to safe distance from the mine. He ran and saw pony’s running. he quickly teleported back. “OK let go. It chaos over there.” he said heading for his bag. he put his robe on. He head ahead of main force. Building up static charge. He wanted to hit a dragons with a full lightning spell. Hopping to put fear into the other dragons. He saw dragons breathing fire down on the pony’s as they ran. They were burning them. This made him well up with anger. He blasted the Dragon’s a full charge. It chain from one to the to other. five drop to the ground smashing into the trees below. “There he the one who case this.” A large green and red dragon said pointing at Endless. he spread his wings and flew up. Two dragon smash into each other. he cast the ice spell down onto them. A dragon grab him. “I got you now.” he felt a cold breeze and quickly cast another ice spell. The dragon froze solid. he slip out and flew up. Four dragon were head for him. he quickly rub his fur and rob together. But couldn’t get a charge in time. The robe was wet. All four breath green fire at him. he put his hooves up to block as the flame in gulp him. Casting an shield spell up. But it broke. he close his eyes and black out. he awake in a cage. He try to move. But he was chain. “Aa your awake. You know I never forget a face. Your White Night Son.” Darth said poking the cage. he look at him. He look different. His teeth where striking out and he had horns. “ Were am I. How did I get here?” he said looking around. “Aa Yes most pony’s don’t understand. Let me enlighten you. You see a dragon has different flames. A green flame is a teleport flame. It turn you to ash and reconstructed you at the will of the dragon. In this cases. you were hit by my sister flame. So I was able to put you in here” Darth said tapping the cage. he try to understand this all. His head was still a bit fussy. “So what are you going to do with me?” he ask “ Nothing.” Endless was confuse. “what do you mean nothing.” Darth laugh. “You Are bait.” he laugh as he left the room. He watch as walk down the long cave into the darkness. he look around the room. There were cage’s and chains everywhere. It was hard to see what was below him. But it had an orange glow. he was tier. He knew it would be easy to just teleport out. If he had the energy. But he use it all fighting. It was odd. Darth had just left him with no guard. Then he talking about how he was bait. Bait for who? This all didn’t make scent. he try to think about everything one thing at a time. First he was in gulp in flames. Then he wake up he. Darth said it had something to do with the color of the fire. Green flame break you down to ash and then put you back together at that dragon will. Ok that how I got here. Now who would Darth want to trap. If I’m bait it can’t be that many pony’s. Well Luna was out. Darth wouldn’t know about his feeling for her. His friend’s in canterlot would be out. The only other pony he could think about was Red Will, Berry, Shining Star, or Master Zend. But they wouldn’t know he was here. Celestia was the only one and she know that I can handle myself. he try to move again. That the problem with the teleport spell I need a small amount of moment to use it or I’m taking the whole cage. After an hour he finally gave up on trying to move. They chain his legs, neck, tail and his horn. They left him his robe. This was good. He had small knife in the pocket. If he could get it he knew he could pick the locks. he continue looking into the darkness. It was nerve raking as he try to move to get his knife. It was no use. He was stuck. The only way out was to teleport the whole cage and he was still to weak to do so. he knew better then to be as reckless as he was. Master Zend train him better then that. If your out number your better off taking them out one at a time. If you can’t. Then you hide and wait for them to make a mistake. “A coo” he sneeze. “Hello. Is someone there.” his heart started to beat hard. Some pony else was in here. Behind him. He try to look back but couldn’t. “Hello. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m trap here to.” Endless sigh. It was hard for him to turn down any pony. He didn’t like being alone. “Please I’ve been here so long. I just want to hear someone else for a little time.” he took a deep breath. “How long have you been here?” he finally ask. “O thank you. Thank you.” she said in the darkness behind him. “ How long have you been here?” he ask again. “I’ve been here so long. Darth capture me about 10 or 12 year ago. It been so long scent I see the sun.” her voice was weak. “How is your health?” he ask as he hear coughing. “I’m fine. They feed me very little. But they do the same to you. If they don’t put you to work.” she said as a wind blow through the cave. “They coming. Be quiet.” A dark figure walk down the hall. It was the purple dragon name Ming. He remember her from when he was young. “What have we here. So you’re the one who took out all my dragon’s. not so tough now.” she laugh. “let me out of these chain’s and I’ll show you.” he said gripping his teeth. “I bet you would. But I don’t have the key. So lucky you.” she said grabbing the chain above his cage. She shook the cage and then spin it around. he felt a little sick from this. “Well I’ve had my fun. you stay quiet. Now.” She said leaving. he held his stomach down as his cage stop moving. “Are you ok?” the other trap pony ask. “Ya I’m ok.” he said swallowing. he watch everything around him as the cage swag side to side. It was like the time he was swinging on the swing at the school. The chain still had a little twist and swag the right and left. It was hard to see in the darkness. he try to wiggle out of his chains. The one on his neck and horn move. he move his neck down and huge the chain under his chin. The one on his horn slid off. Endless reach for his knife. It was inches away from his mouth. he stuck out his tough. He lick it out. he grab it in his teeth. when he felt the breeze. Endless quickly move back to way he was. “He’ll be here soon. We need to be prepare. You go there Ming. Froze hide up there. Gor hide here. Flare I want you right here at the doorway. I’ll be here waiting for him to make a mistake.” Darth order them around. They move as he pointed to them and were to go. “ Your going to fail again. He just going to hurt you and make you look like fools again.” Call out the other trap pony. “What did I tell you be quiet.” Ming said as a loud crashing of metal eco the room. “Hey leave her alone. You dragon scam.” Endless shouted. “You be quiet to.” she backhanded his cage. “MING! We need them.” Darth yell. Endless smile as his cage stop spinning. A loud bang fill the chamber. “He coming. Everyone get ready.” he order. Endless couldn’t see because the dragon call Flare was standing in his way. A flash of blue and green light flash and Flare flew through the cage mess. his cage was spinning fast. There was a lot of color flashing. he knew someone was casting powerful spells. It must be Master Zend. “Master Zend watch out. There one on the ceiling. A beam of light shot up. Froze drop and hit the cage flipping it into the air. Endless saw his knife slid out of it sheaf. he quickly grab it in his teeth. Light flash as dragon and dragon fell. “Darth behind you.” The other trap pony scream. A large flash of bright purple light hit Darth. he watch him slam into a wall. “Ok Let get you out of here.” Endless hear the pony battling yell. A large flash of red light and the sound of metal crashing. “Hey help me out of here.” he yell floating the knife into the air. “I don’t think so. I’m not letting you go.” Darth stood up. Endless floated his knife into the air and struck Darth in his good eye.. He stop and grab his head. “GO DON”T WORRY I”LL GET OUT SOON.” he yell. “ NOOOOOOO” Darth yell as a flash of light from behind him. “YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” He yell. Endless smile. “No I won’t.” A Flash of Red and Black light fill the room as he teleported out cage and all. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He yell smashing cages.