//------------------------------// // 3. The Convergence // Story: Transquestria // by Spiderprime1 //------------------------------// “So, what do you propose we do with them?” asked Ratchet, losing his patience at the situation. He turned to Smokescreen, giving him a cold stare as he gestured to the two brightly colored ponies on the stairwell. “I...I don't know.” Smokescreen said, sighing. “Look, they think I was sent there to save them. I can't tell them it was just a coincidence. The pink one especially looks up to me.” He leaned in to whisper the last sentence, noticing that the pony had waved to him. The medic placed his hand against his head, unable to come to terms that this was even really happening. Then he caught something out of the corner of his eye. “DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING THAT!!!” Ratchet shouted to the pink pony, who was now hanging over his terminal by her hind legs. Pinkie Pie, as she had introduced herself, lifted her head up to look at him, a smile on her face. “It's funny, it seems like everywhere I go, somepony is always saying that, heehee!” “Well gee, I can't imagine why... wait, some-'what'?” Ignoring his question, Pinkie zoomed to a different device, just as curious as she was with the first. Despite Ratchet's complaints, she tried to climb down to a large lever, accidentally falling onto it. The switch activated the ground-bridge, the green and blue swirling vortex burst into life. “The thing is back! Save me!”shouted Pinkie Pie. “Oh please, even Trixie knows that thing can't hurt us no-” Trixie tried to explain before Pinkie crashed into her, screaming her head off. She lost her magical hold on her book, and it fell onto the keypad Ratchet's computer, shutting the computer down instantly. After fumbling to shut off the bridge, the red and white Autobot groaned in frustration. “I need that on!” Ratchet pressed the power button to return the holographic screens back to their previous state. “It hasn't even been an hour, and I'm this close to...” His attention was drawn to the small book laying on his keypad. “What is this?” he muttered, picking it up. Trixie managed to get Pinkie to let go of her after the bridge disappeared, yelling to Ratchet. “Return Trixie's spell book to her!” “Spell book?” Smokescreen asked. “Do you mean like magic tricks?” She gave a blank stare to the Autobot. “While Trixie is quite exceptional at magic tricks, no. This book contains writings of real magic, such as Trixie's levitation ability.” On cue, her horn glowed a light blue, and the book was torn from Ratchet's grasp, floating gently beside her once again. “By the All-Spark. You mean to say that your race can utilize these arcane arts?” Ratchet asked. Having little to no knowledge of human myths and legends, he wasn't sure that these feats were physically possible. Yet, here was a horned pony, using levitation before him. “Well, Trixie can, for she is a rather powerful Unicorn. She, however,” Trixie gestured to Pinkie Pie “Can not, for she just an Earth Pony.” Shaken from his amazement, “Earth Pony? But you said you were from Equestria!” He threw his hands up from sheer confusion. “HEY!” Pinkie yelled loudly to get everyone’s attention. “I don't wanna put a damp on the party, but what are we gonna do about Rarity and Spike?” The room was silent for a few seconds, before the other three simultaneously asked. “Who?” Pinkie turned a confused look at Trixie, not really sure if she just asked that. “When we first got here, there were two more of our friends. But, then a giant blue thing with spikes on it's head came out of the green thingy and took them away! We need to go save them!” “Giant blue thing?” A confused Smokescreen asked. “Was it like one of us?” “Yeah! But it had a black face and really long arms!” Ratchet and Smokescreen shared a concerned look. “Soundwave.” Ratchet turned to the ponies. “I'm afraid that your friends may be in the hands of Megatron, if our assumptions are correct.” Upon hearing this, Trixie actually closed her book to ask a question. “He is this all-powerful leader of the Decepticons of which you spoke of, correct?” She turned to Pinkie Pie. “I'm sorry, but Trixie believes they are a lost cause at this point.” Pinkie puffed her cheeks, quickly turning back to the Autobots. “We need to save them! You guys saved us, can't you save them too?” She looked with sad eyes towards Smokescreen. “Well...We would like to...” He turned to see Ratchet showing that he thought otherwise. “I would like to help, but the Decepticons are dangerous. We wouldn't be able to just charge in their base, even if we knew where it was.” “Then it seems luck is on your side today.” Trixie smugly announced. “Trixie has been studying the spell which brought us here originally. Trixie can locate those two with the resonating magic that Rarity possesses, and find where she is, then use the vortex spell to take us there. Now the only question remaining is, who's coming with me?” ---Meanwhile in Equestria--- “...'Now we fight, defending the Earth, hoping to one day rid the universe of the Decepticon threat.' And what's this here...a rouge Decepticon named...Starscream... hmm.” Princess Celestia