//------------------------------// // Some Sisterly Advice // Story: Luna's Night Out // by Pinkamena666 //------------------------------// 10:25pm Luna stood out on the balcony outside of her room at Canterlot Castle. It was a nice view which overlooked all of Ponyville. Luna crossed her front hooves on the balcony railing and rested her head. She let out a sigh of discontent. "Is something wrong?" came a voice. Luna looked back and saw Celestia. "Hey, sis." she said, returning her head to her hooves. Celestia walked up next to Luna. "You can tell me." said Celestia, putting a hoof on Luna's back. "You can tell me anything." "It's just..." Luna started. "I've made peace with the ponies in Ponyville but..." Luna let out another sigh. "Ponyville's only a small part of Equestria." "I bet Rainbow Dash let the Pegasuses in Cloudsdale know. And everypony in Canterlot knows, too." "That's only three, sis." said Luna. "What about the other five? Fillydelphia. Hoofington. Trottingham. Manehattan. Appleloosa. They're all still afraid of me." Luna closed her eyes and a tear fell out. Celestia hated to see her sister like this. Worst of all, Luna was right. The other towns and cities had no idea of Luna's change of heart. The only way to show them would be too... "I have an idea." said Celestia. Luna slowly opened her eyes. "What?" "What if you visited the other places? Show them the new you." "But what if they run away?" Luna asked. She started to cry. "It wasn't my fault! I never asked to become Nightmare Moon!" Celestia held her sister close to help calm her down. "I know." she said calmly. "I know." "It's not fair!" Celestia continued to sooth Luna. "It's all right." said Celestia. "Everything will be okay." Luna continued to cry. "If you really want them to like you you're going to have to show them who you really are. Show them the you that I know." "You really think I should?" asked Luna. "I do." said Celestia. 'It may be the only way." "All right then." said Luna. She took a deep breath and stopped crying. "I'll do it. I'll start tomorrow." "Good luck." said Celestia. "Not that you'll need it." Celestia went back inside and headed to the door. "Hey, sis." said Luna. Celestia stopped and looked back. "Yes?" "Thanks." Celestia smiled. "I'll always be here for you. You know that, right?" Luna nodded and Celestia left the room. Luna spent another our or so staring out at Ponyville, wondering what she was going to do when she got to Hoofington tomorrow. Luna thought about how if this works, all ponies in Equestria will love and appreciate her again. This thought made her smile and she headed off to bed.