Sadness + Kindness

by Brazilian Brony

Chapter 4

Luna took a seat on the sofa and began looking over the room. It was quite peaceful. Next to the door was a bird’s nest and there were tiny holes in the wall at floor level. On the other side of the room was some birdseed, next to the kitchen were the stairs that lead to Fluttershy’s bedroom. Luna could feel calm in this place. She didn’t know why. Even with all the animals, it was quite calm. Luna smiled. Not only did ponies enjoy her nights, but animals too. She could sense that everyone truly needed her night to rest. Even feeling all those happy emotions, she could feel that somehow still, she was sad, her heart was healing from the past wounds, she just wanted to be loved or appreciated, sure she was happy for the moment, she made a new friend, and she was quite nice to her, Celestia was nice to her too, but… she didn’t feel that good with her around, sometimes she blamed herself for not feeling good around her big sister.

Luna took a look at the clock. It was 1:26 AM. “Oh ponyfeathers… it’s indeed very late. Celly must be worried about me…” Luna felt a shiver run down her spine. She was cold. “Winter is close…” She sighed. She loved the winter, being in front of the fireplace reading a good book with ancient magic.

“You called me, Princess?” came a voice from upstairs.

“Oh, no, I was just saying that winter is coming.” Luna replied.

“Yes… I love winter. Especially falling asleep in a warm, cozy bed.” Fluttershy said as she descended the stairs. She was smiling warmly to Princess Luna, she liked her new friend, she still had to gave Luna proper respect, she is a Princess after all…

“Oh, me too. I just love to sit next to the fireplace. Somehow I feel the winter is more peaceful… maybe because everypony doesn’t have much choice except to stay indoors.” Luna grinned.

Fluttershy sat down next to Luna on the couch.

“Oh yes, I like to stay in my cottage with my animals, but when I can I always hang out with my friends. They’re just like a part of me.” Fluttershy smiled warmly. She loved the adventures with her friends, the past winter wrap up was fun, she enjoyed waking up her animal friends in the summer.

“I understand…” Luna replied in a sad tone. She was sad, she didn’t have any friends, or had any companion in her life, that only made her sorrow increase, but maybe she could hang out with Fluttershy, she was so nice to her, she was actually feeling good around her, but the thousand years banned to the moon was just… sad to her, she just wanted to have a normal life, make friends, like everypony does, it seemed like for her that was impossible, Luna sighed again. “I understand…” she said looking down.

“Is everything alright, Princess?” Fluttershy asked with some concern in her voice. She was looking sad, something was not okay with her, maybe she could help her, having a good hoof to help is good sometimes, she didn’t like to see anypony sad, just like her pink friend.

Luna was feeling sad. She hadn’t thought such words could hurt her, when she saw Celestia having a good time with her ponies was just fine, but why didn't she ever get a chance to talk with anypony? She was too shy, her sorrow didn’t let her talk to anypony, it was hard for her. Being respectful was supposed to be a good thing, not hurt her, she was just happy because she had friends, it’s not a good thing that she Is trying to share her happiness, it’s actually good, She’ll always would love to her stories, and crazy adventures, just like Celly told her, well, if she is being a friend of Fluttershy, she could direct to her by her name, she didn’t like to be bothered by butlers or other ponies, she just wanted their confidence, since she was not in the castle or not attending royal business, her friend should call her ‘Luna’ after all she is her friend. “You can call me Luna… and… I’m fine… You don’t need to be concerned about me.” Luna replied with a weak smile. She was feeling sad, being away from Equestria was just awful to her, but she could always have the help of a friend, she felt bad for denying Celestia attempts to make her feel good, she would love to spend more time with her new friend. Luna sighed, and gave a fake smile. So much sorrow, why did she have to feel like this, she didn’t need to be concerned about her. “I’m fine, really…” she managed to say, she was almost crying, she hated being so sensitive, she felt like she was weak being sensitive.

“I would like to help you, Pri- Luna.” Fluttershy replied. She seemed so sad, she must be having a bad time, any help is good, she didn’t want to look silly in her presence, she just wanted to help her. Calling her Luna would be a good start.

Luna chuckled and smiled. “Well… I just… I don’t know…” Luna replied to Fluttershy with sorrow visible on her face.