rolled up the scroll, pondering what she had just read in the letter Twilight sent. She stared at the fireplace while trying to conceive the thought of beings from another dimension. A loud noise echoed from the throne chamber, the doors opening wide. “Princess Celestia! Come Quickly!” Celestia looked away from her letter to see a panicked Unicorn soldier enter her chambers. He seemed composed, yet shaken by something. Without a word, she stood up quickly and entered the throne room. The Princess emerged into the great hall only to see a large gathering of her soldiers marching their way into the throne room. They were all surrounding a large, silver giant with glowing red eyes. Said eyes grew large as he entered the throne room, his eyes darted around the entire room, taking in as much as they could. Celestia stood tall at her throne, waiting for the creature to get closer. The guards soon halted, with the titan stopping just behind them. A tense moment of silence passed before she spoke. “I am Princess Celestia, to whom am I addressing?” “A princess? Forgive my rudeness,” He spoke with a deep, raspy voice, giving a deep bow, gently crossing one arm across his bent front, while flourishing his other arm behind him, all the while not once breaking eye contact with Celestia. “I did not know I was in the presence of royalty.” A grin crept across his face as he said those words. “I am Starscream, Air Commander of the Decepticon Armada.” “Your highness.” One of the guards stepped forward, “We had received news of a disturbance from the forests outside of Canterlot. Upon investigating, we had found him...killing two others of his type.” He seemed to cringe speaking the last sentence. She thought back to the letter Twilight had sent. In it, there was specific mention of this 'Starscream,' a rouge of the Decepticon Army. If the story the Autobot 'Optimus Prime' said was true, Starscream was no Commander, let alone commander of an armada. Cautiously, Celestia eyed over Starscream, it was time to put him to the test. “Explain why you are here, Commander.” “I am from the planet known as Cybertron. On this world raged a war between the Autobots and the Decepticons. I am what you call an outcast, a destitute if you will, once belonging to the great Decepticon army.” Starscream folded his arms behind his back, and began to pace across the hall. “I was cast aside by our so called leader: Megatron. I had followed him loyally for so long, fully convinced in the vision he had fed us all on a daily basis. But, as the war raged on, neither Autobots nor Decepticons gaining the advantage, the leaders of the two factions began to take drastic measures. No longer following their dreams, both Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, and Megatron resorted to obtaining weapons of mass destruction, committing mass genocide to defeat the other side.” “And you disagreed with this action?” The Princess asked bluntly. “But of course,” he said, flourishing his arm again. “Upon realizing that Megatron had become more intent on battle, rather than Cybertron's future, I attempted to reason with him and the other Decepticons. He did not receive my words with much...enthusiasm.” He looked at the ground, taking a short breath. “He branded me a traitor to the cause. Now I am my own army, fighting for the greater good of Cybertron. And at last, I have come to possess the ability to succeed in this task,” He reached behind him, pulling out a thin slab from a hidden pocket. “This artifact may look simple, but it is the key to a weapon that will end this war. Unfortunately, a platoon from both factions has followed me here, trying to get this from me. That what your guards found me doing, although I abhor anymore loss of life, I had to defend myself.” “I see, so you took them down out of self defense? Tell me, what side were they on?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow. “They were...Decepticon...scouts...” Starscream was not sure how to word it, having just admitted that he was on their side at one point. “Their acting commander Knockout sent them to capture me most likely!” He clenched his fist tightly as he seemed to growl in anger. Celestia paused. He appeared to be telling the truth, speaking in such a way about one of his 'ex' comrades, but there was something in his story that just didn't feel right. “What would you have done if they were Autobots?” Starscream winced, but tried to hide any signs of being startled. This Princess knew how to pry for information. Only pausing for a moment, the Decepticon's expression turned grim, and he shook his head. “Though I no longer desire to take the lives of either side, if in a similar situation, I would have done the same.” The room fell silent. A tense feeling hung in the air, causing some of the guards to shift nervously. After a deep breath Celestia spoke once more. “Before I decide on what to do with you, Starscream, I believe I will first consult my sister.” As she spoke, the Princess turned to the entrance of the throne room, where the double doors swung open once again, revealing a thin, dark blue Alicorn. “Sister, the guards told me of a...” Princess Luna took a moment to make eye