Friendship is a Curse

by Nightnote

An... Interesting Welcoming

I step off of the train, close my eyes and take a deep breath. The first thing I smell is the scent of the trees and grass around me. Wonderful. I have just arrived in Ponyville, ready to start anew in this town. My name is Lighthoof. I’m just your average earth pony, with a brown mane and yellow coat, nothing special, and I came here from Fillydelphia for a change of scenery.

No offense to my parents, whom I love, but I was just sick and tired of living in their old apartment after Celestia knows how many years. Everyday rushing around the bustling city, doing this and that, but never really just sitting down and relaxing. It’s kind of hard to relax when everypony around you is moving at a hastened pace just to get to work or to buy groceries or any other type of labor. I just became sick of it all. I decided a few weeks ago that I was fed up with city life, and decided to move away from it. I remember when I was younger my parents would take me to my grandparents’ home out in the country. I have always loved being outdoors. I could go on and on about how great it was at my grandparents, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

I picked Ponyville as my new home because with it being originally an earth pony settlement, I thought going there would enable me to get back to a more rural area. Another reason I chose to move here is because I already have a friend who lives here that I grew up with back in Fillydelphia. Her name is Bon Bon. She moved into Ponyville a few years back when her friend Lyra invited her to stay. She told me she would only be visiting her for a few weeks, but I wound up getting a letter from her about a month later telling me she wasn’t coming back. We kept in touch and a little while ago after I wrote her a letter complaining about city life, she invited me to stay in her house with Lyra in Ponyville. According to her, she had a spare bedroom, and Lyra said that she wouldn’t mind if I stayed. Realizing how wonderful this opportunity could be I immediately started planning my trip. Lucky for me my parents backed up my decision, and the next thing I knew I was at the train station saying goodbye to my friends as I went to start a new path in my life.

Getting back to the present, I let my gaze wonder around as I drag my bags off the platform and wait. Bon Bon said she would pick me up at the station, but she seems to be a bit late.

I don’t mind at the moment because I am trying to take in the area around me. I am at the edge of the town looking down what seems to be the main street lined with cottages and shops. In the street ponies were milling around, going about their daily business, shopping, socializing, eating lunch, you name it. Towards the end of the street there sat a giant tree that must have served as a house or something. I squint my eyes, look through the window and I see a lot of books. That must be the library; I’ll have to check that out sometime. Past the library on the horizon I could rows and rows of apple trees. I take a seat on a bench near the platform and wait … And wait … And wait...

After about two hours of waiting I start to get nervous, “What if she forgot I was coming today?” I ask myself.
Just as I’m about to get up and start asking directions, I see the familiar beige pony galloping towards me with an aquamarine unicorn following her, trying to keep up.

“Sorry… I’m late…” Bon Bon manages to say between pants, “We were so busy… with preparing our home for your arrival… that we completely forgot that we were supposed to pick you up too!”

“That’s fine Bon Bon,” I chuckle. At first I was a little angry, but seeing her out of breath like this made me forget about it. “It’s great to see you again. Oh, and you must be Lyra, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Hi there. Like Bon Bon said, we are really sorry we are late, and I hope this doesn’t make for a bad first impression,” Lyra said nervously.

I wave her off with my hoof and jokingly say, “That’s fine, I’ll try to forget this incident, so long as the rest of the day doesn’t turn out as disastrous as this.” I try to hold back a smile as Lyra’s eyes widened with horror. “Oh come on I’m just kidding Lyra. There’s no need to worry.”

We all start laughing, although Lyra still looks nervous, and Bon Bon says, “Ah Lighthoof, some things never change. Come on! Lyra and I will show you around as we make our way to your new home.”

The two of them move to take my luggage for me, but I cut them off and tell them that there is no need, and I am a capable stallion who can carry his own bags. After some convincing, they back down, I pick up my luggage, and we start our walk to their house. I start to take a closer look at the buildings that they show me as we walk; taking the time to look in the windows of the shops and restaurants and the like. There was this one bakery called Sugarcube Corner, and to my surprise, the entire building looked like a giant pastry! I had a laugh at that and decided that I would go eat there sometime. As we pass the giant tree, my suspicions we confirmed. That tree does server as the library. I get lost in thought thinking about the library back in Fillydelphia, and all the fun times my friends and I used to have back then, including Bon Bon.

