//------------------------------// // ...and I feel fine // Story: A Matter of Rules of War // by dramatic_spoon //------------------------------// THE DODGE CITY-PONYVILLE RAILWAY Big Macintosh and Rarity gazed out the window, while Time Turner snoozed away on the seat next to Big Macintosh. Rarity shifted her gaze to the floor and bit her lip, uncertain about something. “Bit for your thoughts.” Big Macintosh interrupted the mechanic’s train of thought. “Oh. Just…” Rarity sighed, “This is not the sort of life I’ve expect to have. I mean, Nightmare Moon, becoming one of the Elements of Harmony, Sky Pirates, and….undead ponies. I’ve seen things I think I could have done without.” “Miss Rarity...” “Please, you can drop the ‘miss’ part, Big Macintosh.” Rarity interrupted him. “Right,” Big Macintosh politely nodded before continuing, “Rarity, th’ would is fulla fantastic things. We got a city in th’ clouds, technology that is greater than anythin’ that came before us, we’ve found distant lands, amazin’ ponies and other beings, an’ we got things that I reckon we haven’t even seen yet.” He motioned out the window, “I mean I know what that is. But on o’ these days I’d like to go to Plumerania, Taishushima, and hell, maybe even the Kingdom. But marvels like that always come with a dark side.” “He’s right you know.” Time Turner yawned and sat up, “My father would tell me that the world is a wondrous place full of things that will astonish and disgust you. But it is not safe, nor is it kind. If you can’t stand a little bloody nose, you best crawl back under your bed sheets. You must face it, and while doing so, you shall conquer it.” Time Turner smiled before he continued, “My father was right, I would like to add. If I had not taken the offer he gave me I would not be sitting here, discussing this with you splendid fellows.” “…I suppose. I just do not feel that I am…worthy of such privilege.” Rarity returned her gaze to the window, “out of the many ponies in the Republic, why me?” “Average ponies are sometimes destined for great things, that’s what my father would say.” Time Turner shifted in his seat. “Rarity, how do you think I feel?” Big Macintosh chuckled, “how do you think the others feel? None of us were that important before this, and now we are.” Rarity sighed and the cabin fell back into silence. “Thank you.” Rarity smiled at the two stallions, “Sometimes I just…doubt myself.” “Self-doubt is sometimes a fine thing. It lets us know what our limits are and how we may push pass them.” Time Turner smiled back. “Eyup.” Big Macintosh nodded. The cabin once again grew silent as the group watched the passing flora and fauna. PONYVILLE TRAIN STATION The Three ponies stepped out of the train and onto the platform. “Well we didn’t really tell them what time we were coming back, did we?” Time Turner shrugged, “Oh well. It’s not like we needed a welco-” “Hey! There they are.” a stallion’s voice called out, interrupting Time Turner’s train of thought. A dark grey pegasus stallion with a blue-silver mane trotted over, followed by a yellow unicorn mare with a blue mane. The unicorn smiled at the other three. “Welcome home.” The pegasus grinned “It’s fantastic to see you again, Lemon Hearts. You too, Tunderlane.” Time Turner responded. “Everything ended up the way you hoped?” Lemon Hearts inquired. “…Not quite.” Big Macintosh chuckled. “Anyway, you better go back to the farm, Mac.” The element of Kindness jerked his head back toward the town, “Your sister and CT are really goin’ at it. I tried to intervene, but it’s not working so well.” “…I can’t leave’m alone for five days without th’ two of them findin’ somethin’ th’ fight over…” The stallion grumbled, “Lead th’ way.” The two stallions trotted off. Lemon Hearts shrugged, “I took care of your work while you were gone. Cheerilee’s a little annoyed, but still.” “Thank you.” Time Turner politely nodded. “And for that,” the Element of Laughter’s smile transformed into a frown, “You own me something.” “What’s that?” Time Turner took a step backwards, “This entire trip has been full of ponies asking for favors.” “Tell me what happened over lunch.” Lemon Hearts’s smile returned, “Your treat.” “…I suppose that’s fair.” The stallion nodded in agreement. “I thought you would agree.” Lemon Hearts turned her attention to Rarity, “Dizzy’s house.” “Thank you.” The three ponies trotted off in different directions. Rarity continued through town, stopping in front of a slightly rundown two story cottage. Rarity knocked on the door. It opened inwards and a young gray unicorn filly with a yellow mane peeked out. “Oh, hello Dinky. Is Dizzy Twister home?” Rarity asked. Before the filly could respond, an orange pegasus filly with a purple mane popped up next to her, forcing the door open. “Hi Rarity!” the pegasus smiled, “Thanks for letting Sweetie Belle stay over with us for the last few days.” “Hello Scootaloo. Did the three of you have a good time?” Rarity smiled back at the filly. “Yep!” Scootaloo grinned, “We accidently knocked over the fountain in the middle of the town, and blew a hole in the library.” Rarity blinked. “…..You what?” Rarity stared at the filly in disbelief. “It was her idea and she always has bad ones.” Dinky grumbled. “That’s not true! I have some good ones!” Scootaloo countered. Before Dinky could argue back, an older mare’s voice called out from further inside of the house. “Who is it, girls?” the door opened more and a khaki colored pegasus mare with a two-toned pink mane poked her head out, “Oh, Rarity. You’re back.” The mare turned her attention to the two fillies, “Girls, tell Sweetie Belle to pack her stuff so she can go home.” The two fillies ran off, as the pegasus