contact with Starscream, a bit startled by the presence of the Decepticon. ---Earlier that day in Ponyville--- “There. I just sent the letter. The Princess should receive it shortly.” Twilight announced as she emerged from the library .”Sorry I took so long, but I had to look up the teleportation spell that...my assistant uses.” “It's alright, not like we're goin' anywhere any time soon.” replied Wheeljack. The ponies and the bots stood in silence for a time till Arcee turned to Optimus. “Optimus, what are we supposed to do now? We can't just stand here with both 'cons and Starscream out there on the loose.” Arcee asked. “For right now, we must do nothing. I am certain that in due time, both the Decepticons and Starscream will assuredly find us when they are ready to do so. Until then, I suggest we become more acquainted with our hosts and their world.” Optimus replied. Arcee wanted to say something to him about not chasing after the Decepticons, but she knew he made this decision. He had decided to protect the life on this world from any further harm. Taking a sigh, she looked to Bumblebee and Wheeljack who nodded in agreement, knowing that they came to the same conclusion she did. Arcee turned back to the four ponies on the balcony of the library. “So, who wants to go for a ride on a motorcycle?” As the day drew on, the Autobots each had a pony with them to show them the sights around the town. Arcee went with Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres to see what Applejack did for work. Arcee even learned how to buck a tree. And later, after some time of working, Arcee tried out some tricks in her vehicle mode to see if she could buck off Ponyville's Best Bronco, to which she was overly successful, and accidentally sent Applejack into a barrel of discarded apple cores. Meanwhile, Wheeljack and Rainbow Dash challenged each other to a race around the outlaying areas of Ponyville to see who was the fastest. Wheeljack had gained a large lead ahead of Rainbow when he came up to a creek with a single bridge arcing over it. At first, he thought it was wide enough for him to slip through, but his targeting scanner told him otherwise. The Autobot decided to swerve to the side, planning to make the jump across the creek. However, he did not notice the large rock jutting out from the other side of the the creek, which would collide with his bumper before he could clear it. Needless to say, Rainbow won that race. Fluttershy took Bumblebee to a quiet area where she showed him all the different animals she had made friends with. The animals weren't quite sure what to make of Bumblebee, they all backed away from him every time he reached out to them. After much pleading, Fluttershy reassured her animal friends that there was nothing to be afraid of, and slowly, one by one, the animals all came to see Bumblebee. He thanked her, although it was just beeps and whistles that came from him, after animals were crawling over his arms. She acknowledged his thanks, then they both looked at each other in shock. Fluttershy realized that she could somehow understand what Bumblebee was saying, similar to the way she understood animals. The pair spent the rest of the day talking and sharing things about each other. --- --- Night started to envelope the little town of Ponyville, the sun setting over the horizon, and Wheeljack was strolling along the outskirts of town.. “Can't believe I lost that race cause of a rock. At least Applejack helped get that ding out of my bumper.” He walked to the scene of the crash, the rock no longer in the bank due to the race, squatting down to get a closer look at the bridge.“Can't believe that bridge was too small, if I could've gotten over-” “HEY WHEELJACK!” “AAAH!” Wheeljack jumped and turned from surprise. After regaining his balance, he noticed that his foot had crushed the bridge. He paused from shock, but found the situation rather ironic, though he was not looking forward to what Optimus had to say on the matter. He looked to see who called his name to see Applejack, with an expression equal to his. “What are you doing, scaring a bot like that?!” He asked. “I was jus' wondering what you were up to, I guess you were jus' lookin' ta get even with that there bridge for makin ya loose yer race.” laughed Applejack, shaking off the initial shock of seeing a giant robot step on a bridge. Sure, she shouldn't have been laughing, but that sight was just too much. “Well, they don't call me a wrecker for nothin'.” replied Wheeljack, weakly trying to maintain his cool. After a short pause, the Autobot scratched his head nervously. “Say, thanks for helpin' get rid of that dent in my bumper. I would have had a heck of a time trying to get that right on my own. I owe ya one.” “I'll hold ya to that.” She did a quick look around, “But, uh, now's the time to get outta here before somepony notices what's happened.” Applejack said, nodding towards the town where lights were turning on. Wheeljack agreed. “I'll drive, get in.” Wheeljack transformed into his sleek sports car mode and Applejack hopped into the passenger side seat, sticking her head out the window as they sped off into the night. “YEE-HAW!” ---Celestia's