“You can trust me.” she said as she placed a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “I’ve never told anypony’s secret.” She smiled warmly.

“Thank you.” Luna smiled at her. “It’s just that I don’t have anypony to talk with… I know I have my sister, but… since that… incident… things were never the same. When I was a filly I was always happy, but… things now… somehow…” Luna paused as a tear fell from her eye. “Things will never be the same again for me.” Luna finished and sighed. “I just wanted to have a normal life, it’s just… hard… Ponies still fear me when I’m around, they think I’ll betray Celestia…” she shed another tear. “I’m not like that… I’m not evil…” she began to sob.

Fluttershy went silent for a few seconds “I know you're not… I see it, you changed since that day, haven’t you?” Fluttershy said, smiling.

“yes…” she replied as she looked down, she was happy that she changed, but the painful memories were just too much for her, she knew she had to fight back, but still, it was hard for her, she just needed some assistance, and help, that’s what she wanted most. “But…” she began. “Everypony still thinks I’m evil, even after I returned to Equestria and as co-ruler of Equestria, I don’t know why it has to be like that…” she sighed. “Every day in the castle everypony looks at me fearfully, it’s just so unfair…” she looked down and continued. “I tried sometimes to talk with them, but you know… I’m a little shy, and…” she stopped, she didn’t want to talk about this anymore.

“Well…” Fluttershy began.” I know that you changed it, they just have to give you a chance, they really don’t know how you are, they don’t know the real ‘you’, know what I mean?” she asked, she wanted to help her, and the better thing was, she was talking the truth. “And… I know what you need, Luna, and I can offer it to you.” She smiled warmly to the Princess. “Um… if you want to.” She hid herself on her mane.

“Really? I would appreciate anything you have to say.” Luna smiled.

“I was like you. Not so long ago I lost faith in everything. I felt useless to the world. I felt like I just needed to die.” Fluttershy sighed. “But I never gave up, because I made good friends, and they make me feel special. I don’t know what I would be without them…” Fluttershy sighed again. “And what you need, is just a friend.” Fluttershy smiled at Luna. “Do you want to be my friend?” Fluttershy asked Luna, grinning. She would be happy if she had Luna as friend, she looked so nice, she was peaceful, but at the same time she looked so sad… she wanted to help her out of this sadness, she just needed somepony who truly understands her, and it was Princess Luna.

Luna wanted to cry. Fluttershy was right. She indeed needed a friend. That’s what she was looking for from the beginning. Luna couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She already considered Fluttershy a great friend, just for willing to listen, and to share her words, she felt safe for the first time in her life, she barely know her, but she was being so nice, nopony ever did that to her, she wanted to hear what she got to say, and they could have fun while doing that, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. “Yes, I want to be your friend.” Luna finally replied as she hugged Fluttershy. It was so wonderful, she didn’t expect that to happen so fast. She hugged her friend like it was her sister when she was just a filly, she felt so warm around her, her yellow coat was so fluffy and warm, and her mane had a nice smell, it reminded her of roses.

“Ow.” Fluttershy said with a barely audible tone. Luna was feeling cold, she felt her hooves, they must have stayed out of the cottage for too long, she might have a cold, but she didn’t seem sick.

“Oh, sorry. Did I hug you too tight? I didn’t mean to…” Said Luna, she was embarrassed, she didn’t want to hurt her friend of course, she sighed.

“Oh, no. Your hooves are… cold.” Fluttershy replied with her usual soft voice.

Her voice was good for hearing, she wanted to talk more with her, her hooves are cold, she was feeling cold in this weather, she usually stayed in the castle in her room, she felt like she needed to apologize “Oh sorry, I get cold easily, you see.” Luna chuckled with a warm smile.

“Oh! I know just the thing!” Fluttershy went flying up to her room.

“What is it?” Luna asked, curious.

“You’ll see.” Fluttershy replied from her bedroom. She was happy that she could finally share it with a friend, tonight was a good night for her, and Princess Luna.

“What does she want to show me?” Luna wondered, smiling.

“Here, try it.” Fluttershy flew downstairs and sat back down beside Luna, handing her a set of socks. She loved those socks, It was yellow with pink Butterflies around it, she made it herself in the last winter wrap up, she loved those socks, they were her favorites, she thought Luna would love them, the fabric was soft and so warm, it was perfect for a good cold night.