I was so deep in thought that I did not notice that the two mares have stopped in front of me, and I accidentally bumped into Lyra, much to my embarrassment. I blush and quickly apologize. I look up at the cottage in front of me. It’s a nice two story home, painted a bright yellow color, with amore dark almost dandelion yellow thatched roof. It had plenty of windows to let in natural light, and was placed right near the center of town. It was similar to most houses I have seen so far with the exception of a heart shaped weathervane on top, and it had a nice little garden on the side where I could see fresh vegetables being grown.

“Well, welcome to our humble abode,” Bon Bon said, “This is your new home now, so please if there is anything we can do to help you settle in, let us know.”

Lyra moves and opens the door, allowing me to take my first steps into my new home. As I walk in the first thing I see is a quaint little living room with a few couches and table with a vase of flowers. To my left is a staircase leading upstairs and a bookshelf along that wall as well. To my right is a door leading to a bathroom, and another opening leading to a kitchen with counters covered in food, and a big table that looks like it could sit up to eight ponies at one time.

“If you would like to put down your bags, we can take them upstairs to your new room,” Lyra offered.

“Don’t worry Lyra I will do it myself, just tell me which room is mine, and I will put down my own luggage. Thank you for offering though.”

Bon Bon piped in saying, “Well if you insist, then just head straight up the stairs and your room will be your second door on the right, and if you feel the need to freshen up, then the bathroom is the door right across the hall from that one. Lyra and I will just attend to finishing up preparations for what would be your lunch, but at this point I guess we could call it dinner.
With a nod of appreciation, I walk up stairs with my bags in an attempt not to trip over myself on the way up. After succeeding in my task, I enter into my new room. I look inside and see a single bed, a dresser and a closet, plus a painting
of some mountains to give the room some character.

I plop my bags down on the bed, so I could open the curtains, to add some light to the room, and hear somepony mutter, “Ow.” The bed shifts and I see a grey pony with a yellow mane lean up in my bed. She opened her eyes, looked at me and said, “Hi.”

I immediately ran down stairs calling for my friend. “Bon Bon! There is someone in my bed!”

“What, wait what do you mean, that there is someone in your bed?” called out to me while rushing up the stairs.

“I mean tha-“


“Huh? What? Oh hi Bon Bon.”

“What are you doing sleeping Lighthoof’s new bed?!?!”

“Well I just finished work a decided to come over and say hi to you two, but no one was home, and by the time I got here looking for you I realized I was tired and decided to take a nap.”

While this was conversation was going on Lyra walked over to me and looked up the stairs while sighing noticeably.

“She always seems to find her way into one of our rooms.”

“Is she a bother to you two?” I asked trying to find out more about this pony that was in my room.

“No, Ditsy Doo is a good friend of ours, it’s just that sometimes she can cause a bit of a ruckus,” Lyra responds with a hint of a smile, “She often takes naps in our house anyway. I think Bon Bon is just over reacting today because you are here.”

“I heard Bon Bon call her Derpy?”

“Oh she only calls her that when she’s angry. Ditsy doesn’t like it when people call her that.”

“Why not?” I asked, but as soon as I ask I hear the two ponies coming down the stairs and see the grey mare’s face for the first time in the light. When I look at her eyes and notice that they are cross-eyed, the only thing I can think of saying is,

“Ditsy Doo, is there anything you want to say to Lighthoof here?” Bon Bon says with a stern expression.

“Um yeah, I’m sorry I slept in your bed, I didn’t know that somepony was going to take it.” Ditsy Doo said with an ashamed look on her face. Then the expression melted away into a nice grin and she introduced herself, “By the way my name is Ditsy Doo, you can just call me Ditsy.”