Office, Canterlot Castle--- Luna stood, confused, before Celestia. Not a word of explanation was given yet, she was just ushered into the office by her sister. She seemed concerned, possibly afraid. “What is it my sister?” she asked. “It concerns our...guest, I need you to keep him safe for a short while. The only place I can think of is on your domain, the moon. I just need him there until I can make sense of this situation. Can you do this for me?” Celestia spoke, looking back towards the throne room. “Make sense of what situation? What is going on dear sister? You can tell me.” pleaded Luna. Luna looked at her sister with trying, searching eyes, but Celestia would not meet her gaze, staring at Starscream through the crack of the door. Celestia turned to give her sister a stern gaze. “Luna, I warn you, while he is under your protection, do not listen to a word he says. I sense that he is a very devious creature, and may try to use one of us in his favor. Do you understand?” Her tone was sharp and fierce. “But, Celestia, who is this Creature? And-” “Do. You. Understand?” Celestia was staring straight into Luna's eyes, a look of sheer sternness, but Luna saw a hint of fear in her gaze. Sighing in defeat, Luna nodded “I understand sister, I will not listen to a word he says.” Her eyes shut and her head hung down, she had not seen her sister like this in a long time and knew it meant trouble was soon to come. ----- In the Throne Room, Starscream was beginning to feel uncomfortable waiting for the Princesses. His eyes darted back and forth between all of the guards around him, and wasn't sure if he was able to take much more waiting. He rubbed his hands together, shifting his weight from one side to the other again and again. His gaze turned to the large windows, which could easily fit him. Starscream began to wonder if he could escape, or if he would have to fight his way out. He started wondering how many he could defeat before they would overpower him. There must be even more guards outside of those doors, so that wasn't appearing to be a good option. Then, there was the Princess. She seemed to have a lot of power, and that horn, it could easily skewer him if he wasn't careful. The second Princess seemed to posses just as much strength, if not only from blind loyalty to her 'sister', they could probably defeat him on their own without his weapons. He needed to get out of there, but he wasn't able to transform, and his arm rockets were now far more valuable to him than anything else he had in this world, even more so than...the relic! Why had he not thought of it before? The data pad could have an offensive function. Or, knowing his luck as of late, be a total dud. Looking at the data pad in his hand, Starscream nodded to himself. Enough was enough, it was time to do something, anything. He needed to make his move now or never. In three...two...one... Just then, Celestia's door opened and Celestia and Luna exited the living quarters. Starscream felt a wave of relief wash over him. The princesses stood in front of him, and Celestia spoke. “Starscream, my sister and I have discussed the situation, and we have agreed to assist you. But, unfortunately, I am unable to let you to stay in the castle, so my sister shall take you to her domain, the surface of the moon.” Starscream placed a hand upon his chest as he bowed. “I wish to thank you, and Princess...Luna,” he said, eying her with intrigue. “for your hospitality and generosity, you will not regret this.” He added, a sly grin creeping up one side of his face. “Farewell my sister. Make our guest comfortable, and remember what I told you.” said Celestia, nodding to her sister. “I will sister, and farewell to you as well.” replied Luna. She had not understood Celestia's words, but knew that her sister would explain everything in time. Luna spread her wings, reared onto her back legs, her eyes went white, and her horn glowed brightly with her dark blue magic aura. A white circle appeared on the floor and expanded under Luna and Starscream, sparking and crackling, and as suddenly as the circle appeared, it was gone along with Luna and Starscream. Celestia sighed upon their departure, unable to decide what to do. So many things, all happening within a single day, was too much to stress herself on without rest. For now, the most apparent threat had been contained, so she was free to determine what to do with the other. Tomorrow, she would write Twilight a letter. For tonight, she needed to rest. ---Moon Surface--- A white circle sparked to life out of nowhere on the moon, instantly revealing Luna and Starscream. Starscream looked around and saw a glorious palace made from the very rock of the moon itself. The Decepticon looked at the stars that dotted the blackness of space. He looked at the planet he was on just moments ago, his mind buzzing with curiosity, thinking just how they had arrived here so swiftly. “I wasn't aware you could create a ground bridge.” Pausing for a moment, unaware of what he was speaking of, Luna spoke to Starscream. “Just in case you did not know, Unicorn Ponies, as well as my sister and I, possess the ability to use magic, such as the teleportation spell you just