//------------------------------// // The Chapel // Story: PonyHammer 40,000: Magic of War // by Dragon Heart //------------------------------// At a chapel in the city of Ganaan, a cultist of Discord was trotting along the side of the old church. The grounds of the ruins were completely covered with the pulsing energies of evil corruption. Even the sky was no longer a light blue, but instead red as blood. The cultist kept trotting until he reached the massive doors, and he went inside. More cultists stood chanting around a stone altar where the Key lay, glowing with its untouchable power. The lone cultist approached Lord Fale and Cyndree with dire news. "Heh, My Lord," The cultist said, his voice on the edge of cracking, "Blood Phoenixes approach from the South." "How did they get so close!?!" Fale asked in disbelief. "My Lord." said Cyndree, "These flies are minor annoyances. We have the Key and ample bodies to imprison the Blood Phoenixes behind a wall of corpses while we complete the ceremony." "Your assurances leave me cold, Cyndree." "Events have proven my words true at every turn, My Lord. We are not in danger-" "Events have proven you fortunate, Unicorn." Fale snorted. "To what do you owe this present bout of nauseous optimism?" "We have received a message, Lord Fale." said Cyndree. "We have a new ally who is more than ready to betray the Blood Phoenixes." Fale grinned at what the Unicorn said. "Excellent." He snorted, "Prepare for what is to come." He looked sinisterly at the cultist. "And dispose of this idiot." The cultist gasped. "Why?" the cultist asked as Fale trotted away. "H-h-h-how have I failed?" "You were stupid enough to personally deliver ill news to Lord Fale." said Cyndree. "And we cannot abide stupidity." In panic, the cultist tried to attack the Unicorn, but Cyndree shot bolts of magic at the pony that tore him up from the inside-out, leaving him a bloody mess on the floor. Elsewhere, the Blood Phoenixes were battling against the forces of Discord, both sides equally matched in firepower and endurance. "Brother Steel," Pegalos called through his comm link, "report." "The Discord Forces have rent an impassible chasm through the center of the city," said the Sergeant, "and have taken up position in a temple. The battle is upon us Captain." "We are arriving at your position momentarily." said Pegalos. "Hold the chasm, I will deal with the temple." "It will be done." Steel assured as he resumed the fight. At the headquarters, Pegalos stood before an Apothecary, the sibling-marine treating his Captain's wounds from the previous battle. Time was short. "You are finished Apothecary." The Captain said, walking away from the white-armored healer. "Had the Empress not intended I suffer, then I would feel no pain." He turned and approached Unidor. "What foul acts are these heathens involved in?" "They are performing a ceremony to release the Key from its bindings." said Unidor. "We must stop them." "Yes." Pegalos said, rubbing his chin, "We will need to break down the doors of that once glorious temple. It appears they have rent a chasm across the city, stopping us from reaching the other side." Pegalos looked at the radar and pointed at a vitally important location. "An outpost with Machine Cults located here gives us access to the vehicles we will surely require." At the outpost, cultists were being gunned down by turrets protecting the area. "Secure that outpost, and stop that ceremony!"