
by Spiderprime1

4. The Escilation

“Why didn't you call me to go onto the warship? I can help!” shouted a very annoyed Bulkhead.

“IP PIP PIP! I have still not cleared you for active duty, and storming the Decepticon warship is what I would consider very active duty.” Ratchet argued. “Besides, it was a stealth mission, and you are not the stealthy type, even at your full potential.” he added.

“You still should've called me in, not just let the noobie take a solo mission just because Prime's not here!” continued Bulkhead.

“You watch your tone Bulkhead or I swear I will put you in stasis myself! You know Smokescreen is not your replacement, he's a new recruit, and was better situated to handle the task at hand!”

“Right, like helping magic talking ponies, boy is Miko gonna have a field day when she hears about this one.”

“No! The children can not know about this, it's just fortunate enough for us that they're out of state on a school field trip.”

“Yeah, well I still say you should've let me go, who knows what kind of trouble they've gotten into without me?”


Trixie for the first time on this ship, felt powerless. She was starring down the barrel of a very large cannon being aimed at her. The owner of said cannon was watching her, not with intrigue, but just mild contempt. From what Trixie could tell, he was different from the other cons she had been easily dispatching earlier. But, Trixie figured this one would just need a little extra magic to go down. She widened her stance and looked her new threat right in the eye, he was going to go down in agony, but then he spoke.

“Are you lost, little one?”

Trixie paused for a moment, his voice was cold and uncaring, yet there was something she could admire about it, but she got her mind back on track. Save Twilight's friends so I can humiliate Twilight when I get back. Trixie ignited her horn and was getting ready to blast this new threat, but she thought she might banter with this one.

“No, Trixie is not lost! Trixie is here to rescue her...” she paused, “...friends!” she lied.

Megatron looked at the blue unicorn, now with actual interest.

“Friends you say? Would one of these happen to look like you but white?”

Trixie's eyes widened.

“And the other a purple lizard?”

Trixie's eyes then narrowed, her horn glowing brighter.

“You will bring them before Trixie unharmed or...” she thought for a moment, “...or Trixie will blow you to pieces!”

Megatron looked at her, raising an eyebrow, he knew Trixie was bluffing, but decided to play along with it. He lowered his arm and his cannon powered down. Then he smiled.

“Forgive me,” he bowed, bringing his left arm across his chest, “I was keeping them here out of danger.”

“Don't even try it, cur! I know about you and your Decepticon army, I know who you are!”

Megatron looked at her, raising a brow in surprise, but only for a second.

“If you know who I am, then you know what I could do to your friends if you upset me!” Megatron said with anger on his face, stooping low and barring his teeth in Trixie's face.

Trixie didn't even flinch, but her horn quit glowing.

“Fine. Do what you want with them, Trixie doesn't even know them that well. Saving them is merely a stepping stone to getting even with a rival, to show her that Trixie is the Greater and more Powerful Unicorn, saving her own friends when she couldn't. But don't think for a minute that one such as you can intimidate the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“A rival, you say? I am all too familiar with one who stands in the way of ones goals.”

Megatron reached over to a near-by console and typed a few keys and brought up an image of Optimus Prime. Trixie looked at the image and her ears perked up.

“Trixie knows who that is! He was transported to Trixie's world when She was sent here!”

Megatron turned slowly back to her, a grin creeping on his face, “Your world?”

- - - -

“Pinkie Pie! Get back over here!” shouted Smokescreen.

Pinkie Pie was all over the place, one second she'd be in the hallway, the next she'd be popping out of an air duct, then again from underneath a floor panel, Smokescreen couldn't keep track of her.


Pinkie had appeared back on Smokescreen's shoulder. Needless to say, Smoke wasn't expecting it. Pinkie giggled to herself, but then stopped, her ears perked at the sound of another scream.

"Rarity's this way, I know it this time! Come on!"

Smokescreen transformed into his sports car mode and put Pinkie in the passenger seat, he wasn't about to put her behind the wheel, and he drove in the direction she pointed.

- - - -

In the lab, Rarity screamed yet again at Soundwave.

"How dare you! You really think that those beakers are the appropriate style for this room!?! And I mean really, this cage is the epitome of drab, it belongs in the garbage..."

Soundwave just stood at the computer typing away, paying Rarity no mind at all. Although the little dragon trying to chew through the cage while hiding behind the white unicorn caught his interest. Soundwave pressed a key on the keypad and the cage all of a sudden became electrified. Spike was instantly thrown to the opposite edge of the cage, therefore being shocked again and then fell to the floor as the electricity died away. Rarity was outraged.