witnessed.” “Magic, you say?” Starscream asked, intrigued. He had only read snippets of it on the Internet, but never delved too deeply into simple human myths. “I cannot say I'm familiar with this subject. Forgive my rudeness, but would you be able to enlighten me of the customs of your world? Your sister had little time to explain exactly where I had arrived.” Luna hesitated, remembering her sister's words. She was not supposed to listen to him, yet something told her that nothing could go wrong by simply dismissing his confusion. The two shared a quick exchange of questions, while heading to the roof of Luna's castle. Starscream reiterated what he had said to Celestia, describing the war between the factions, his 'betrayal', and his reasons for needing to hide from the Autobots and Decepticons who followed him here. Luna quickly explained the land of Equestria, it's three races of ponies, and the details he needed to know about it's residents, mostly of her and Celestia's roles in the Kingdom. After the explanations were finished, Luna still had one question that bugged her. “Starscream? If it is not too much to ask, what was the real reasoning behind you leaving your comrades?” Starscream looked at her, a confused look on his face, before she continued. “You said you left the Decepticons, no longer wanting to take part of their evil. What was the real reason of leaving your leader Megatron?” The Decepticon frowned, and looked to the planet. “Unfortunately, it was not only their actions which I did not agree with, but it was my pleas which landed on deaf ears, unwilling to listen to my ideas. Even our leader, Megatron, refused to pay any attention to what I had to say. I had planned on ending the war peacefully, but he demanded it be won by force.” The two were silent for a short time, Luna now feeling somewhat guilty for asking a personal question. Starscream, on the other hand, knew that she had spoken with Celestia, and needed to keep his story the same as he conveyed to the other Princess. That meant he had to pretend to be the victim, as he rightfully was, and try to not make enemies too soon. This was going to take a lot of planning. ---On Earth, Inside the Nemesis--- Megatron followed Soundwave into the ship's laboratory where Soundwave's...prisoners, were being kept. He had received a report of two peculiar creatures that Soundwave had brought back from the battle site, and he could not understand the descriptions he was given. The lab doors opened with a hiss, and Megatron's gaze fell upon a cage that was resting on a table in the center of the room. The cage was large, meant to act as a carrier to contain any violent beast they decided to experiment on, but it was mostly empty, save for a white Earth horse, and an odd, purple reptile. “So these are your creatures, Soundwave?” Megatron turned to the blue Decepticon behind him. “Other than their odd colors, they don't appear to be anything of value.” He walked over to the cage, shifting his gaze from the horse to the lizard, both of them giving him a scared look. Behind him, Soundwave displayed the energy readings he analyzed from the horse, his monitor showing a wavelength, emitting a strange humming noise. Curiously, Megatron turned to observe the wavelength. He studied it thoroughly, but could not identify what it was. “Interesting. Soundwave, what type of energy is this?” The wavelength on his monitor shifted to a video feed. It showed the two creatures that were aboard the ship now, along with two other horses, one blue, the other a bright pink. The white horse stood in front of the group and shouted “Get behind me!” So, they were able to speak. Megatron saw the horn on the creature's head glow a light blue, hearing the same humming from the frequency Soundwave recorded. “Pause it there.” The video froze, and Megatron looked closely at the horse, focusing on the horn and it's light. Grinning, he now understood the potential Soundwave saw in this creature. Megatron returned to the cage, and leaned in close so that his face was nearly against the bars of the cage door. “So, what else can our little friends do?” In an instant, the horse's horn lit with a faint, blue light, and released a beam of energy, directly into Megatron's face. He was caught by surprise, and nearly blasted off of his feet. Taking a step back to recover, Megatron laughed in amusement, rubbing a hand against his face. “Very interesting.” The horse in the cage stomped it's hoof forcefully. “That's what you get for kidnapping us, you brute!” She sounded much more confident than just a moment ago. “Honestly, first you kidnap us, then throw us in a dirty cage, and then treat us like we're nothing but wild beasts.” The purple lizard walked behind her to hide from the Decepticon's gaze. Megatron gave an intrigued look to Soundwave. “Forgive me, where are my manners?” He bowed, crossing an arm over his chest. “It is not often that we have such...special guests.” “Guests? We are hardly guests. You imprisoned us with no just reason, and you have yet to introduce yourself.” She glared at the Decepticon leader. “And to whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?” She raised an eyebrow at him. “In