//------------------------------// // 1. The Bridging // Story: Transquestria // by Spiderprime1 //------------------------------// It was a nice day in Ponyville. The sun shone brightly, and Cloudsdale had scheduled a cloudless summer day for the small village. With this perfect weather, ponies were out enjoying it. Fillies and colts ran about in the streets, while the adults carried on with any shopping or business that was needed done. There were foals playing in the park as well, but most had cleared a large section of the park for a small group of 7 ponies and a dragon, who seemed to be preparing something special. “So, Twilight? Why is Trixie here again?” Applejack whispered to the purple Unicorn, who was staring furiously into a spell book. “Because, you simple farmer, The Great and Powerful Trixie demands a rematch against Twilight Sparkle!” The sky-blue showmare stomped her hoof upon the grass, sticking her chest out. She stood tall, having set her cloak and hat aside, ready to duel. The orange Earth Pony shot a scowl back at her. Twilight and the others were trying to ignore her at this point, but Applejack couldn't stand somepony as stuck up as her sticking around. “Look Trixie, ah've been puttin' up with you for long enough. Cancha see Twilight's busy?” With a humph, Trixie glared back. “This is a demand from Trixie herself. She will not wait for somepony to be 'free' from their schedule. Trixie wants her rematch now!” Finally, Twilight couldn't ignore it anymore. With a grunt, she threw her head to face the sky. “Will you both shut up?!” Her outburst caused all of her friends to turn in shock. The Unicorn turned from her book, giving a scowl to both of the ponies. “I told you Trixie: You will have to wait until I finish my spell! I'll gladly accept your challenge after I'm finished.” With a flick of her tail, Twilight turned back to her book, which was levitating in her magic. Trixie wanted to say something, but turned her eyes to the earth pony, knowing that it would only start another futile argument with the farmer. Applejack just stared coldly in the Unicorn's direction, willing to give Twilight her silence. 'Just one distraction after another today,' Twilight grumbled to herself. She had been trying to re-alphabetize the books in the library, until a letter arrived from Princess Celestia. It was instructions for a spell that the Princess had been working on. The spell itself was similar to teleportation, but much larger, and a much farther distance. From what Twilight could understand, the Princess was studying a spell that could transport any object, no matter how large, from one location to another, no matter how far, in a single flash. Twilight had asked her friends to help gather some simple magic channeling items, and were on their way to Ponyville's central park, when an old acquaintance decided to rear her head. Trixie had returned to Ponyville after all these years, having finished her latest tour. This time, however, was not to boast about her strength. She had practiced her magical talents, and now wanted to challenge Twilight in a competition of magic prowess, and back her boasts of strength. But she told Trixie that she had more important things to do. So, with the tension gone, Rainbow Dash decided to lean in to look at Twilight's spell book. “So what is it the Princess wanted you to do, Twilight?” With a huff, Twilight rolled her eyes. But, it was a worthy question that did need answering. “Princess Celestia wanted me to practice a new spell she has been experimenting with. But it's too powerful to be using indoors, such as the Castle in Canterlot. So, she wants me to practice this in a more open area. And Ponyville Park is the widest space within the town, so I figured I would just practice here.” “But, wouldn't that be dangerous to the other ponies in the park?” A timid voice asked. Twilight turned to Fluttershy, who was now looking over her other shoulder. “Well you see: It's not so much that the spell needs a large area,” Twilight set down her book, ready to give a quick explanation. “Just in case the spell begins to miscast, or it was cast incorrectly, I can diffuse it by releasing the energy building inside, dispersing the energy in the spell to the surrounding area. Like Dash's Sonic Rainboom.” She waved her hoof around the air to demonstrate what she was explaining. “So, if the spell needs to be diffused, it's best to not be close to a bunch of buildings, let alone inside.” After finishing her rant, Twilight opened her eyes to see that everypony was staring blankly, clearly having lost interest. Without another word, the Unicorn turned back to book, almost hurt that nopony cared about the answer to the question they asked. Rarity, Pinkie, and Spike, who were standing off to the side, were the most confused at the events about to take place. “So, if it's supposed to be some super-duper hard spell, why does Twilight need us around?” Pinkie asked the purple dragon with a raised eyebrow. Spike leaned over to Pinkie. “It's because she wants us all to be here for moral support.” He put a claw up to his mouth and nearly whispered. “Truth is, she's scared she can't do it, and wants us to support- Ow!” An airborne rock cut him off. “I can hear you, Spike.” Twilight stated, without looking from