breathed a sigh of relief. “…Not a moment too soon.” The pegasus muttered. “Was it that bad, Dizzy Twister?” Rarity continued, “Scootaloo said something about blowing a hole in the library. How on equestria did they manage that?” “….you would not believe me if I told you how she managed that.” the Element of Loyalty shook her head at the memory of the incident, “Lemony took it rather well, but I still promised her to pay for the renovations.” “…ah, I owe you something for taking care of Sweetie Belle on such short notice.” Rarity began to dig through her saddle. “Oh, don’t worry about that” Dizzy Twister waved away the thought with her hoof, “I’m always glad to. Even if they do try and destroy half of Ponyville every time they ge-” “Ah, Here it is.” Rarity dropped a bag of gold onto the ground. “I believe that should be more than enough for the renovations and for taking care of Sweetie Belle.” Dizzy opened the bag and peeked inside. Her eyes widened in shock and she quickly closed the bag. “Rarity, I can’t accept this much.” “Nonsense, I owe you for the last time, and the last time we went to the spa together.” Rarity shook her head. “I know you’re having some, ah, financial problems, so just take it. Please.” “No, I feel like I’m taking advantage of your generosity.” Dizzy shook her head, “Where did you even get all this?” “It’s a long story and possibly illegal.” Rarity shrugged, “it involves a few wanted fugitives and the desecration of earthly remains.” Dizzy Twister blinked in confusion, “….I beg your pardon?” “It’s perfectly fine.” Rarity quickly responded, “It’s legitimate Republic money, although there might be some griffon marks and Kingdom bits, but you can get those exchanged.” “….Alright.” Dizzy Twister gave Rarity a wary look as she pulled the bag into the house. “If you insis-” “HI RARITY!” a new filly’s voice echoed through the house. A light grey filly with a mulberry and grey rose streaked mane bounded out the door, and grinned at Rarity. “Did you have a good time?” Rarity asked the filly. “YEP!” Sweetie Belle bounced in excitement. “Thank Miss Dizzy before we go home.” Rarity reminded Sweetie Belle. “Thank you Miss Dizzy!” Sweetie Belle beamed. “You’re welcome Sweetie Belle, come back anytime.” Dizzy Twister’s smiled dropped for a moment, “Just don’t destroy anypony else’s property, next time.” “…We apologized to Miss Lemon Hearts.” Sweetie Belle sulked as she and Rarity turned to leave. THE MECHANICAL BOUTIQUE Rarity placed her pack on her table and collapsed onto her fainting couch. She took a deep breath, taking in the scent of oil, grease and other mechanical lubricants. “And now, I can finally relax.” Rarity closed her eyes for a moment, “Maybe I should head to th-” “Rarity, what’s this?” Rarity opened her eyes as Sweetie Belle trotted over. Engulfed in the filly’s magical aura were the remains of Spike’s mechanical arm. “Oh…that is something to remind me of a friend.” “…Seems like a weird gift.” Sweetie Belle frowned. “It’s not the gift, Sweetie, it’s about the memories,” Rarity’s plucked the arm out of Sweetie Belle’s aura with her own magical aura; “You’ll understand when you’re older.” ONE DAY LATTER Time Turner trotted down the street, a letter in his mouth. Lemon Hearts and Big Macintosh followed him. The elements of generosity and laughter exchanged a quick glance with one another, before Lemon Hearts spoke. “You know, I could just carry it with my magic.” “nuh Hiss hohay.” Time Turner smiled and continued to speak, “hy huhnt hink hit hathers hat huht.” “….Y’know for a scholar you do some pretty silly things at times.” Big Macintosh shook his head. “hohen. Hut’s hu hoint huh hart hif hyu hant he huhish hunhimes?” Time Turner continued. “……” Lemon Hearts and Big Macintosh glanced at each other and shrugged. “Here he har!” Time Turner pushed open the door to the Mechanical Boutique. Rarity glanced up for a moment before returning to her work on a prosthetic limb. “Time Turner. Can I help you with something?” “Plah!” Time Turner spat out the letter, “I got a response from the Government. And I think I got a paper cut on my tongue.” “Well? What does it say?” Rarity inquired, never looking up from her work. “Let’s wait for…” Time Turner paused as Big Macintosh and Lemon Hearts entered the room, “well, let’s find out.” Time Turner tore open the letter and unfolded it. Dear Time Turner. It’s wonderful to hear from you again, especially since the whole Nightmare Moon thing. Your father is less than thrilled to find out that you nearly died, but he’s just being a good parent. That and Funerals are expensive. In the meantime, Aerial scouts have confirmed the information that you have sent to us, and have reported seeing two ponies that match the description of Twilight Sparkle and Trixie Lulamoon. However, seeing that the situation with the Kingdom has changed, we are currently more focused on national security and making sure our allies are prepared or preparing for the worst case scenario. At the same time, if things are as you described them, then neither of the ponies should be able to menace Deadwood or any of the surrounding area for some time. Once an opportunity presents itself, we shall seek to take care of those little problems. Ciao, Discord, Eternal Advisor for the Republic of Equestria. PS: Tell the other Elements that I hope they’re doing well. PPS: let the one on the weather team know that I plan on sending another chocolate rain storm to Ponyville sometime on Thursday, just because I haven’t sent on in a while. PPPS: On second thought, make that Friday. Who doesn’t like to kick back after a hard week’s of work, and enjoy a nice cool glass of freshly fallen chocolate milk?