Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm

by Mariacheat-Brony

They came here for refreshing air.

As soon as she bid her welcome, Vinyl sensed she was in danger. Some sort of preservation instinct kicked in and warned her of a threat. She saw a pink and white blur exited the carriage and flying toward her. She grasped it in her light blue magic. When the threat came to a stop in the air, it turned to be Pinkie Pie wearing jeans, boots, a pink shirt and an unnecessary large white stetson, her arms flaying in the air trying to grab Vinyl.

"Awww, I just wanted to hug you." Pouted Pinkie Pie.

"Sorry Pinkie, I can't have you tackle me to the ground with lil' Bloom here right behind me, can I?" Vinyl chuckled, her unmagicked hand patting Applebloom's head as she remained behind her.

Pinkie tilted her head to see Applebloom. "Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie." she said cheerfully. "Vi' can you put me down? I can't give her a 'hello' cupcake if I can't move."

At the mention of the pastry, Applebloom stopped from hiding behind her sister. "Really?" She asked Vinyl with a big hopeful smile.

"Ok just one, we are about to have lunch." Vinyl said. As Pinkie gave Applebloom a cupcake, Vinyl said. "Don't spoil her too much while you're here Pinks."

"Well, it seems our dear Pinkie Pie has already find a new friend." Giggled Rarity as she exited the carriage. "Wonderful to see you again Vinyl."

"Yeah it's awesome to see you again."

"Hum..Hello Vinyl.. It's lovely here."

"Good morning Vinyl. It's been a while."

"Hello Vinyl, it's great to finally meet you again." Octavia said with a sincere smile which Vinyl returned eagerly.

"Great to see you all again girls." Vinyl said. "Applebloom. Meet Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Rainbow Dash. You already know Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Octavia Philharmonica."

"Hey, I know you." Applebloom said to Octavia. "Vinyl has a lot of posters with you on it in her room." She innocently added causing Octavia and Vinyl to blush in embarrassment and the others to stifle their laughs.

"Well Ok then, why don't I take your luggages so that Caramel can go and stop mocking me like an idiot." Vinyl awkwardly said glaring at Caramel who was holding back his laugh.

After having unloaded the girls' luggages, Caramel went back to Ponyville. The girls from Nobility followed Vinyl and Applebloom toward the house. "Sooo. Would you mind telling me why you came here? The Princess' letter was kinda vague." Vinyl asked.

"Oh. She said that we needed some fresh air." Octavia answered. "Something along being too much cooped down in the Castle."She added winking at Vinyl. "Kinda what you told me at the wedding."

"Vinyl dear, I was wondering where's Applejack?" Asked Rarity.

"Oh. She's over there cutting some wood." Applebloom answered as she waved toward where AJ was.

"Why's she cutting wood now?" Asked Octavia a bit confuse. "We are in the middle of summer."

"Probably for the stove. Anyway let's get you settle so that AJ and I can start to prepare lunch." Vinyl casually said.

They kept going to the house, unbeknownst to the fact that Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight had stopped moving after turning their heads to AJ. Stunned by the scene taking actions in front of them. Applejack was busy cutting down some logs for the stove. Her stetson and her shirt casually laid down on a nearby fence, leaving her with a very tight tank top. Her muscles contracted and relaxed each time the axe went up and down. At some point she wiped the sweat from her brow and kept going. They girls kept staring in awe at the farmer cutting down some wood for no apparent reasons, the stack of logs was far from being low. That didn't stop Applejack and they didn't care. They had no idea why but it was incredibly refreshing.

"Hey girls, you see anything interesting?" Asked genuinely Pinkie Pie who had come back when she saw that the girls didn't follow. The four women jumped out of their trance a light blush on their face.

"Well Pinkie dear you see..."

"We saw hum ....."

".....A squirrel ....."

"Yeah that's it, we saw a squirrel."

"A squirrel huh?" Pinkie asked. "And it's because of a squirrel your faces are all becoming red like tomatoes?"

"Ho dear, that's because...."

"....Of the sun....."

"Yeah the sun. It's rather hot on the farm..."

"Yeah what they said..."

"Oh. Okay. Come on, Vinyl said we got to chose our rooms." Pinkie simply said before bouncing toward the house as the others followed suit sighing in relief. "Maybe you can tell me on the way how hot exactly AJ was?" She added with a smirk causing the others to tense again immediately.

After joining with Vinyl, the six members of the Council entered for the first time the house of the Apple Family. They came into the living room, its decoration was simple, family photos on the furniture and on the walls, rustics couches and chair around a small coffee table. It was rather spacious, allowing the seven women and the small girl to stand in with all the numerous pieces of luggage. The living room was clearly nothing like anything in the Castle in Canterlot, it was way more welcoming.

"It's not much, but it's home." Vinyl said with pride.