her book. “Don't blame me for being nervous casting a spell the Princess is nervous to cast.” “Yes, Spike. Be a bit more sensitive to poor Twilight. She's obviously very stressed, and you wouldn't want to make it any worse.” Rarity nudged the dragon with her forehoof. All was silent for another few seconds, until Twilight stood up, slamming the book shut. “I got it! Did everypony bring the items I asked?” She turned to her friends, all perking up from Twilight's outburst. Rainbow Dash plucked a feather from her wing, spitting it on the ground. “There's your Pegasus feather.” Fluttershy set a small tail on the ground. “Well, the newt was really kind, and it will grow back, but I still didn't feel right taking his tail.” Rarity lifted a bag over, setting it near the pile. “And here is the crushed sapphires. I hope you know I would only do this for you, Twilight.” After giving a small smile, her curiosity was just too much. “So what did you need these for? To channel the magic?” Twilight paused for a short time, her cheeks turning red, then rubbed her hoof against her head. “Actually...Spike's right. I just wanted you guys to be here. This is really powerful magic, and I wasn't sure if I could do it without you guys backing me up.” Everypony groaned, thinking that they had a reason to be here. Applejack was just tagging along, and Pinkie refused to miss out on a group get together. A loud laugh was heard over the groans, though. The ponies turned to Trixie, who was trying to stifle her laughter. “So, Trixie's 'rival' can't even cast powerful magic without the support of her friends? While heart-warming, it shows how much ability you lack, Twilight Sparkle.” The blue unicorn lit her own horn, lifting the spell book over to her eyes to see. She wanted to see what was so difficult about it, and began to read through the info on the spell Twilight was practicing. Ignoring her, Twilight turned to the open field in front of them. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, and began to surge the magic from her horn. 'Now, just imagine what you want to teleport, and where it is right now.' She began to think of Princess Celestia. What better way to show her the spell works then by bringing her over? Twilight thought of Canterlot Castle, and of the Princess, focusing harder as she began drawing the magic runes in her mind. Trixie found herself drawn closer to the group as she read, but also looking over Twilight's lavender aura as it grew larger and brighter. Pinkie and Rarity stared marvelously at the light, amazed by the power Twilight was using. Applejack, Rainbow, and Spike just covered their eyes, and Fluttershy was hiding behind Rainbow Dash. Once Twilight finished charging the power, it suddenly shot out as a beam of energy, straight ahead of her. Her eyes shot open, knowing that wasn't supposed to happen. The beam went about 20 feet, before splashing into a green oval, as if it was paint hitting the ground. The energy began to swirl around, creating a large wind tunnel. Instinctively, Applejack shouted “Get down!” and jumped on Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, pinning them to the ground. Twilight dug her hooves into the dirt as firmly as she could, trying to diffuse the spell, but also fighting the strong winds that were trying to pull her in. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Spike and Trixie, who were all caught off guard, attempted clinging to the grass, but tried too late. All four of them were swept into the air, and vanished in the wind tunnel. “No!” Twilight shouted over the wind, almost losing her grip on the ground. Just as soon as her friends disappeared, so too did the vortex, leaving the grass underneath scorched and black. Her mouth hung open in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Ratchet, have you placed the beacon in the coordinates I provided to you?" asked Optimus Prime. "Yes Optimus, but i still don't know why you had me place a beacon in the middle of a random forrest." replied Ratchet. "What are you bots talking about?" asked a voice. Optimus and Ratchet turned and saw that Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen had joined them. "I was just asking Optimus about something, it's not important." replied Ratchet. "No Ratchet, your question is valid and I'm glad you are all here to hear what i have to say. Based on recent events including my time in the arctic and the event with the red energon, Starscream has become more of a nuisance that a real threat. However, I cannot allow him to disturb any more missions or jeopardize anymore relics to either himself or the Decepticons. Therefore, I had Ratchet plant this tracking beacon in a distant and remote location. I will activate it and give it a frequency that Starscream can pick up. He will be drawn to the signal and when he arrives he will come with us, either peacefully or by force." "Good plan boss bot, do you really think he'll go for it?" inquired Smokescreen. "He's been doing a good job of finding things we don't want him to lately." said Bulkhead. "But now that we do want him to find it, maybe he won't." added Arcee. "We must pray that he does. Ratchet, energize the beacon. Bumblebee, Arcee, you will accompany me to the beacon site and we will wait for Starscream." "Aw, come