“It’s nice to meet you. And by the way, don’t worry about sleeping in my bed, I was just a little startled, that’s all.” I said. She seemed like a nice pony, I was just a little startled by her appearance. I feel ashamed already of just having that thought.

“Um well, are you guys making dinner? I could help with it if that would make up for carelessness.” Ditsy Doo offered, looking genuinely apologetic.

“Sure you can watch the stove while Lyra and I finish preparing the ingredients. As for you Lighthoof, you can go upstairs and get settled in now. That is assuming that no one else decided to take a nap without telling us.” Bon Bon said glaring at Ditsy, and making her way back to the kitchen.

“Thanks Bon Bon, I’ll be back soon.” I say as I start ascending the stairs.

Once upstairs I go back to my room, this time empty save for me, and start to unpack my luggage. I make use of my closet and dresser putting away my few clothes I have as well as my saddle bag. When I finish unpacking, I go into the bathroom across the hall to freshen up. I splash cold water on my face and look at myself in the mirror. Once satisfied with my appearance, sure that I don’t look too tired from the long trip today I leave the bathroom and descend the stairs only to hear a loud crash in the kitchen. I gallop over to see what was wrong, and I nearly slipped over spilled water in the kitchen.
“Um sorry about that, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I hear Ditsy say from the ground rubbing a big bump on her head that I assume she got from the big pot lying on the floor next to her with vegetables falling out of it.

“What the hay happened in here?!” I ask the three mares as I go to pick up the pot with my mouth and set it on the counter.

Lyra responded, “Well I was levitating the pot over to the stove, and Ditsy here backed into to me.”

Ditsy looks at me with an embarrassed expression on her face, and starts to apologize, I raise a hoof and stop her before she can finish and say, “It doesn’t matter let’s just get this cleaned up.”

Bon Bon sighs, “Great. Dinner is now ruined, what are we supposed to do now?” She looks around and gets an idea,

“How about we go out for dinner? This would give you the opportunity to see more of Ponyville anyway.”

I don’t see any problem with that. I nod my head in agreement and Lyra says, “You two go out I think Ditsy and I will stay here and clean up.” Ditsy nods.

So Bon Bon and I depart from the house and make our way down the street. Bon Bon told me to pick anywhere I choose, and that dinner is on her. I pick Sugarcube Corner.

“That’s not really a dinner place, but I guess we could eat there. Are you sure you want to eat there?” I nod. “Alright then. Let’s go.”

Just as we get into the doorway, I am immediately ejected out of the door way with a flash of pink and land on the ground ten feet away with the wind knock out of me.

Oh my gosh!!! Is this a new pony?!?! How could I have missed you?!?! You are slipping Pinkie, you have to get more serious about knowing where the fun is!!!” As I catch my breath I open my eyes to see a cute pink pony standing on top of me with a concerned look on her face at the prospect of losing herself.


I am so sorry I did not say hi to you earlier!! Now we’ll have to have not only a welcome party for you, but also a “I am sorry for missing you and hope you’ll forgive me” make up party. Oh this will be great!!! I better start planning…” She starts talking so fast I can only catch a few words like balloons, friends, and cupcakes at least three times.

“Pinkie what are you doing?!?!” I hear Bon Bon shout as she gallops over to me.

“Huh, what?” this “Pinkie” responds with a softer voice.

“Get off of him! You are crushing him!” Bon Bon cries.

“Oh sorry,” she lets me up and introduces herself, “Hello! My name is Pinkamina Diane Pie, but all my friends call me Pinkie Pie. And by all my friends, I mean everyone because everyone is my friend,” she says this giddily and starts bouncing up and down, “Anyway we have a lot of work to do planning your double party. Now where is my party cannon?”
Pinkie Pie starts to bounce inside while talking to herself about all of the party plans.

Bon Bon sighs and says, “Well now that she is set on us helping us with your party, we have no choice but to go with her. Unless you prefer for her to follow you until we do help.”

“I guess we have another dinner guess then,” I say as we walk back into Sugarcube Corner to help this strange cute pony inside.