"I think it's wonderful." Octavia said with a genuine smile to the Apples, earning approvals from her fellow Council members.

"Thanks. So for the room distribution. We have two rooms for two persons, but you'll have to share a bed so I hope you don't mind, and two single person rooms. What do you think?" Vinyl asked.

Twilight pondered for a few moments. "I think Rarity can take one of the 'single' room, considering she has a lot more stuff than the rest of us." The others nodded and Rarity was extremely happy about that.

"If anyone don't mind, I would like to take the other room with one spot." Octavia said.

"No problem, I suppose Shy' and I can share a room." Rainbow answered before turning to Fluttershy. "What do you say Shy, just like High-school?"

"Just like High-school, Rainbow." Fluttershy quietly and happily answered.

"So I guess I'll just bunk with Twilight then." Pinkie stated. "It would be like a sleepover, every night."

"I guess so Pinkie, but easy on the pillow fights." Chuckled Twilight.

"All right, follow me." Vinyl said. "Applebloom, could you go fetch AJ please, we have guests and we need our second best cook." She asked her little sister who mocked a salute.

"Right away Vinyl." She ran out of the house calling AJ.

"She's such a dear!" Rarity said with a smile.

"Yeah it's true but she can be quite the little devil when she has something on her mind." Vinyl explained as she made way to the first floor. "So Rarity, this your room. It's usually our brother's but since he's in Appleloosa you can have it. Don't worry we moved all of his stuff somewhere else."

Rarity scanned the room, it was rustic like the rest of the home but it had a certain charm. "That would be perfect. Well time to get settle."

Vinyl brought the others to an other room. "But, what if your brother comes back earlier?" Asked Twilight.

"Don't worry about it, Granny and Big Mac's business in Appleloosa should keep them away for quite some times." Vinyl explained. "Beside, we sent them a letter talking about the Princess' request. They'll probably extend their stay. I'm actually glad about that, it's about time Granny deserved a little vacation." She pointed a door. "Pinkie, Twilight, that would be your room for the stay. Normally it's mine."

"Okay, here we go Twilight." Pinkie said bouncing inside the room. "I'm taking the window side of the bed." She shouted.

"Oh no you don't." Warned Twilight before storming after Pinkie.

"I think I might have to do some repairs in the room after your departure." Vinyl slowly said.

"It's probably what you'd have to do." Rainbow simply said." So where is mine and Flutter's room?"

"Right there. And for you, Octavia, it's right here." She said pointing two of the leftovers doors. The remaining girls started to get settle before Vinyl called them out. They all passed their heads through the door-frames. "Ok, I'll explain a few things quickly." She pointed a door in the middle of the corridor. "Right there is the house's only bathroom. But don't worry we have extras showers in AJ's 'Gymnasium' right next to the South orchard."

"Your sister's got a Gym?" Asked excitedly Rainbow Dash.

"More of a barn with a lot of working out machines in it." Vinyl stated. "Few things you might want to know. AJ and I wake up at 5:30 every morning. We're sorry in advance if we wake you up but there's work to be done. Usually we're busy with our morning chores to 7:30 or 8:00. Those who are awake at that time are welcome to help, if they want to."

"Count me out." Rainbow quickly said.

"Rainbow Dash, they're letting us stay in their home for quite a long time." Octavia chastised. "The least we could do is to help around a minimum."

"Fine I'll help a little but if it keeps me from training, I guarantee nothing." Rainbow conceded.

"Don't worry Octavia, we can manage on our own." Vinyl reassured. "Beside, it's not like Rainbow could keep up with us." She added with a smirk.

"Wowoh. Easy there magic music girl." Rainbow shouted with skepticism in her eyes. "You think that I, Rainbow Danger Dash, can't keep up with you? Applejack I would understand but you, sorry but that's hard to believe."

"Believe me or not Dashie but there's only one way to prove who's wrong." Vinyl replied playfully.

"Ok, wake me up at 5:30 like you do and I'll show you if I can keep up or not." Rainbow said, her voice full of confidence, before returning in her room.

"And this is how you do it." Vinyl quietly said as Octavia giggled. "Now, we have an extra pair of hands for tomorrow and if I play my cards well enough, maybe for the all stay."

"Nicely done Vinyl." Octavia said.

"Thanks. I'll leave you to your stuff. You can come down when you're done." Vinyl said before she went to downstairs to the kitchen where she found Applejack who was getting the food out of the cellar. "Ready to blow them away, with the deliciousness of the Apple Family Cuisine?"

"Darn tooting!" AJ happily said. "How the distribution went?"

Before Vinyl could replied, an explosion occurred upstairs causing everyone to jump in surprise. They quickly heard shouting voices from above.

"That's it Pinkie, I'm confiscating your Party Cannon." Shouted an angry Twilight. "You clearly can't be trusted with it."


Vinyl shrugged. "Swimmingly."