The White Shadow

by TexasBrony6

Chapter 3- Recruits

The White Shadow-Chapter 3

   Recruits, they needed recruits if they were going to set this plan in motion. Shadow Flare was in charge of finding this fresh meat for the order.  Peltov was taking up small contracts in the city, Fiora was in charge of finding a suitable hq in the city and Jevi was in charge of weapons and boy did they need them.
    Peltov was a tall stocky stallion that was about the size of the average royal guard, he didnt much care for stealth, but he was the kind of pony youd want to have next to you in a fight. He was a deep crimson color and his mane was long and silver. His cutie mark was an axe, simple an to the point
   Fiora was a smaller pony, a sweet mare whos beautiful face hid the mind of an experienced killer. She was a pale blue color and had a short, black umptkept mane. Her cutiemark was a rose. A beutiful flower covered in thorns.
   Jevi was a lanky stallion who alyways slinked around like he had someone to kill, which he ussualy did. His level of stealth was almost parallel to Shadow Flares. He was a dark hue of purple and had a long black mane. His cutie mark was a ghostly figure.
    Shadow flare slung his saddlebags over his robes and headed off towards the bustling city of canterlot. The sky was turning a deep orange as the sun settled over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the towering city. He was supposed to look for outcasts, anyone who were targets of the templars. His first thoughts were of the griffon populace, but they had left almost as soon as the templars rose to power. "This is going to be a long night" he muttered to himself. He was nearing the city edge now and was strolling through the poorer outskirts when a cry sounded around a back alley. Shadow Flare immedietley turned around and galloped off into the direction of the sound. He came to the opening of a dark alley that stretched back to a dead end. An unmoving figure lay at the end of the alleyway. Shadow Flare wrapped the shaddows from either side of him around himself and slowly aproched. It was a mare, in her twenties by the looks of it, two puncture wounds in her neck..but not a single drop of blood to be found. A sound from behind startled him. He whipped around to come face to face with two..pegasai wouldnt quite describe them, they had wings but they were more like bat wings than pegasus wings. Both were dark grey and had peircing red irises that seemed to glow in the dark. It hit him. "Vamponies?!?!" he wondered aloud "but i thought they were extinct!" 
  A scraping gravelly voice came from one of the figures, "Oh were very much alive, the same wont be able to be said for you...". With that they lunged at him. Shadow extended his hidden blades and plunged them into  their necks. Both of the vamponies looked down and smiled at him and started hissing with luaghter.
 "An assassin!! Shouldnt YOU be extinct?! Hahaha!"
   Shadow immediatley retreated and stood at the ready for another attack. The holes in the vamponies necks sealed up and made a sickening 'shlick!' as they closed. A thought struck Shadow. "How can you even see me??" he exclaimed. Both of the vamponies exchanged confused glances. 
   "Why wouldnt we be able to see you? Your radiating heat!" 
   No way, no fucking way Shadow flare thought to himself. No way they have infared vison. His thought were cuaght by the sound of one of the vamponies heads being torn off.
  "Aarg! What the fu-" the other one suffered a similar fate. Shadow Flare searched for the culprit and finally his gaze rested on a figure crouched on the rooftops. It was another vampony, but a mare. And something wasnt right.
  "Hey!" Shadow called up. The pony turned tail and started to run. Shadow leaped onto the roof and gave chase. "Hey wait a minuite!!" he yelled. He leaped onto another roof and glided to a higher one. He was directly above the vampony, and then she was gone. Shadow stopped moving and looked around just as the gray mass slammed into him. The vampomy was on top of him in an instant. 
    "Who are you!?!" she nearly screamed into shadows face.
    "I would ask the same of you!" Shadow retorted.
    "Fair enough" she said as she sat up. 
Valkien was a vampony mare who had been born into the cult of Sxric and was shunned becuase of her blue eyes, a bad omen in the vampony society. She was eventually banished from the cult at age 5 and lived on the streets of canterlot, drinking blood from small animals. She grew to hate vamponies and started hunting them down, which was what she was doing tonight.
  "-and thats how we got to this point" she said in her velvet voice. 
   "And now your turn" she added
  "Best get comfortable" said shadow, "your going to be here for a while" 
"And thats our story" Shadow finished.
"Thats amazing" Valkien said with awestruck eyes. "So the assassins are protectors of freedom?" 
   Shadow nodded,"In fact I was hoping youd be interested in becoming one."
    "YES!!" shouted Valkein.
   "We need to work on stealth it seems" said Shadow.
   "Oh sorry" whispered Valkein
   "Its fine" chuckled Shadow "after all your my apprentice now."