The White Shadow

by TexasBrony6

Chapter 4- The Miner

The White Shadow-Chapter 4- The Miner

Valkien and Shadow Flare were strolling through the outskirts of Canterlot. The poverty and depressed expressions of the ponies living there was living proof of the Templar control.
     "Why dont they fight back?" questioned Valkien.
     "They dont have a flag to rally behind, or even the strength to." said Shadow. "The assassins and templars both seek peace, but while the assassins try to preserve freedom and justice, the templars belive order and complete control will bring the peace they seek."
    "But look at these ponies, they are suffering, how can this be peace?"inquiured Valkien.
     "Somewhere within the twisted minds of the templars this is peace, and they wont stop until all of equestria is like this." Stated shadow Flare.
    Valkien simply nodded in response and Shadow caught a glimpse of her peircing blue eyes from under her hood. The other assassins were reluctant at first but after a while they welcomed Valkien into the brotherhood. Her robes were slightly longer to cover up her bat wings, assassin or not the public still wasnt very welcoming to vamponies. Her pale grey coat and long umpkept black mane were intidating enough already. But her cutimark was what would send ponies reeling. It was a knife, stabbed through the skull of a vampony. Shadow recounted how she had said she got it. 
    "It appeared after i began salying vamponies, I just couldnt stand by and allow them to feed on innocent ponies" 
    It turned out that she fed on smaller animals and other creatures.
    "I couldnt bare to take an innocent ponies life just so i could eat." 
     She was selfless, honest and most importantly, had a good heart. She already had the ideals of the assassins and would make a wonderful one.
     Shadow flares thoughts were interuppted by a short, brown pony holding a basket of fruits.
     "Fresh apple sir?" the salespony asked.
     Shadow gave him a few bits and took a ripe red apple.
     "Thank you so sir" the pony replied before trotting off into the crowd to try and make more bits. The market was crowded this time of day and they had a difficult time manuvering the crowd. The eventually came out in the stone quarter. It was called the stone corner becuase most of the miner ponies lived and worked in that area. Shadow immediatly notied the templar guards strolling around the streets.
   "What are they doing?" whispered Valkien
   "Guarding the mines most likley" Shadow Flare replied, "Cant make swords and weapons without metal" 
    They contined trotting through the street and tried to remain inconspicous. 
    "Hey you two!" a deep voice boomed from behind them
    They both turned around and found the source of the voice, a large stallion, taller than Peltov and was covered in heavy plate armor that concealed his entire face and body.
    "Come 'ere!" he boomed.
    Shadow Flare and Valkien slowly trotted up to the large templar pony.
     "Whats a couple of street rats doin around the stone quarter?"
      Shadows blood boiled at the insult but he remained calm. He couldnt help but notice some of the other templars watching the little scene.
      "Were just passing through" stated Shadow
      "All hooded up and carring 'dem swords?" he questioned "I dont belive it." 
       "Were telling you the truth" said Valkien, "Were merchant bodyguards and were headed off to meet our merchant so we can head out of town" 
       The templar seemed to consider this for a moment. 
       "Alright then, but if i catch you two doing anything out of order i wont hesitate to cut your throats myself" he boomed.
        Shadow Flare and Valkien turned and trotted off. 
       "That was close" whispered Valkien.
        "I know" Shadow replied
        "Why are we here anyways" asked Valkien
        "Six ponies arent going to overthrough the templar order" stated Shadow,"We need more recruits"
     They were both inturuppted by a sound coming from a nearby hut.
      "Im not giving you shit!" a voice yelled
      "Then well just have to take it from you!" a familiar voice sounded
      Shadow Flare and Valkien busted into the hut and were shocked by the scene before them. The templar captin from before and two others who were dressed in simple armor had destroyed the home inside. The captind was smashing his hooves into a pony laying on the ground. It was a miner by the looks of it. Averyone stopped and turned around.
      "You two!" yelled the captin, "Im going to tear you apart!
       The two smaller ponies lunged forward. One of them was hit right between the eyes with a black throwing knife from Valkien and the others throat was slit by Shadow Flares hidden blade. Both were dead before they hit the ground.
   "Wha???" the captin yelled. He then took his massive two headed axe from his back and muttered,"If you want something done right..."
     Shadow jumped out of the path of a blow and drew his sword, hidden blades werent going to peirce the armor. Valkien brought her sword up to block an attack and leaped back out of range as he swung another. Shadow took the oppoutunity to thrust his sword through the stallions side. Blood gushed from the wound. But the captin didnt go down easy, and swung his axe around, just missing shadows head. Valkien swung her blade but it bounced of his chestplate where the stronger steel was. Shadow saw and opening, a small crease in the armor where the ponies neck was. 
      Shadow extended his hidden blade, and with expert prescison, stabbed the pony in the neck, killing him. The captin fell and didnt rise again.
      Shadow and Valkien aproched the battered miner pony and helped him up. 
       "What happened?" asked Shadow Flare
       "They had been taking 60% of the money we make in the mines for 'security funds' and i was done and sick 'o their bull, i refused to give them my money and thats about the time you two walked in" he said, "Thank you two by the way" he said,"i dont know what couldve happened if you two hadnt shown up"
       "Dont mention it" said shadow Flare. 
       "The only thing is now I cant return to my job" he said "I just wish i could fight back he said" 
      "You could join us" Valkien said
       "We could definitley use a blacksmith" added Shadow
      "If I can help ponies like you two have helped me, its a deal" he said, "by the way, my names Ember."
He shook their hands and smiled.