A Scientist of the Bermuda Triangle in Equestria

by TimeTravelinc

New Guy In Town

Chapter 6: New Guy in Town
The three of them sat on the couch, sipping tea. "So, you're not a myth.", Luna said. James just smirked, then said, "Neither are you.". This took Celestia and Luna by surprise. They looked at each other, then at the boy, who was nonchalantly sipping his tea.

Celestia then remembers the unusual twister that touched down a couple of days ago. "Professor,--" "Please, call me James." "Only if you start calling us by just our names.". James nodded, then said, "Deal.". She then continued. "Was that twister, you?", she asked. James just nodded, with a added, "Mmm-Hmm." He sipped his tea, then added, "Although it wasn't caused by me. I was just caught in it."

Both Celestia and Luna nodded. "The question now is, how do you prevent ponies from panicking. I'm not exactly..." "Non-monster looking.", Luna said. James nodded in agreement, then took a swig of his tea. That's when a idea struck him, like a brick coming through a window. "I have an idea guys."

"We need to head to Canterlot if this idea of yours is to work.", Celestia said. James nodded and said, "It'll work.". She stopped, then said, "Here, hop on my back.". James was nervous about this. "Are you sure?", he said. She nodded. He then was lifted up by her, then placed on her back.

She soon shot up at a high speed, that would make Rainbow Dash proud. As she flew across the sky, she expected James to be scared stiff by her tricks of feat. Instead, all it did was cause James to laugh in joy and excitement. "You fly as crazy as my brother." he said. He then started to flashback to when he went up in a jet with his brother. She was about to ask how, when she decided against it. She, instead, asked a different question. "How did your house end up upside-down, and were you involved with the unpredicted, and yet contained twister?" James snapped out of it. "What?" he said. She repeated the question. "It's a long story, that would take up several chapters in a story.", James replied. "We've got a long way to get to Canterlot."

15 minutes Later...
"...And that's how I got in contact with you.", James said. The Alicorn thought for a moment, then said, "But why did you get dressed up in that odd outfit?". "Simple, I wanted to make a good impression by showing that I am well educated, as well as someone who also likes to play." James said. Celestia nodded, then swooped downward low to see where they were at. "Ah, here we are. Canterlot.", Celestia said. James was amazed on how similar it was to Camelot, back at home. Although, he noted that Canterlot was "kept-up with", bigger, and fancier than the original.

She then landed at the gates of the castle. Celestia and James both entered the castle, to which James just whistled at how big it was. He then followed Celestia to her room with the balcony. "So, why are we here?", James said. She looked over the balcony, seeing the ponies gathering today, due to Princess Luna teleporting ahead. She alerted them of Princess Celestia making an announcement.

"I'm going to introduce you to Equestria. So they don't fear you, or mistake you for a monster. That was the plan, right?" she said. James nodded, then Celestia said,"Well, where else are we going to introduce you?" "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get this over with." He said with excitement. He clapped his hands together, then started rubbing them again. She nodded, then stepped out.

"Ponies of Equestria, here me.", she said. All the ponies, stopped talking, including the press. "I'm here to introduce a new being that has ended up in Equestria. His name is James.", she said, motioning him to come out. He did so, hearing the audible gasp from them. "Please do not be afraid. He is merely harmless." "Mostly harmless.", James said. Celestia looked at him, then turned back toward them. "Why don't I hand the spotlight over to him." "But Princess, how can you do that? Light isn't physical, this flashlight is though.", he said. Nobody laughed at the odd joke. "Sheesh, tough crowd.", he said. He then continued with his speech.

"Equestria! I have not come in hostility, but in peace and good..stuff. I am not evil, and will help it out in any way I can.", James said. Soon, the media asking questions. He pointed at one. "When you mean 'Mostly Harmless', you mean...?" "I am willing to fight, yet I wouldn't hurt people-sorry, ponies on purpose, or for my pleasure."

A Little Later...
James was done answer questions to ponies, who he hoped weren't as bad or even worse than the reporters back at home. He then made his way to the throne room. "Since you don't know how to get back, we will need information for you to live here." she said. James nodded and soon was taken to a room where he was being tested physically. He then answered some questions on the papers. As soon as he was done, Princess Celestia gave him some money. "I'm presuming you don't have Equestrian currency, so here's 500 Bits to get you started.", Princess Celestia said. James nodded, then realised something. "How do I get back home?"