
by primepersephony

Chapter 2: The Rain


Who could possibly say, that in one point of their life, that they have never enjoyed the sound of rain? The travelling musical orchestra that sounded different wherever you went. But always stemming from the same spectrum of sound. The soothing tones, the calming nature, and the occasional breaks in the status quo from the wind mixing with the rain. Causing an already tiny sound to grow into a full blown symphony.

How could you argue that the overbearing sound of the single largest drop hitting a pool of water isn't like the lead vocalist in a choir of raindrops that sings with a voice that pierces the soul. With a harmonizing melody backing up the entire performance; how could you say that the rain just wasn’t in a way a full blown natural wonder in its own right?

But, theres one thing that we overlook about the rain, it can be very destructive. When mother nature wills it, the rain can destroy lives, ecosystems, landscapes, and so on. We often forget this unfortunate truth when we choose to observe the rain we do so in a way that doesn't put us in any danger. But when the big guns of rain are brought out, all too quickly do we lose our composure and scurry off to higher, drier ground.

Suffice to say, what once is a harmless enjoyable event, can, in the right circumstances, be a great danger to one’s well being.

I began to slip back into the shoes of consciousness, my mental state still being sluggish and half dormant. My mind refusing to take in my surroundings, just wanting to return to the uber relaxed state of sleep. No thoughts running around my cranium trying to stir me from my stupor.

A dash of wet coolness bounced off my cheek as I still lay on the ground, my mind only becoming alert for a moment to register the feeling, and sending the subconscious signals down to my arm to wipe away the anomalous feeling.

As soon as the feeling was gone, another similar coolness struck my eyelid causing it to flutter in discomfort. My mind, sending another signal down to my arm to clear the obstruction, but this time my mind had begun the reawakening process.

My eye now cleared of the odd feeling, fluttered again, this time the image of multiple falling lines making their way down to the ground against a rolling grey sky were seen. Without much more process I realized It was raining.

Groggily, I rubbed my eyes, it was only a slight drizzle, but it was enough to cause me to want to seek shelter. Sitting up, my gaze fell out onto the lake, pausing to let my brain catch up. The droplets of rain breaking the surface of the calm lake leaving small ripples float on surface casting echos in the liquid fluid.

Despite the rain, it was still sorta warm out. It felt like one of those days I spent sitting in a nice, dry chair on the porch on a rainy day. Just sitting and listening to the rain, letting my mind empty of everything but the sound. Falling into old habits, I just sat there on the lakefront staring my own little world. Just letting that sound sink in.

That was until I heard the giggles of a little baby.

My heart jumped. I realized I had completely forgotten about Celestia, who’d I’d left alone while I slept, with no shelter then the blanket I’d found her in. But when my eyes met her little figure, snug within the fabric, I calmed myself down. She’d been fine.

I walked over to her fragile form, this caught her attention as I could see those little pearly eyes turn their attention to me, and that little smile on her face smiled as she continued to giggle in an adorable manner. Made even more adorable from the fact that she’d managed to free her forehooves and was now reaching

I wasn’t sure to be frightened or dying from cuteness. Obviously I’d left an impression on this little baby as her hooves seemed very desperate to grab me. But I was starting to get afraid of this tiny little pony. She took too well to me, It was like she had been accepting of me being a kind of a mother or father figure meant to nurse her. Like she was maternally connected to me.

I hesitated to grab her, but seeing her nearly pull herself out of her blanket in such determination, I just had to pick this child up.

When I did, she squealed in delight, her giggling becoming twofold as tried to tighten the blanket around her. But her squirming eventually got the best of me. The next thing I knew she had gripped onto my t-shirt and was holding it like her old discarded blanket. At that point I relaxed a little with her now firmly in my arms. She nuzzled against my chest with adorable looking purple eyes looking up at me, it seemed she was getting comfortable rather quickly.

She was so close to me I could notice the pink of her actual skin. Which I thought was odd. But it turned out to be, (or at least I figured) that her coat wasn’t as thick as a filly's yet. So I could see the red in her cheeks. That adorable red color that stood out like a sore thumb.