“Socks?” Luna asked, somewhat disappointed.

“Yes, I use them whenever I get an opportunity.” Fluttershy grinned. “Try them, I bet they’ll fit perfectly on your hooves. These socks are my favorites.” She smiled warmly at Luna.

“I don’t know…“ Luna said a little disappointed.

“Pretty please?” Fluttershy asked, her voice soft. She wanted to see the princess feeling warm, anything for a friend in need.

Luna smiled. It was so cute that she couldn’t deny it, maybe she would like it. “Okay, I’ll try them.” Luna began to put on the yellow socks with little butterflies stitched into them, It was a bit hard to put them on, but she managed it, one by one. “Did you make them yourself?” Luna asked as she was putting on the last sock, she was already feeling warm, the fabric was too good, she sure knows how to sew socks, if she sold them she would buy some.

“Yes. My friend Rarity taught me how to make them.” Fluttershy smiled warmly. “But I just make socks, nothing more. I like to knit when I’m bored.” Fluttershy chuckled. “So… you like them?”

Luna was feeling the warmth on her hooves. The socks were indeed made of good material, and felt comfortable and warm. “I… I love them!” Luna exclaimed happily. “They are so soft and cute, warm and comfortable… You should sell these!” Luna stopped. “Um… too loud?” She only saw a shy Fluttershy hiding her face behind her mane, but she could clearly see her shy smile and the red tint on her cheeks. ”Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed.” Luna apologized.

“Um… It’s nothing. Thank you for being so sincere.” Fluttershy smiled at Luna, she never heard anything like that, she felt happy, she liked her socks, she was feeling happy that the Princess was enjoying her favorite socks, and she was cute with them, it matched with her coat and mane, even the socks being yellow, it just matched.

“That’s what friends are for, isn’t it? Luna replied, blushing.

“Yes.” Fluttershy replied as she chuckled.

Luna yawned and so did Fluttershy. The two mares laughed at each other, trying to stay quiet enough to not wake the animals, they were tired, it was too late, but the two couldn’t care less.

“You’re tired.” Luna said, smiling at Fluttershy.

“So are you.” Fluttershy replied, grinning.

Luna took a look at the clock again. “Oh my, it’s very late… I have to return to the castle! Can I come back tomorrow?” Luna started to get worried, but then she looked at Fluttershy again. “I really enjoyed spending time with you. I didn’t know having a friend could be so… nice.” Luna smiled happily at Fluttershy. She really loved the experience of having a new friend, it was like she was getting herself in a new adventure, it was just perfect for her.

“I enjoyed learning about you, and it’s fine, you can come here anytime you want.” Fluttershy replied with a warm smile. She would love to see Luna again, the moment could last forever, but she had to go now, and she would miss her.

“Thank you, Fluttershy. For everything.” Luna hugged her again. “I’ll miss you, shall I see you tomorrow?” she said it with hope of seeing her friend again.

“I'll see you tomorrow” she smiled warmly to Luna.

“You’re welcome…” Fluttershy said as she watched Luna fly off towards Canterlot. She sighed, a smile forming on her face. “…Friend.”

Luna entered her sister’s chambers, and rushed to her, and gave her a tight hug.

“What happened, dear sister?” Celestia asked when Luna returned, she stayed out for hours, but she looked so happy, she had never seen her sister that happy.

“I made a friend…” Luna smiled and hugged her sister’s shoulder.

She was laughing softly. “That’s cute.”

“What?” Luna asked, annoyed ”What’s so funny? Ugh” she groaned softly.

Celestia pointed her hoof to one of Luna’s socks. Remembered when she was a little filly, she looked so cute with socks that she wanted to bite her softly.

Luna blushed instantly. “It’s… I forgot to give them back to her.” Luna put her two front hooves to her face, trying to hide her blush.“Tomorrow I will return the socks to her, I promise.” Luna smiled, she would never steal anything from Fluttershy.

“I know. You never break a promise.” Celestia smiled and hugged Luna. “You look cute with those socks on, by the way.” Celestia chuckled. “…too cute if you ask me.” She finished

“Celly!” Luna laughed and threw a pillow at her sister’s face.