common courtesy, I do believe it is the captors who greet the captives.” “But of course.” He smiled to the horse. She was very brave, speaking to him in such a manner. He was unused to such mannerisms around him. “I am Lord Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. This is my Chief Science Officer, Soundwave, and you are currently in his lab.” “A lab? Well, that would certainly explain all of the dusty corners and the uncleaned cage.” She cleared her throat. “Now then, I am the Unicorn Rarity, or, if you would prefer, Miss Rarity. This is my dragon companion, Spike,” She moved so that the purple creature could be seen. “And we would both appreciate to know exactly why we are being held here.” Megatron sat quiet for a moment, interested in how vocal this creature became. “Well, Miss Rarity, you are simply a humble guest aboard our ship for the time being. You will soon be needed, but in the meantime, make yourselves comfortable.” “Comfortable? Comfortable?!” Rarity exclaimed. “How could one be comfortable in such a drab place? This room needs some serious cleaning before it becomes comfortable. The walls need some sort of decoration, maybe a few curtains hanging from over there-” Megatron turned away from the ranting horse, now done with her complaints. “Soundwave, be sure to analyze the Unicorn very carefully, and be sure to get more samples of her...energy.” Soundwave nodded in acknowledgment. The Decepticon looked at Rarity one more time, who was now pointing out flaws in the layout of the lab, before taking his leave. “And here I thought Knockout was missing.” ---Moon Surface--- Luna stood atop her small, lunar castle, staring at the stars in the sky which she had crafted for the night. Far ahead of her, she could see the Earth, shrouded in darkness. She had been mulling over the events that took place tonight. Her sister, whom she trusted entirely, had thrust this creature, Starscream, upon her without any forward notice, and with no information. It was not as if Celestia didn't trust her, but she could have told her what was really going on... “I hope I'm not intruding?” A voice came from behind her. Luna turned to see the silver Decepticon climbing to the roof to join her. She waved him over, hiding the worry from her face. “Not at all, Starscream. I hope the room is suitable for someone of your size?” “It is more than enough. I must thank you for your hospitality, Princess. I was unsure that your sister would take me in, but I am glad to see that your two agreed to aid me.” He took a knee beside where Luna had been sitting. She looked away, staying silent for a moment. She and Celestia had not exactly come to an agreement, it was more of a demand, but she could not tell him that her sister only placed him here to be out of the way. “Starscream, may I ask why exactly you were being pursued?” “Pardon, Princess?” “You said earlier that the Autobots and Decepticons were after you. But it cannot just be because you are their enemy. What are their intentions after catching you?” She gave him a serious look, locking onto his eyes. Starscream winced slightly at the question. It sounded as if she already knew the answer, and was testing him to compare his story with Celestia once again. He wasn't sure if it was wise to reveal the artifact just yet, if at all, but he had little choice in this situation, it seemed. Sighing, Starscream reached into his back compartment, where he was hiding the data pad. “The two scouting parties...are after this.” He held the pad in front of him, now serious. “This artifact has the potential to end our centuries-long war, and not for the better. One side shall stand victorious, but one shall fall to dust. I alone possess the key to this weapon, and neither shall not rest until it is in their grasp.” Luna nodded, taking in his words. “And my sister, Celestia, does she know of this key?” “But of course. I told her everything. One cannot earn trust if they hide things from those they admire.” The Princess said nothing, looking back to the stars. His last statement got her mind buzzing. She hated to admit it, but he was right. Starscream cocked an eyebrow, curious from her reaction. It had appeared he had struck a nerve, not that she would let him know. A multitude of ideas began to grow in his head, but first, he decided to steer the conversation to a different topic, and see if he couldn't find the answers to his questions. "My Dear Luna, I feel that I must ask you, why do you live up here on the moon and not with the rest of your kind?" pondered Starscream. She seemed to be caught off guard with that question, "What do you mean Starscream?" asked the night princess with a puzzled look. "I only ask because, judging from the delicate design and age of this castle, one would suggest that this is your home, and the Earth is not." he explained. "Ah, I see, a keen observation on your part, yes, this is my home," she said staring off into the sky towards the Earth. "But why would someone of your stature be forced to reside far from her subjects? Why not live among them with your sister?" said Starscream, reaching for an answer. "It is...a long tale.” She took a deep breath, “In my past, I