To my amazement, the little filly hadn’t more than a single drop on her head, which was odd. Why hadn't she been more wet from the rain? But then I realized I left her close to a tree which seemed to provide her some cover... but still there should have been more water droplets on her pristine white coat. Oh well. At least now I didn't have to worry about her getting sick or anything.

While caught in my own dreamlandish thoughts, I noticed a warm, wetness feel around where I was holding celestia on my chest. I looked down, and in utter horror I noticed she was trying to suck my shirt. More specifically, around my nipple.

OOOH what to do what to do what to do? I was freaking out about the notion that this little adorable ball of fur was... erm... there’s no way to say this and not have it sound inappropriate. What was she doing? In my crazed, stupid daze, I tried ripping her off my chest only to have my shirt stretch out with her, as she desperately fought with me to get back to where she was.

When it became clear to her that it wasn’t happening her eyes clenched shut and she began to cry. What the hell child?!

I didn’t understand, I was upset, I was...beyond words. What in the blue flying flames of hell is going on? And why is it happening to me? Oh common bud think of some reason to keep you from going insane.

A terrifying growl came from out of nowhere. My heart stopped as I worryingly spun my head around looking for what was very likely about to eviscerate me or something if the growl was any indication.

Once again the growl came back, more lower in volume but I managed to identify the source. This blood curdling roar came from none other than from the stomach of the baby Celestia.

She was hungry... that came to me as much more of a relief than I could have possibly imagined. The freakishly loud roar, the suckling of my shirt. All of this because this baby was hungry. Which made sense, I misinterpreted the signs as worst as a mind touched by the worst of internet could be.

I sighed in the utmost relief. Before looking at this ‘darling’ child. Man is she such a pain. “So you're hungry huh?” I said in a residual nervous voice. “You should have just said something-” I paused as I mentally slapped myself for being stupid. Babies can’t talk, idiot.

Alright so food, that’s what is needed here obviously. Now where in blue blazes do I get food? I’m in the middle of nowhere... well more in the middle of....Equestria? And food isn't exactly easy to get. I mean it’s not like it grows on trees-. Well guess who just punched himself in the head for being ridiculously dumb again? That’s

I started walking downstream, looking for any sign of food. Anything easy like vegetables or fruit. Animals were of course out of the question because, I was too lazy to hunt, and I wouldn't be able to kill anything even without the lack of tools or baby in my arms. Not to mention. I’d also have to cook and skin the animal after. With no fire, that would be a problem considering the lack of firemaking, and the whole rain deal. So yeah, greens it was.

The light drizzle didn't do much to hamper me from the search of food. At this point, I was hungry too. Also its not the kind of hunger you can ignore, being that I have no food right now, kinda ups the ante quite a bit in this particular case.

So I really wanted to keep moving, keep searching, and finally find some food to feed myself and the kid too. Otherwise, failure wasn't exactly something I’d like to meet up with again, now that basic needs were on the line. I couldn’t help but to daydream as I searched about.

Pizza, noodles, rice, chicken, steak, strawberries, broccoli, peanut butter, waffles, oh and how could I forget, maple freaking syrup. I don’t care what anybody else says, maple syrup is the best thing ever, you can put it on anything. Waffles, pancakes, bacon! The rich flavor, the sticky feeling of it getting on your fingers. The amount of pure awesome it brings to your morning breakfast. At this point, I figure I would drink the stuff straight.

But all thoughts of maple syrup aside. I do have a method to my madness when it came to this search. I chose to look around the lake, knowing that since fresh water made the world lush, following a river or several going down hill might lead me to some berry bushes like back home. Although...I couldn't put a finger on what kinds of berries grew back at home.

Hours rolled by as I toiled for a meal. My hope was dropping fast. The longer I was out and about looking food the harder the entire ordeal became, the rain had started to pick up, along with the wind. Causing me to shiver from my noticeably wet clothes.

