Give Love A Chance Even If You're "Fluttered" Or "Shy" About It

by FluttershyGuy1293

Chapter 5 : The Rescue

AUTHOR'S NOTES : Sorry It took so long to get this chapter done. It's worth the wait in my opinion. Thanks for all of those who favored my story. Like I said before I really appreciate all of the positive feed back it really keeps me going. Anyway hope you enjoy Chapter 5 : The Rescue. Thanks again


It's been five days now since Twilight explained the plan, and Fluttershy hasn't seen Daniel since last night. Time was running out. So she thought it would be best to tell her friends about her encounter with Daniel at the tree. All they decided was that it would be best to keep a close eye on that section of forest. Granted it was strange that the ponies thoughts on someone hurt were heartless, but they can't truly trust Daniel yet. Not knowing someones origins was very odd in the land of Equestria.

Now Fluttershy is back out at night at the Apples farm and is searching for any signs of Daniel. She thought that she would get the upper hoof on him tonight by showing up early. While she did this the other girls decided to go back to Twilight's place to research where Daniel came from.

***Warning to readers. . .this next part in the story gets very serious weather its a fan fic or not. . .that being said please continue reading and treat this part of the story with respect. . . .AND DON'T WORRY TO MUCH! Thanks ~FluttershyGuy1293***

Fluttershy was walking down the edge of the forest where she saw Daniel the previous night. She was admiring the beautiful night that princess Luna provided. All she could think about was "why was Daniel crying?" This question baffled her most of the night. Did she scare him upon discovering that he was stealing or was it something more than that? Before she could think about this question further there was another presents at the edge of the forest that Fluttershy noticed right away. At first she thought it was Daniel emerging from the trees that she found him at last night. Little did she know who was watching from afar. . .none other than the notorious gang of the Diamond Dogs!

They have been know for their stealing, and turf wars. All of course minor, but that's not why they became notorious. They got a name for themselves because of their violent and total disrespect toward female ponies. They always have the same routine. They claim to be lost and can't find their way home. The unsuspecting mare then follows them around until they say that the area looks familiar to them. That's when they thank the mare for all of her help. Just as the mare is on her way home they strike. They then take the helpless pony to the Everfree forest and sexually assault her. One after another they take turns until they have had enough. Then they murder the victim and bury her at their hideout. The reason on how they got notorious is simple. One of their targets escaped before they had the chance to kill her. She fought her way out of the gang that was relentless upon attempting to beat her to death.

**Pause for dramatic affect**

You all know her today as Ditzy Doo. Think about it. . . have you ever wondered why she's always so clumsy? Or how about those eyes of hers? Brain damage presumably. And also the fact that her favorite thing to say is. . ."I just don't know what went wrong." **cue brain exploding**

For Fluttershy she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Before she knew it the Diamond Dogs moved in to ask her for help. Fluttershy, being the caring and animal loving pony she is agreed to help them find their way home.

**Meanwhile back at Daniel's camp**

"Aw man. . .it's going on 11:00 already!? Well looks like I'm only filling three buckets tonight." I said to myself. "Well I better get going before it gets any later."

As I was going down my regular path I couldn't help but notice a chill creep down my back. I thought that this was strange for there was no wind out tonight. So I just brushed the thought out of my mind and kept on going to my destination. I was getting really hungry by now and I was almost at the end of my path. I could see the opening of the two trees that lead to the Apples field. As I was coming out to the field I saw a movement out of the corner of my right eye. I thought at first that it was Fluttershy again watching me because I saw her pink mane. It was going away from me though. Why was she going away from me? Surely she saw me coming out of the forest. I soon got my answer. As Fluttershy was slowly disappearing in to the forest I saw something sparkle just in front of her. To me it looked like a diamond, but wear have I seen that before?


"So. . .um. . .do you dogs have any idea where you are?" asked Fluttershy.

The first dog responded with a simple "no not really." While the other two just shook their heads in agreement.

Then the first dog said. "Although these trees are starting to look familiar to me. Our hideou-. . .I mean house should be coming up soon."

"Oh good!" said Fluttershy then I can be on my way. . ."

What?! What do you mean?! Your not leaving yet are you?!

"I'm sorry. . .but I really must be going. . ." said the now timid mare.

"Oh I don't think you understand. . .we already had plans for you from the moment we saw you!" screamed the now angry Diamond Dog.