"EEEEEEEEEE!! Spikey-Wikey, are you alright?!" then she turned to Soundwave, "You Barbaric Creature! How could you do that, he's just a baby dragon!"

Her horn began to glow and her eyes narrowed, staring at Soundwave, every fiber of her being wanted to strike him down, her horn glowed brighter and brighter, and then...


The door to the lab burst open as a silver and blue sports car with double 38's on the doors skidded in, and a pink pony jumped out of the passenger window. In one quick move the car then transformed into Smokescreen, lunged forward, and caught Soundwave off guard and proceeded to punch him right in the face plate sending him into the wall behind him. Smoke then turned to the cage and ripped it open, freeing Rarity and Spike, who ran to Pinkie's side.

Smoke looked back and saw Soundwave already stirring, then turned back,
"Get in, he won't be down much longer, I only get lucky once!" and with that he transformed, the two ponies and one dragon jumped in and Smokescreen peeled rubber, shooting out of the lab and back into the hallway.

"Oh, thank you ever so much for saving us, umm..." Rarity stammered.
"Smokescreen." He filled in.
"Smokescreen, nice to meet you."
"How'd you guys find us?" asked Spike.
Pinkie chimed in, "Believe it or not, it was with the help of.."
"Trixie!!" shouted Smokescreen, skidding to a halt at the sight of the blue unicorn running out of an adjoining hallway. "Come on, get in, hurry!"

The blue unicorn ran towards Smokescreen just as Megatron Slammed into the wall, apparently trying to catch her. She jumped in through the driver side window, Smokescreen then wheeled around and took off down the long hallway with Megatron in hot pursuit.
"Ratchet! I need a bridge now!"
"Did you find their friends?" Ratchet's voice came through Smoke's radio.
"All are present and accounted for, and Megatron is chasing us, so if you don't mind hurrying with that bridge it would be very much appreciated!"
"The bridge is coming up now."
The ground bridge came up right at the end of the hall, 50 yards in front of Smokescreen. The ponies were watching out his back window at the looming figure that was Megatron, following ever so closely behind them.
"Hang on, this is going to be close! Ratchet, close the bridge now!"
The bridge started to close, Smokescreen kicked in his boosters and vanished through the bridge just as it closed, leaving Megatron roaring in frustration.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Starscream stared at the data pad that he had found in the forrest before all this craziness had happened. There really wasn't anything different between this data pad and one he would find on board the Nemesis, except this one was rust colored and not gray. Starscream touched the screen and it kicked on. The screen was green with a grid pattern layered across a map of a place Starscream had never seen before. It wasn't anywhere on Earth that he knew of, and it sure wasn't anywhere on Cybertron, then he got an idea. He turned to one of Luna's guards,
"Would you happen to have a map of Equestria I could look at?"
The guard nodded and went to go get one.
When he returned, Starscream took the map and laid it next to his data pad, then his eyes got wide, the map on the pad was showing the mountain right behind Canterlot Castle. Starscream felt it was time to have another chat with Princess Luna, and a grin crept across his face.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Optimus and Twilight had been spending a lot of their time talking about magic and Cybertronian history at the library. Twilight was going through parchment like crazy taking notes on everything Optimus said. She was fascinated by the story of Primus and Unicron and the creation of the Thirteen Original Primes, and how Optimus became a Prime.
"So, Megatron feels that you used him to get to the council and take the Matrix away from him? How could he think something like that?" asked Twilight.
"Megatron's mind is clouded by rage and hatred, he is beyond rational thought. If you are not willing to follow his cause and do what he says, he sees you as just another obstacle to be blasted out of his way." replied Optimus.
"Wow, I can see why Starscream left, who'd want to work with somepony like that?"
Optimus paused at her choice of words to describe Megatron, but then remembered that their vocabulary was slightly different than what he was used to.

Just then, Bumblebee drove up to the library with Fluttershy hanging out of his driver's side window. They had been out at Fluttershy's cottage spending time with her animals and talking together. They had come back at Optimus' orders and were now waiting for Arcee and Wheeljack. After a few minutes Arcee and Applejack showed up from another day of working in the apple orchards and playing in AJ's home made arena.Meanwhile, across town Rainbow Dash and Wheeljack were racing back towards the library.

"You think you can keep up with me this time?" shouted Rainbow.
"There ain't no way you can beat me now, no rocks to get in my way this time." answered Wheeljack.
"Oh yeah? Then bring it on!"
She shot forward with a huge burst of speed, Wheeljack kicked into overdrive and started gaining on her. They were neck and neck, locked at the same speed, both trying their hardest to pass the other one. Then Rainbow Dash started pulling forward, faster and faster, a cone started to develop over her outstretched hoof. Wheeljack watched in amazement as she went faster and faster, the cone of air closing tighter around her. Then, the cone exploded in a beautiful circle of rainbow colors shooting of in every direction, inadvertently knocking Wheeljack into a ditch and therefore flipping over onto his roof. Wheeljack transformed and sat up and turned, rubbing his head, watching Rainbow Dash disappear behind the rainbow trail she was leaving.