Celestia, at this point was becoming difficult to handle. I wasn't used to this kind of weight being in my arms for a prolonged period of time. Although she’d been pretty silent and generally ideal for the situation, I still had to resort to taking a break now and then underneath a couple pine trees that were littered throughout the area.

The landscape was also hard to navigate. wherever I went, I was blocked by the foliage. I managed to get myself cut a few times by the sharp needles hitting my face. Not only the trees, but the rocks and cliffs also made it challenging to climb with Celestia in my hands. Some of the wet rocks, with their smooth edges, had caused me to slip and hurt myself in the process. Streams of water also cut off several paths that would have made my life easier.

It was time to give up. The rain was starting to hit down hard, each droplet seeming to have actual punch behind it. Or maybe it was because I was so tired that everything only felt worse.

This will be the only time I say this. But.. “Fuck food. I want to take a break, I want a nap.” My rant began. “I want to be nice and damn warm, with a BLANKET!” I started to shout out.“ And COMFORTABLE!!!” I kept walking on and then realized I could go on and yell out stuff. “Damnit I want to play VIDEO GAMES.” Putting as much emphasis on video games as I damn wanted.

“Oh and I don’t wanna be stuck with some little BABY, because theres no one else to take care of HER!” I obviously continued on, shouting about everything even the stuff that didn't matter. I was shouting about the state of the economy I was just so livid (even in this world where it didn't matter) . Complaining made dealing with this whole situation so much easier.

Miraculously, Celestia hadn’t started crying from my upset and crazy shouting. She was still as well. I mean, I expected her to start crying as badly as she had before, so I could complain about that too...well I’m alright with that. Less crying kid the better.

“Oh my god.”

I came to sharp, disconcerting realization. I had been so distracted by the fact that I’d been busy looking for food that I never really checked up on her.

This entire time.

I quickly flipped back the piece of cloth that covered her face from the rain. What I saw scared me. A deathly sick baby Celestia was in my hands. Her furry face was deathly pale and her nose nearly blood red. Her eyes drooped down in a sickly fashion. I put my hand over her forehead only to recoil from a kind of searing heat.

I panicked easily again, my stomach sinking down to the lowest levels of the human body in guilt. I had a feeling deep down in my mind that I might have possibly killed the ruler of Equestria from mistreating her so...badly.

My mind raced for answers. Setting itself into my memory banks, the mental video of the sneezing Celestia, and her red face striking out like a sore thumb....How did I completely miss that? It never crossed my mind at that point in time that this child was sick? I was more concerned on getting my hands dirty to even consider that. Wow, I’m the best babysitter ever.

I stood there in shock, still chastising myself for what I’d done then doing anything about it. Classic me. Why do something to improve yourself when you can complain about it endlessly?

How could I be so stupid?

I collapsed to the ground on my knees.

I Gave up. I was scared, I didn’t want to have to take care of this child and for her to die in my arms. I may not have cared about her much, either in the show or from the moment I had to deal with her.

But if she died...I would have to bury her. Just picture that for a second. Burying a child yourself in an unmarked grave in a world with no apparition of actual civilization, and it was all your fault.

I don't think I could forgive myself about that failure ever. Or even forgive myself. When I think back, I don’t think I ever drew the line of what I couldn’t accept as a failure. But here and now, I knew I’d drawn it.

I picked up the sick Celestia into my arms, with renewed determination coming out from the fog of pain and exhaustion. I was going to save this kid. Even if I died trying.


The world grew dark. The night had arrived and it ousting what little of the day that seeped through the storm clouds, bringing in a blinding cover to the forest. It was a completely disorientating experience. Not that I had a sense of direction in the first place.

All the while the rain pounded harder and harder. Flurries of wind caused the individual droplets to strike like an angry whip. Not that I knew what it felt like. Not that it mattered as my body had already begun to feel the sore pains from all my travelling in the day.

I recalled a time at fire camp, taking a shower by fire hose from the firemen during a nice summer day, this was the equivalent of that, but in a more miserable and a prolonged state.