on Optimus! You saw how i handled Starscream last time, now he's even more vulnerable without his armor, I could take him down in nothin' flat!" shouted Smokescreen in frustration. "Smokescreen, while I admire your spirit and eagerness to help us, our mission is not to harm Starscream, but to bring him back peacefully. Is that understood?" "Yes sir." The Autobot walked off in defeat, not willing to argue beyond that. - - - Meanwhile, in Starscream's hidden warship base, a computer monitor flickers on. A globe appears, then the screen begins to zoom in to a small area deep within a thick forest of evergreens. Then a notification pops up next to the area, written in Cybertronian text. "Hello there." said Starscream as a grin crept across his face turning into a devious smile. He tapped the coordinates into his ground-bridge and activated it. then he casually walked through it and was gone. - - - High above the Earth, hidden in the clouds, the Decepticon warship hovers silently. Megatron stood on the bridge, arms folded behind his back, starring out into the open sky. His mind wandering, wondering, waiting for a sign of sorts, something that would be worth his valuable time rather than just standing here. "Lord Megatron! I have something you need to see!" shouted a trooper at one of the many command computers. Megatron walked over to the screen where the trooper was standing. "What is it?" "I'm not sure Lord Megatron, but i believe it shares the same data signature as some of the ancient relics we've been tracking." "I see, very good," then Megatron turned, "Soundwave, bring Knockout before me, I have a task I need him to complete for me." Moments later a sleek red and silver Decepticon came walking onto the bridge. "You rang, Lord Megatron?" said Knockout as he gave a courteous bow. "Yes Knockout, i have a task for you, a new relic has surfaced it seems, I want you to go and investigate." "I'll need to take some back up. I don't think we are the only ones to have discovered this signal, my liege." he added with another bow. "Very well, take as many soldiers as you think you might need and bring me back that relic!" shouted Megatron. "Yes Lord Megatron," he turned and walked away. - - - Flying fast over the Nevada desert, Wheeljack was putting the Starhammer through it's paces. "Come on baby, after that last run-in with those Insecticons, you haven't been flyin' just right. You gotta be in tip-top condition if you want to survive the next encounter we come across." Just then his computer clicked on and brought up a strange energy signature coming from a thick forrest area. "Welp, guess you get to see somethin' sooner than we planned, huh?" And with that, he kicked in the afterburners and zoomed off to the location of the energy signature. - - - Starscream was first to arrive at the site, he walked slowly and cautiously out into the clearing where he saw something jutting out of the ground. He walked over and pulled it out of the ground, he looked at it and recognized it as an energy beacon. "GRRRAAAH, WHAT?! WHO DARES TO INSULT ME BY PLANTING THIS PIECE OF JUNK HERE?! If I get my hands on whoever did this, they will feel the WRATH OF STARSCREAM!!" And with that he through the beacon down at the ground and it bounced off something that made a loud metallic sound. Starscream's eyes got wide, he looked down, what could have possibly made that noise? He began to dig and dig until he unearthed what seemed to be a capsule. Upon opening it, he saw that the only contents were a data pad with a screen and tracking graph on it. “What is this?' Starscream said in his head. Suddenly, another ground-bridge opened. Starscream hastily put the data pad inside a compartment in his back just as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Arcee walked out. Immediately Arcee and Bumblebee trained their weapons on Starscream, but Optimus pushed their weapons down and stepped forward. "So, it was you who planted the beacon, eh?" Starscream asked. Before Optimus had a chance to answer, a loud roar of engines could be heard in the distance, then a loud thud, then a new roar of engines, but this engine noise was much smaller, about the size of a car's engine. Then, from behind the Autobots, a sleek white sports car with red and green accents came racing to the scene and transformed into Wheeljack. "Well well, got quite the party goin, don't'cha Optimus?" asked Wheeljack with both swords drawn, one down at his side, the other pointed straight at Starscream. "Wheeljack, drop your weapons, we are not here to attack Starscream!" "What?" said Wheeljack and Starscream at the same time. Optimus turned to face Starscream directly. "Starscream, I know you have no intentions of joining our side and I also know that you have turned your back on the Decepticons. I am here to offer you solace and safety from the Decepticons and in return, all I ask is for Intel on everything you know concerning Megatron and his strategies." pleaded Optimus Prime. "I already have solace and safety, thank you very much. And as for Intel, I have been absent from the Decepticon warship for 7 quartexes now, so any Intel I have would be useless to you." Starscream replied. Starscream turned to walk away, but Optimus had one last plan. "I can see to it we return you to the