made a terrible mistake, and because of it I was banished here for a thousand years, but I escaped. I kidnapped my sister and tried to take over all of Equestria in an eternal night," she explained, "But I was rescued from the evil that had taken over me, by six very good friends. Though, some of our subjects still have a hard time understanding my situation, so I choose to remain here, so that I will not cause them any trouble." "Luna," he started, “You have shown how generous you are by just taking me in, a complete stranger, whom you have no reason to trust. I find it hard to believe that you were once evil.” goaded Starscream, his grin coming back to him. Luna looked up at him, she felt both safe and uneasy at those words he spoke. She could sense he was trying to talk his way to her good side, but at the same time, there was a sincerity to his voice. Like maybe Celestia was wrong, and that he could be trusted. ---Nemesis Warship--- The dark, purple hallways of the Nemesis were quiet, save for the humming of the engines, and the occasional pair of Vehicons that patrolled the halls. Deep in the storage section of the ship, a loud crack was heard, followed by a gust of wind. A bright green vortex opened in one of the storage rooms, passing through it a blue Unicorn, a pink Earth Pony, and a white Autobot. As the three exited the ground bridge, it closed behind them, leaving them in the Decepticon Warship. “Hmph! Trixie told you that it was an easy feat. She can't believe you didn't think of this before.” Trixie smugly announced to Smokescreen, who had his weapons drawn, and didn't seem to notice her snide remarks. “Alright. So we need to stick together, and find your friends quick. The less time we spend in here, the better.” Smokescreen motioned for the two to follow him. “If that is the case, why not split up? Trixie can easily handle herself, and does not need a bodyguard.” The Autobot lowered his weapons, rolling his optics. “Look, no offense, but you're not exactly a combat-trained soldier. If a Decepticon or two shows up, you might-” He was cut off from a door behind him opening, revealing two Vehicons. All three of the bots stood still for a moment, then quickly drew their weapons. Smokescreen saw that they would fire before him, and prepared to dodge, just as two blasts of blue, energy-like beams blasted each of them in the chest, arcing electricity over their bodies. The Vehicons shook for a moment, before falling to the ground, their Sparks extinguished. Smokescreen blinked twice, then turned to Trixie, who was holding her head high. “You two shall head that way. Trixie will go this way.” With that, she calmly strut out of the storage room, the door closing behind her. The Autobot stood in shock, and Pinkie finally spoke up. “Well that was easy! If Trixie can do that, I can't wait to see what you can do!” She then proceeded to bounce down the hall, in the direction Trixie pointed. The Autobot didn't know what to do anymore. He could understand being outgunned by Optimus, or any of the others, but this was the first, and hopefully last time, that his tailpipe was pulled out of the line of fire, by a colorful Unicorn of all things. He thought it best not to mention this to the others, and followed Pinkie. The pair went deeper into the ship, and so far, they had managed to slip past the patrolling Decepticons, with no help from Pinkie Pie. Many times, she had nearly bounced right into one of them, or had been tempted to ask for directions, only to be barely stopped by Smokescreen. He had decided to perch her on his shoulder and told her to stay put. That didn't help with her talking problem, however. Pinkie had been asking a multitude of questions, like why the Vehicons all looked the same, and why Smokescreen couldn't just blast them like Trixie did. He only answered the later, saying that he would prefer to be stealthy. After aimlessly exploring countless rooms, the pair were starting to lose hope, wondering just how long it would take before they were noticed, a loud scream was heard echoing through the halls of the warship. “Oh my gosh! A super loud, ear-piercing, hooves-on-a-chalkboard scream!?” “Hooves on a what?” “That can only be Rarity! It sounded like that it was that way!” Pinkie jumped from Smokescreen's shoulder, and proceeded to dart down a random hallway. Surprised, Smokescreen tried to catch up to her before he lost sight of her. “Wait! Pinkie!” ---Elsewhere, on the Nemesis--- “Another falls before the might of Trixie.” Trixie said aloud as she walked around another motionless Vehicon. So far, she had casually strolled her way through the corridors of the warship. Her small size allowed her to easily ambush any patrols coming her way. It was almost sad at how easy these Decepticons were beaten. The Autobots made it seem that these villains were unbeatable, not for Trixie. Looking down both ways of the hall, Trixie decided to enter the room closest to her, maybe then she would find Twilight Sparkle's friends. The door hissed open, and Trixie found herself face to face with a large, purple cannon, mounted above a fist. The owner of said cannon looked down upon her with disdain. “Are you lost, little one?”