- - - -

"How does an organic break the sound barrier like that and survive? Let alone leave a color trail behind her?" asked Wheeljack at the library.
Arcee and Bumblebee stared at Rainbow in amazement, while Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy just accepted it as another day of life. Optimus waved his hand at Wheeljack, dismissing his question.
"Twilight, I believe it's time you tell the others why you had me summon them back so suddenly." said Optimus.
"Yes, of course." Twilight cleared her throat, "Princess Celestia has requested that I bring the four of you before her immediately. She wishes to meet you and go over something that she suspects you might want to know about."
"What could that be?" asked Arcee.
Bumblebee spouted out a few quick whistles and beeps.
Wheeljack nodded at Bumblebee and turned to Twilight,
"Yeah, she never even heard of us before two days ago, what could she possibly have?"
"I'm not sure, I just know that she says it's urgent that you come at once."
"Then that is what we will do." finished Optimus.
"We're coming with you right?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"Yeah, we wanna see this thing through to the end with ya!" added Applejack.
"Please...if you don't mind...I'd like to come with you...that least to say goodbye...if that's what's going to happen..." stammered Fluttershy.
Optimus looked to Twilight and she smiled at him and nodded.
"Very well, you can all come with us," Optimus then turned to the others,
"Autobots, get with your partners and Transform and Roll Out!"

- - - -

Luna looked between the map and the data pad back and forth, over and over, unable to grasp why a relic from another universe had a map of her home world, let alone the place from where her sister ruled. Starscream saw her bewilderment and saw that he could manipulate her to bring him to this hidden relic and play her against Celestia.
"You mean you have no knowledge of this artifact hidden in your own home?" asked Starscream.
"No, I've never heard of anything like this." responded a bewildered Luna.
"Do you think your sister knows anything about this?"
"I don't know, I've never known my sister to hold anything like this back from me."
"You don't think she hid this from you, do you? That doesn't seem like her."
Then Luna looked up, staring at the Earth, her Earth, the Earth where her sister held a great many secrets from her supposedly loved little sister. Luna then turned around and started walking out of the room, Starscream followed her.
"What's the matter dear Princess?" he asked, trying to hide a smirk.
"This isn't the first time she has not trusted me with information."
"Yes, she told me not to trust you before I brought you here, but didn't tell me why."
"She told you not to trust me?" he asked trying to act surprised.
"Yes, and I don't know why, you have given me no reason to distrust you."
Starscream looked to the ceiling, the only way he knew he could hide his smile now.

They exited the castle and were outside on the Moon's surface. Luna looking more sullen then before. She looked towards the Earth again. Starscream stood behind her, then stepped back in shock, Luna's coat started changing from dark blue to jet black, a light blue helmet began to form over her head. She turned her head back towards Starscream, who had taken a few steps back to keep himself, what he felt, was a safe distance away from her.
"Starscream!" she shouted.
"Y...Yes, Princess?" he answered, warily.
"I think it's time we payed my 'dear' sister a visit, don't you?"
Starscream merely nodded, hesitantly.
"Very well then, let us be on our way!"
And with that, Nightmare Moon's horn glowed and the white circle that brought them to the Moon appeared under them again, then they disappeared.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ratchet stood at the bridge controls and watched as Smokescreen rushed in and skidded to a halt, leaving black tire marks on the floor. Ratchet rolled his eyes and stooped down to greet the new members to, what he considered an unneeded second team. Smokescreen's passenger door opened and out bounced Pinkie Pie, followed by a shaken looking Rarity and Spike, then lastly trotted out a very satisfied looking Trixie.

Smokescreen transformed and saw that Trixie had something stuck to her front left leg just above her hoof. Pinkie seemed to notice it too.
"OOOOO, what's that?" she asked enthusiastically.
"Oh," she said, sitting down and lifting her leg, "This thing? Let Trixie show you!"
Then Ratchet saw what it was too, his eyes widened, "NO!"
Trixie touched the button on top of the device with her right hoof and it began blinking.
"You fool! Do you realize what you've done!?!" shouted Ratchet.

All of a sudden, a bridge vortex opened up behind her. The Autobots, Rarity, Pinkie and Spike all stood in amazement as Megatron walked through the bridge. Then Trixie laughed haughtily,

"Yes, Trixie knows exactly what she's done."