Like Brother, Like Sister?

by Mazzeyle

Chapter Four

Chapter 4
What has happened to Metamorpha? She has become reckless, irresponsible, and bloodthirsty! What happened to my sister? Oh Metamorpha don’t believe the queens propaganda, never believe the propaganda. I looked at her. We have been flying for hours, Canterlot was now in sight, but it would take us another hour or so to get there. When the day began Metamorpha had looked pissed of but remorseful, now her remorse was gone and she just looked pissed. Her power reserves were so full she was latterly radiating energy, which the goons and I drew in hungrily. Dammit. I hate being hungry, and once the invasion begins it will be a while before the Equestrian’s love will be ready to harvest.
The next hour passed swiftly.
Canterlot was now very close. It was surrounded by a bubblegum pink bubble, the barrier that we had been warned about. I knew that already, the queen was weakening its caster, and our troops were chipping away at it.
When we reached the city, we flew in circles until we found a commander and her group of mid-ranked legionaries like Metamorpha and I and their goons (I probably should call them their real name, drones, but I see no reason to.)
We drifted down to the ground were the group was. We landed with a soft thump, well, all except one of our goons, who landed on their face, again.
The Commander’s name was Transfigure. We gave a stiff bow before listening intently to her words.
“Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your stay”, she said with snarky sarcasm. “The barrier will be breached shortly, you’re backups correct?” she asked, turning to my sister.
“Yes sir.”
“Alright then, backups need to report to the throne room once the wall is breached, were you will receive orders directly from The Queen. Personally, I do not understand why she wants legionnaires, but The Queens word it law.”, Transfigure glowered.
Metamorpha and I took our places on top of the barrier, and waited.
Wow. That commander is not happy The Queen doesn’t want her by her side. I looked up to the sun to see the time. Alright! Anytime now the barrier will crumble and we will claim our prize.
Variation had dozed off so I gave his side a little nudge. He awoke sputtering nonsense.
“Variation, you need to get up now, it begins shortly.”
Variation rubbed his eyes then stood by my side. We watched the room we would be heading toward. A pink alicorn in a white dress walked slowly down the aisle.
“Chrysalis!” I exclaimed pointing toward the winged unicorn. The commander had told us what disguise The Queen had taken, but it still surprised me.
Suddenly a violet unicorn burst through the doors followed by a ragged version of the bride. My heart skipped a beat. This is not part of the plan! Suddenly there was a green flash and The Queen took the place of the wife-to-be. What is going on in there!? I can’t hear what is being said.
The white alicorn approached Chrysalis before flying into the air and casting a blinding bolt of white magic. At the same time, a green bolt erupted form Chrysalis horn reaching the princess and sending her flying! The now defeated alicorn said something to six ponies before they fled.
Moments later the barrier cracked and shattered.
“Move!” I screamed over the buzzing of hundreds of wings
We flew faster than I thought possible, our queen may need urgent help. Already some members of the royal guard were casting spells toward her. We soared in through an open balcony door into the room filled with panicked ponies. Variation and I landed before Chrysalis and immediately kneeled.
"My Queen, what do you wish of us" I said to the carpeted floors.
"Arise my child."
I returned to my four legs. I had never been this close to the queen, and I now knew why she did not need me to grovel, I was barely taller than her legs!
"Secure the guards, their magic is annoying me." Chrysalis said with a smile, something changelings do not do very often, for a reason. With all of her fangs barred, she looked rabid. I quickly told my goons in our native tongue what to do before taking my place as a guard at the giant doors at the rear of the room.
Beautiful chaos! Goons buzzed and hissed with excitement whilst encasing members of the royal guard and Celstia herself. I watched from my position in awe. Ponies worship this weakling as a goddess! Weak species weak deities I guess, I said to myself with a chuckle.
Out of the massive windows I could see thousands of goons rocketing to the streets like meteors.
The pink alicorn bride-to-be, who had be secured by her hooves to the floor was going on and on about how twilight and her friends will save them. At that moment, a group of goons escorting six mare burst through the doors we were guarding.
Confident in her abilities, Chrysalis dismissed the goons in the room before turning to the pack of determined looking mares.
I am sad to say I tuned what happened next out, too caught up in the moment. I wish I had not, maybe I could have stopped that damn pink alicorn, maybe.
Before I knew it she was at her groom’s side with a shimmering pink aura around the two of them. I wish I had done something, lunged at them maybe, but I stood in shock, not knowing what to do.
Suddenly their aura turned explosive and rapidly expanded! I went straight through a pink stained glass window and into the air! I tried to reach Variation but he was flying in the opposite direction! What was going on!? The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was why, why had we tried?
I awoke to pain. Pain in so many places it felt like I had had been dipped in acid, with every nerve screaming for my attention. I groaned and opened one of my eyes. I was injured but not badly. I had many slivers of glass embedded in my face and chest, as well as a massive headache I assumed was from landing. Nothing I couldn’t mostly heal from if I managed my energy reserves well. I looked around; I was in grassland, maybe a prairie. I could see something in the distance. I winced as I stood, another spark of pain running through me. I limped toward whatever I saw, hoping it wasn’t dangerous. What I found surprised me.
To be continued….