Tale of the Six

by Andy586


Chapter Three: Defeat

The carriage pulled up to the castle. They all got out and looked at each other. "Sharp is d-dead...," said Twilight.

"D-don't say that! I'm...sure he'll be fine," Rainbow stuttered.

The two guard stallions unhooked themselves from the carriage and one of them stepped up, "Com'on guys. We need to get you six to the elements. Lets go." They all nodded and started to follow the two guards. "Hold up..."

"What's wrong?" whispered Twilight.

"Up ahead, there are two unicorns guarding the entrance to the Hall of the Elements. You guys wait here, we'll take care of them."

The two unicorns standing there had an assortment of skulls and cross bones as cutie marks. They were gray with black manes. The stallions snuck up to the unicorns and ambushed them. They quickly took out the one they attacked first with a few rear hooves to the face. The other one jumped back and started casting a black magic at one of the guards. He writhed in pain as the other watched him. A purple magic came shooting from around the corner., hitting the unicorn in the face.

"Quick now!" yelled Twilight.

The guard fell to the floor as the bolt hit the unicorn. The other guard ran over and started a close fight with the unicorn. Twilight let out another purple bolt missing the unicorn. Rainbow stepped up and flew toward the fight and hit the unicorn with her front hooves knocking him to the ground. One more bolt from Twilight and the unicorn was out cold.

Fluttershy quickly ran to the aid of the guard hit by the black magic. "Oh, are you okay? Where does it hurt?" The guard didn't respond he just continued to lay on the floor moaning in pain.

"I'll take care of him you guys go ahead and get the elements." said the other guard.

"Okay, lets go girls." Twilight ordered leading the way toward the arc-way. They quickly followed not looking back. The next room was a large open room with stained glass windows on the right and left side. At the other end was an alter with six pedestals that held the Elements of Harmony. "There they are! Lets go!" said Twilight running toward them.

"Hahahaha! I've got you now!"

"Who's there!" Applejack yelled. "Show yer'self!"

"That wouldn't be very fun now would it...Applejack."

"How do you know mah name?"

"Ohh I know all of your names. Twilight Sparkle the magical unicorn, Applejack the honest earth pony, Fluttershy the kind pegasus, Rarity the generous unicorn, Pinkie Pie the laughing earth pony, and finally Rainbow Dash the loyal pegasus. I know you all too well."

"This fell'er is kinda creepy if ya' ask me." joked Applejack.

"Well if you put it that way..." he cut off and lowered himself from the ceiling a black orb of magic surrounding him. "I guess I'll just have to show my self and prove that I'm really not all that creepy. My name is Lord Black Crest, heir to the Equestrian throne. It is nice to finally meet the wielders of the Elements of Harmony."

"Where are the Princesses?" yelled Twilight.

"They are...in a safe place. But you guys are the only ones standing in my way of becoming the most powerful pony in the land of Equestria and soon the world. So, how about we just put you guys in the same place," as he finished he shot a ray of black magic toward Twilight. It was intercepted half-way by Twilight's magic. She strained under the power of his magic putting everything she could into holding him back.

"Quick girls get the elements!" shouted Twilight.

The rest of them made a run for the pedestals, "Not so fast!" six more rays of black magic shot from his horn lifting the Elementso f Harmony from their places floating high in the room.

"I got these!" shouted Rainbow and she burst from the ground toward the floating amulets. She gathered them all shattering his magic as she flew by. Black refocused his magic toward Rainbow as Twilight's magic hit him and had no effect. The black beam hit the elements once again and rose them back into the air. A loud pop and they disappeared. "Ack! Where did they go!"

"Hahahaha you fools, you see I couldn't send them away unless one who wields them touches them. Now they are gone forever! Hahahahaha!" Black crackled.

"No...." whispered Twilight recovering from her last attack.

"Prepare to die..." Black was cut off.

"No!" shouted Twilight. A brilliant bright purple flowed from her horn unto the floor and around everypony. "We will be back, and we will defeat you!" A loud pop and the six of them where gone.

"Wh-where are we? Is this the Everfree Forest?" stammered Rarity, "Ugh and I'm all dirty!"

Twilight got up from the ground, "I can't believe that actually worked. I figured we'd all die hahaha." Twilight laughed nervously.

"Well Twi' we didn't and now we're safe for now. What do ya'll reckon we do?"

"I don't know...we don't even know where the elements are...," said Twilight.

"Well it's simple sillies, we just need to find them!" said Pinkie Pie jumping up and down.

"Girls quickly dis' way," whispered a familiar voice.

"Who...Zecora?" said Twilight as Zecora walked out from a nearby bush.

"Yes it is. Now quickly, dis way." said Zecora leading them back though the woods to her hut. On the way there Zecora explained that she was in Canterlot when it was attacked, and survived the initial attack and on her way out found a gray stallion barely moving.

"Wait...is his name Sharp?" queried Twilight.

"Yes that is what he said his name was."

"Whew, so he's alive. He's the one that lead us to Canterlot in the first place to retrieve the Elements of Harmony, but he saved us from one of the crazy ponies in the city."

They came up to the hut and followed Zecora inside. They saw Sharp in the corner of the main room tending to his wounds.

"Sharp! You're alive!" shouted Pinkie as she lunged forward and gave him a big hug.

"Ow! Yes, ow, if it weren't for Zecora here I'd be dead. Now please Pinkie if you could.."

"Oh yes sorry, hehe, I was just excited to see you! Thanks by the way, when this is all over I need to throw you a big Thank You party."

"Well, did you guys do it? Did you find the Elements of Harmony?"

They all looked toward the floor, "No we didn't Sharp, a big unicorn named Black teleported them somewhere." said Twilight.

"Oh," said Sharp disappointed, "Well then we'll just have to find them!"

"Hey! That's what I said!" shouted Pinkie as they all started laughing.