My Little Mistborn

by Magiwarriorx

Chapter 1

(Note: As you can (hopefully) tell by the title, this is an MLP-Mistborn crossover. As a result, if you haven't read Mistborn, this won't make alot of sense and will have massive spoilers.)

'Where am I? Who am I? WHAT am I?' Vin thought to herself, lying on some hard surface. Then, like a dam breaking, the memories came back, flooding her mind. Elend! Sazed! Her friends! What happened to them? The last thing she remembered was killing herself and taking Ruin with her. 'Is that why it's so dark? Am I dead?' After a few moments, she thought 'Duh, it's dark because my eyes are closed!' So, opening her eyes, she smiled as the sight before her. Because, right in front of her, were the mists of Preservation. Her mists. Or, what was left of them. Reaching out to command them, she was shocked at how little was actually there. Almost none. So, drawing in what little there was, she used the last sliver of Preservation to learn what had happened after killing Ruin. Knowledge flooded through her, and a tear leaked out of her eye as she learned that the world was as it once was, so long ago. Kelsier's dream had come to pass. She was broken from her stupor as she heard shuffling and whispers all around her. Burning pewter, she lept to her feet and looked around her. Her jaw nearly hit the floor. She was in what appeared to be a ballroom, with faint music playing. That mean't she was at some sort of party or ball. But what really shocked her wasn't the beauty of the room around her, but the occupants of the room themselves. "... Horses." she said. All around her were horses, about 3 feet in height. As she looked, she noticed several of them had horns or wings. Someone screamed, most likely at her. 'Time to go.' she tought. Looking around, she spotted an open doorway leading outside, with two.... ponies standing guard in full armour. She bolted towards the door, her movements fueled with pewter. As she neared the door, one of the guards moved to stop her from leaving. She took advantage of this, ironpulling on his armour and leaping over him. Then, she steelpushed, sending herself flying towards the door. She was almost through, when.... She stopped. Just stopped in midair. She didn't fall, or run into anything, she just.... stopped. She saw that she was encased in some strange purple aura. She struggled against the aura, trying to get down. While she could move freely, she couldn't get down. Looking around the ballroom, she saw a purple unicorn stading towards the back, horn glowing with the same aura. "WAIT!" the unicorn called. "We just want to talk!" At this Vin stopped struggling, very carefully thinking about what just happened. The unicorn had some how stopped her mid-air, then SPOKE to her. 'Things just got interesting.' Vin thought.

Anyway guys, thanks for reading! I'm sorry this is so short, but I want to see if you guys like my writing (or if anyone here has ever read Mistborn) before I committed myself heavily. Thanks again!