"What?! What p. . .p. .plans?" Fluttershy said with a shaky voice.

"Don't you know who we are?" asked the third Diamond Dog.

"N. . .n. .no." squeaked Fluttershy.

"Well then we better fix that." said the second Diamond Dog. They all began to advance toward the now scared pony.

"Well boys. . .think we should mix up our regular routine for this new comer to our group? asked the first dog. Who was obviously the leader of the gang.

"Sounds good to me boss." "You got it boss."

At this point the scared mare didn't know what to expect. So she just started to backup and away from the dogs. As she was backing up she tripped over a protruding rock in the ground and fell on her back. The dogs took this moment to start their assault. The scared mare just had a look of horror on her face.


By this time Daniel forgot about the diamond he saw and was just finishing up with the third bucket of apples. That's when he heard the voice from the cave before he came to Equestria. He stopped dead in his tracks to hear the voice again only this time it wasn't in his head! The sounds were coming from the Everfree Forest! So Daniel stopped what he was doing and began to run towards the voice in the forest. To his surprise it was farther away than he first thought. He was running in between trees and bushes just like his path he made. This one was different because it looked to be freshly made. He did see tracks. One set was of a pony and the other was. . ."Holy sweet mother of Celestia!"

"These look to be from a dog. . .dog. . . oh buck. . .that's the tracks of the Diamond Dogs! That's where I've seen that shinning diamond!" Daniel exclaimed to himself. "That's the gang I've been hearing so much about! Wait? Who's the pony that's with them this time though?" As I was slowing down to start looking around for the pony I soon found out who it was. "No. . .nonononono. . .this can't be happening, not to her!" I found a trace of pink hair on one of the thorn bushes and began to look even faster. "Oh Celestia NO! NOT FLUTTERSHY!" I screamed. I came around another set of trees and to my horror I saw the three dogs beating her relentlessly and saying words to her that I would never dream of saying to anypony.


They all looked up at me with sadistic grins on their faces. They looked at one another with confusion as to why this one lonesome creature was insulting them.

"What are you looking at freak?!" They all said in unison.

"Just a bunch of dirty mutts about to get their asses kicked if they don't stop what their doing to that defenseless pony. That's when I looked over to Fluttershy. Upon seeing her I almost broke down in tears right there on the spot. She was unconscious from the looks of her. She was covered in dirt and her one wing was at an unnatural position. Her mane and tail had all kinds of twigs and burs throughout them. And worst of all was her face. She had a black eye, cuts, bruises, and scrapes located in different spots and a big gash across her forehead. I almost winced upon seeing her like this until my focus regained control once more on the dogs.

"Is that so?!" said the leader who then made the big mistake of kicking Fluttershy in the gut. Now turning to me with that sadistic look on his face again. This showed me she was still alive with a very small and weak grunt and also. . .some motherbuckers are going to come close to death tonight.

Once I saw this I knew I had to defend myself somehow. So I grabbed the nearest weapon I could find. To my left was just a bush, but to my right was a pine tree.

"Perfect. . ." I thought to myself. So i grabbed the thickest branch I could snap off and swing. The branch was just a little bigger that your average baseball bat.

The dogs looked at me like I was playing some kind of game. Until I struck one of them in the back of the leg to make them fall. That's when they knew I was serious so they started to attack. They hit me, kicked at me, and one of them even managed to give me a black eye. My face by now was very similar to Fluttershy's. I had cuts and bruises all over and a bloody lip. The leader of the group started to hit me in the gut one after another. While at the same time the other two dogs were trying to bite my legs. Unfortunately the third dog was able to do so. A pain shot up my leg. I think he tore some of my muscle in my calf. Only because I now had a limp to that leg. Nothing to damaging, but that's not what pissed me off. While the two dogs were going for my legs the leader said something to me that sent me over the edge. He said that once their done with me they can move on to the mare that's unconscious. At least she won't be able to struggle like all the others." That's when I lost it. I started to swing my branch around in all directions to hopefully hit one of them. This was very effective.

