The Tail Of Endless Night

by EndlessKnight980

Chapter 3:Trouble

Endless awake to his mother pushing him. He open with eyes and let out a long yawn. He was still tier. It took a second but he finally stood up. Everything was harder. He move slowly as he went about his normal routine. He ate his breakfast and help his mother with the dishes. His father was in his private quarters. He had his books and note in there. He wasn’t allowed in there. He went to the outside door and open it. It was raining out.

The rain was normally not a problem for him. But this was a hard rain. It was hard for him to see farther then a few feet. He close the door and headed for his bed. His mother stop him and told him to get his book and study. He did as told and pull his spell book out. It was old and moldy. The taste of the book made him want to throw up. He quickly put the book on the table and open it to the page he left off on.

He was still tier and was falling in and out of sleep as he read something about basic teleporting. He already knew how and could do so in short burst. his father enter the room.

“Endless wake up.” he said hitting the table with his hove. he jump.

“Sorry dad had trouble sleeping last night.” he lie.

“Ok. well just wake up and study.” he did as he was told.

-----(lunch time)---------

About lunch time the rain stop. he was eating when his father came out of his private quarters. He had two saddle bags on his back. It had scrolls and ropes coming from one bag. The other look like it was half full.

“Everything ready my love?” He ask.

“I got it all in this bag my love.” She said take a bag from under the counter. He use magic to take the bag and put it in his own.

“If everything go as I plan then I’ll be back in a week. The crops will be fine thanks to the heavy rains we’ll get this time of year.” he told her

“I wish you didn’t have to go.” she said.

“I have to go. They need me and I’m the only one who can help.” he said.

"I know. Just be safe. I don’t know what I do without you.” she said.

“Now son. I hope to see you finish that chapter be the time I get back.” he said turning to Endless

“I finish the book last week father. I know how to do the basic.” he said closing the book.

“Really? Then prove it.” He said looking with a disapproving look. He stood up and prepare himself.

“Move this apple.” He said taking an apple from the bowl on the counter and place it on the table. He move the apple with ease. Then back into the bowl And move all the apples in the bowl to the table in the shape of a square.

“ Alright. Let try something harder.” his father said putting the apples back in the bowl.

--------(countless Spells Later)------------

Half hour later Endless was ready to drop. His father put him through almost the whole book. He knew there was only two things left in the book. The memory spell and teleporting. The memory spell only work on willing pony and his father wouldn’t have him use that.

“Let see how far you can teleport. Shell we. To the main gate.” He ready himself.

"I’ll be there. waiting.”he told Endless and turn to Endless love.

“I’ll be back week and keep the main gate close.”

“I will. Don’t worry we’ll be fine.” They kiss and then White Night Teleported out of the room. Endless took a deep breath and try to remember the main gate. His mind was fussy. He was still tier from the night before. All the magic didn’t help ether. but he was going to prove to his father he wasn’t worthless.

“You can do it honey.” His mother said encouraging him. With one large flash of black and red light. He was gone from the house. He look up from the ground. He was lay on the ground on the other side of the gate.


“yes and you shouldn’t have if the gate was lax.”His father said. he felt a cool sweat run down his back. He had forgot to lax it the night before.

“I must have forgot to lax it last night. Get up and come here son.” His father said. He got up and walk to his father on the other side of the gate. He was relieve his father didn’t know. He thought he was catch when his father saw the gate open. White night pull a book out from his bag.

“Here your next book son. Try not to Destroy it and remember keep the gate closes so no one get in.” White night place the book on grounds. They said their goodbye. He pick the book up in his mouth. His father lax the gate behind him. then walk away.

This book taste worse then the other one he thought. He walk back to the house. He fell to his knees and drop the book on the ground. He was out of breath. That late spell really took a lot out of me. he thought. He look around. There was a tree laying on it side. It must had fallen in the storm. Endless thought about the energy the old tree had given him. He stood up and forces on the tree. It turn into a stream of light and into his horn. He felt a great amount of energy fill his body.

He stress his body parts out and hear a ripping. His wing had rip the wrapping. He bent over and grab his book and flap his wings. He only flew once. when he was very young but his father told him never to fly again. He remembers his mother and father fighting about it. But he wanted to try again. He flap his wings and try to get up. But fell to his knees.

He stood up and try again. And again he fell. He stood up again this time he try jumping. his heart skip a beat as he went up. But then came back down. He decided to give up for now. He grab his book and headed back to the house. As he walk he thought about his mother. She was always flying around. Maybe he ask her to teach him. He pick up his pastes as the house came into view.