skies." Optimus added. He paused for a moment, not sure if he heard Optimus correctly. "What did you say?" Starscream turned, his eyes wide. "I can return your transformation cog to you, we have the body of Nemesis Prime, and from what i hear Silas put your t-cog into it when he tried to impersonate me. I can have Agent Fowler bring it to us and Ratchet can put it back inside you." Starscream stared in amazement, that anyone, let alone an Autobot, would go out of their way to help him regain the greatest loss of his life, his ability to transform. The other Autobots were looking at Prime, they were confused as to why he would make such a claim. "Optimus, you aren't really gonna give 'scream back his ability to fly, I mean, once he gets it, what's to say he won't just take off and leave?" asked Wheeljack. Bumblebee and Arcee nodded in agreement. "Wheeljack, I always keep my word, if Starscream does come with us and give us the Intel we desire, I will honor my promise and give him back his t-cog." "But Optimus, the t-cog also effects his ability to use his weapons," added Arcee, "what's to stop him from slagging us all?" "Easy, we out number him." grinned Wheeljack as he flipped his sword in his hand. "So Starscream, what is your choice?" Optimus asked. "I...I..I choose..." stammered Starscream, but that's all he could get out. Because at that moment, yet another ground-bridge opened up. Knockout stepped out of the ground-bridge followed by ten Vehicon troops. "So, what have we here? Four soon-to-be-dead Autobots and one traitor, I guess the real question is who wants to get slagged first? said Knockout as he reached up and grabbed his electro-staff from over his shoulder. All the Vehicons raised their weapons as well. "Autobots, we must protect Starscream!" shouted Optimus. "Did he really just say that?" asked Wheeljack. Arcee turned to look back at Starscream and saw that he was running away. "We can't really protect what isn't there now can we?" she replied. Optimus turned, and saw Starscream disappear into the woods. "Autobots, follow me, we must bring him back to base at all costs!" "Hmm, I wonder why Prime wants 'scream so bad? Decepticons, let's go bag us a traitor!" shouted Knockout. Now it was an all out race to see who got to Starscream first. Optimus was in the lead with the Autobots keeping Knockout and his Vehicons off of his back. Then Wheeljack had an idea, he transformed then shouted to Bumblebee. "Hey Bumblebee, how's about you hop on and get some target practice in, huh?" Bumblebee beeped in agreement and hopped on to Wheeljack and started picking off Vehicons left and right. Farther ahead, Optimus and Arcee had almost caught up with Starscream. "Starscream, we can help you, just give us a chance!" Optimus pleaded. "No, no, stay away from me!" shouted Starscream in return. "Sorry 'scream, wasn't a request." added Arcee. Arcee leaped onto Optimus' back, climbed up to his shoulder and jumped onto Starscream, bringing him down to the ground. "Ratchet, we need a ground-bridge, now!" commanded Optimus into his wrist communicator. "Wheeljack, floor it!" screamed Arcee. But as she yelled for Wheeljack, she loosened her grip on Starscream, he pushed her off his back and quickly brought up his own ground-bridge. But something was wrong, Starscream's bridge opened in the exact same spot as the Autobot's bridge. The three bots looked at what was in front of them. Unfortunately, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, even Knockout and the remaining four Vehicons, had taken Arcee's advice to floor it. They all crashed into Optimus, Arcee, and Starscream, forcing all ten of them into the multi-bridge. They were thrown around the two unstable bridge portals for what seemed to be an eternity, but just as soon as it started, they were shot out the other side of the bridge. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ They tumbled and stopped on solid ground in the middle of what seemed to be a small farming town. The Autobots and Decepticons got up and straightened themselves out and stared at each other, than drew their weapons. But before firing, they looked at the surrounding area. They noticed two very distinct things, one: Starscream was gone, and two: the town they were in had no people in it, instead there were brightly colored ponies running in multiple directions in a frenzied panic. - - - Once she could stand up straight, Twilight started to run to where the portal had been. This can't be happening, she thought. There was no way she could have screwed up this badly. Before she reached the burnt grass, however, another portal opened of the same design. This one lacked the hurricane winds, and instead of sucking things in, spat out a large amount of huge objects. These objects rolled on top of each other, like a ball, towards the nearest buildings. Upon crashing into the first house, splintering it, they stood upright, on their own. They were made of metal, and seemed to have the forms of minotaurs, though with much sturdier legs. Upon gathering their sense, they divided themselves. 4 on one side, 5 on the other. Their hands all shifted, turning flat-ended and glowing either a faint purple or blue. Twilight stared in fear at these creatures, not sure of what they were doing, or what they planned to do.