My feet were sore with the kind of pain that made you want to sit down for hours and never move. It was this charliehorse-like pain that pulled your muscles together and pinched them like your mother would pinch your ear when you did something wrong at a young age.

It’s hard to explain how it feels to get so exhausted like I was starting to get. But essentially, I was too tired and wet to even complain inside my own head. All my opinions and ranting out the window or buried underneath the cold slab of exhaustion.

All this time the only thing holding me together as I trotted through the now dark woods, was this sick little filly who hadn’t budged or moved too much since this morning. It was heartbreaking, and every time I looked at her in her sickly state, I was reminded and motivated of what I had to do. I had to find shelter, somewhere dry, out of the wind...something.

Like a miracle, I stumbled into a forest clearing right next to a cliff face. The space was only open, and the rain which had been mostly filtered by the tree, struck like falling rocks, causing me to recoil in pain and turn my back to try defending Celestia from the onslaught.

In doing so, I caught a glimpse of a cave entrance. My salvation at last.

I began running towards this godsend of a shelter, cradling Celestia to my chest and leaning forward to use my back as a shield against the rain. I bolted as quickly as my body would let me, burning in soreness the entire way. I chose not to be cautious about entering a cave. Even with the dangers of living creatures inside. I just had to get out of the rain.

The sound of my tired feet echoed inside the cave as I collapsed to my knees. It was nothing but a pure miracle that I made it this far in the first place. But finally, I was safe...

I scooted my butt against a wall, and sat there. I had no intention of ever moving away. My hands were trembling from the cold, my entire body shook and shivered trying to desperately heat itself up.

But I didn't care about me for the moment, I was too worried about the condition of this infant in my arms. I rolled back the wet cloth that had been protecting Celestia, only to see her condition worsen.

She didn't seem to be breathing. Her complexion, as pale as her coat, her eyes weakly shut, and she never budged a millimeter.

My heart jumped, had I been carrying a dead child all this time?

Rain started pouring from my eyes.... I mean tears. This was the only thing I wanted to do right. The one thing in all my time I wanted to do right. And now... I let my head drop, I was too tired to hold it up any longer, and... I was ashamed of myself.

How do I always manage to screw up? I’m worthless, I have no value. That god thing was right about me, If I remained back home, then nothing would have ever happened with me. I wouldn’t have affected the world in any way shape or form. I was insignificant compared to a butterfly.

I was too tired to be mad, but I was. It was right after I convinced myself with no thought of doubt that it was wrong. This was proof.

I let out a deep sigh of surrender.

Shortly after, I felt a tiny short breath tickling my nose.

I looked down, and in amazement, Celestia’s weakened figure, had been looking up at me, her eyes tired and half open. I watched her as she took another quiet, strained breath. Before her eyes shut again.

“No... NO!” I began to yell, my weakened voice bouncing off the walls of the cave. “Damnit don't do this to me! Don't make me be wrong about myself! Don't let me be alone! Don’t die damn you!” At this point my tears were pouring from my eyes in ways that made the barrage of rain seem tame and preferable.

“You don’t need to cry.”

...That voice...

I looked up to see myself back inside the white void once again. Celestia still was in her current state with me.

“Save her!” My hoarse voice called.

“I already have.” The voice said calmly.

I had no energy to respond at that point. I mumbled something akins to a thank you, and then my body decided it was time to say ‘lights out’. And out like a light bulb I went.


A/N: Hey guys, I’m so sorry I’ve not updated in a very long time, and I thank you for your amazing patience. I hit a huge string of bad luck everywhere, lost my job, car broke down, being very very very sick a lot, my editor having to deal with his own problems, eventually quitting, and I having to find a new one.. To be honest, this chapter was done a month after last chapter but because of all this misfortune, my motivation to update it hit rock bottom.

Also thank you kindly Griffin100000 for you amazing editing help so far with this story.

So once again sorry. And I hope if this is any condolences, the next one will be out sooner.