Eventually they started to give up because they were getting to tired to keep up with my blind rage, and also they looked like hell because of what I did to them. The leader of the dogs had his jaw broken, cuts, and bruises all over his body. His left hind leg appeared to have a massive goose egg formed on his ankle. Possibly sprained? I wasn't sure. The third dog had part of his ear missing. Plus he had a dislocated shoulder. And the last dog looked the worst in my opinion. He had a broken leg, a large cut going across his left eye and lastly his right eye. I've never seen an eye so black and blue before, let alone the swelling. That's when they thought it would be a good idea to run from me. When I saw them carrying there friend with them to safety I just thought of the first thing that came to mind. . . .

"You think this is a motherbucking game?!" and also "Oh. . .IT. . .IS. . .ON!" Note to self make sure I thank Rarity for that idea if we ever become friends.

So the chase began they were well ahead of me by the time I realized they were running. I eventually caught up to them just as they reached the edge of the river I crossed on that night of escape. This is where I thought I had them, but I was wrong. They saw their chance of escape. On the left of the gang's leader was a waterfall. They all jumped at the same time. I just stood there dumbstruck. Once I regained focus I ran over to the edge of the falls expecting the worst. To my dismay I saw no signs of the dogs. I assumed that they were washed away by the roaring rapids at the bottom of the falls.

As my adrenaline started to ware off and I was starting to calm down I remembered that Fluttershy was still unconscious in the Everfree Forest.

"Oh horse apples! I need to get her to my friend Zecora. She'll know what to do! I just hope she's still breathing!" I said to myself.

Not knowing how far I ran after the dogs I decided to retrace my steps. It didn't take long to find where she was at.

"Yes!" I exclaimed seeing that Fluttershy was still in the same spot.

I then scooped her up in my arms for the first time. My whole body went numb. My heart practically exploded out of my chest with the amount of beats it was creating(probably due to Fluttershy being so close).

That's when I began to run to Zecora's house. I knew where it was because I had been there a couple times to ask her for help, or food if I wasn't able to get it on my own. We soon became friends.

As I was able to see Zecora's house coming into view I could tell that Fluttershy was still unconscious. Her head was bobbing around like one of those bobble heads you can buy at a baseball game. So I decided to pull her head closer to my chest to make the bobbing stop. Soon after we reached Zecora's with me bursting through the door.

"Ah Daniel my friend, it is good to see you again! I see you brought yourself a friend." said Zecora.

"Zecora. . . I need. . . you. . .to help. . . Fluttershy in. . . anyway you can." I said as I was trying to catch my breath.

"Hmm. . . a broken wing is what I see. That black eye is also new to me. But her being unconscious . . . well. . . that is a mystery." she said in an uncertain voice.

"Wait? Are you telling me that your not sure how to get her to wake up?"

"I'm afraid that is how it must be."

"Is there anyway for me to help her wake up?"

"Well. . .once I mend her wing, and fix her eye, I am not sure she'll still be alive."

"Please! I'll do whatever it takes!" I said with tears starting to form.

"For starters you can stay by her side. But I must warn you. . .it won't be an easy ride."

"Okay what do I have to do?" I asked Zecora.

Zecora went on to tell me what I would have to do to ensure Fluttershy's survival.
She said that for the next week I would need to be by her bedside in Zecora's hut taking care of her. I was being like a personal nurse for her. Everyday I would need to make sure she was fed right. Along with her water and her coat being kept clean(brushing). This wet on for almost the full week. Then on the early morning of the last day she started to wake up! Now at the time Zecora was out looking for the poison joke flower to do more research on so I had to go out of the hut to get her.

"She's awake! She's awake Zecora! She's awake!" I yelled loud enough for anypony to hear me.

"What? Can it be true? Has she finally awaken after nearly a week or two?" Zecora said with a little hope in her voice.

"Yes, yes it's true! She's starting to move back at your hut!"

"Let us not waste time, we must make haste, for she is all alone back at my place!" Zecora chanted.

"Wait . . . Zecora I can't. . . " I trailed off saying.

"And why is that Daniel? Please explain what is causing you pain."

"I. .I. . .I just can't ok?!" I said rather harsh.

"And besides. . . I need to get back to camp to see if I have enough food for myself. And Zecora? There's just one more thing I need you to do for me. . .please don't tell anypony that I was hear. . . they might get the wrong idea about why Fluttershy was missing for a week."

"You have my word Daniel this I say, but why is it that you cannot stay?"

"Zecora please. . . Fluttershy needs you now. . . .and besides that story's for another day. . . ."